Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #275 on: 08/07/2011 at 14:16 »
an evening for learning last night.  Firstly a casting lesson with Mr Dixon and then met a certain Goolager for a lesson in trout fishing.  Not a huge amount of fish on the go but that was never going to stop our Iain. 

I watched and learned and had a go at claiming Noel's crown as forum photographer, as you can see below I'm well on my way.....  with a nice photo of Iain landing a fish


Matt  :z18

Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #276 on: 08/07/2011 at 19:58 »
Matt you seem a bit confused. I can understand the casting lesson from Ben. A fishing lesson from Iain ???
As for your PM's asking me for a photography lesson......join that long queue buddy.

Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #277 on: 08/07/2011 at 20:35 »
No, that's not a thong I'm wearing it's my wading staff :shock

Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #278 on: 09/07/2011 at 00:25 »
A fishing lesson from Iain ???

And a very good one it was too!  Obviously worked as I went out tonight and caught and landed my first river brownie on a dry fly.  Very pleased with myself.  Cracking fish about the size of three fish fingers.  :z15

Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #279 on: 09/07/2011 at 00:52 »
Nice job Matt,

Hope you got a few pics, regardless of size it is something worth taking a pic of.

There were a few on the go tonight, I was out casting the 18'er and deliberately did not take a fishing rod down.  There were a lot of fish moving and a lot of fly about.

Iain, that thong looks more like a strap on



Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #280 on: 09/07/2011 at 07:51 »
Well done Matt  :z16

You were unlucky with some larger fish too  :z6


Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #281 on: 09/07/2011 at 21:02 »
Hope you got a few pics, regardless of size it is something worth taking a pic of.

I was wading at the time and didn't want to get the camera out in case it went for a swim. 

Iain, that thong looks more like a strap on

He didn't get it out so I cannot verify it was his wading staff... :wink

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #282 on: 11/07/2011 at 01:28 »
Quote from: Ben_D link=topic=3422.msg31185#msg31185 date=1310169146
Iain, that thong looks more like a strap on

the beauty of the forum, an experts opinion :z4 :z4 :z4


Euan Innes

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #283 on: 11/07/2011 at 16:26 »
I know I've not been on here for a while but I was sure that Ann Summers never did wading staffs. Oh how things have changed..... :z7


Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #284 on: 11/07/2011 at 18:17 »
Has anybody else noticed that many of Ben's post have a common theme in them?

Ben Dixon

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #285 on: 17/07/2011 at 22:14 »
Salmon seen running today in lower river


Peter Rawlinson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #286 on: 18/07/2011 at 02:18 »
How far up have they been spotted Ben ?

Still waiting for anything silvery at Kemnay - Need more rain and a good lift in the water . Fed up of catching only small brownies .



Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #287 on: 17/08/2011 at 12:46 »
Hi All,

Has the recent (very big) water resulted in an increase in catches? Given the water peaked at what looked like over 6ft at Alford, I would have thought/hoped so!


Peter Rawlinson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #288 on: 18/09/2011 at 22:01 »
Looking good for tomorrow for the Don at Kemnay .  Some big fish have been showing but mostly coloured , and I mean big - for the Don anyway .

After todays lift it should settle to a nice height , and it is running clear .

Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #289 on: 30/09/2011 at 16:33 »
Right gentlemen last chance for another year of getting that monster don brownie. So the wife/kids/garden/bottle of Buckie/crack pipe can wait get yerselves doon the river. It's a perfect evening for it. :z16 :z15 :z15 :z2

Matt Henderson

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #290 on: 30/09/2011 at 19:35 »
Fished the middle river today. Typically it was a day out organised well in advance so not ideal for salmonoiding. The old grey grumpy man from work managed to get two hen fish out of one pool early on before it got too warm though. Here's hoping for some rain to lift the river levels!


Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #291 on: 03/10/2011 at 09:00 »
Hi All,

Fished the Upper Don last week - the 4 of us had 6 salmon between 4 and 12lbs - not bad considering the tropical temperatures! All fish caught before Wednesday, with only a few tentative offers after that. Very small flies (down to 14s) were seemingly all that would work. And of course the Sunray, but even that was not as profitable as normal.

We had high hopes for Stuarday with the much improved conditions, but not even a take. That's Salmon fishing for you!!

Be back again next year as ever...


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #292 on: 03/10/2011 at 19:35 »
Nice one Oscar.

Pity about the tail end of the week.



Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #293 on: 04/10/2011 at 22:23 »
Anyone have any decent Don trout action on last day of season ?

I only managed a couple of hours in late morning/early afternoon (mid ADAA beat). Conditions not great, with very bright sunshine and strong down stream wind. Stuck with dry fly as fish were rising sporadically. Olive paraduns ingnored, JT Olive slashed at but no takes except bandies and had one quite decent fish on briefly (then off !) on Olive DHE before I had to split for work. Quite a lot of fish 'porpoising' at the flies but not strikeable. Probably all I could have expected and rueing I couldn't get out at night with the DHE as there must have been some action ?

Have had a good season on the Don in my first year 'back' after quite a long break from fishing, with best fish a 3 plus lb brownie and several decent sea trout not to mention loads in the  1/2 to 2 lb size range. Most on the dry fly so now a convert (never been much of a dry fly guy before). All fish caught on my own flies so it doesn't really get better, other than thinking about those that got away (inc. 4 lb plus Sea Trout) !

Looking at my diary "Fly of the Season 2011" for me CDC and Elk size 16/14 (June to August) - I like to fish 'late on' ! Wyatt DHE size 14/16 made a late dash at the end (Aug/Sept) taking a lot of fish and will feature from early season next year. Other notable mentions Snipe and Purple size 16 (April), Waterhen Bloa size 14 April and May) and JT Olive (April/May) and Olive Paradun (August)

Looking forward to trout season already !


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #294 on: 07/10/2011 at 17:21 »
After much 'will I, won't I'  due to the cold (weather & manflu) I decided to throw in a couple of hours this afternoon.

Arriving at the river after a much hurried gathering of Salmon kit I realised that I'd forgotten my strong leader, shooting head tips, box of salmon doubles,  camera, etc. etc.
The head on the reel had a fast sinking tip on which would suit the faster/ deeper runs in this cold weather but river levels being quite low meant that some of the slower/shallower runs would be out of the question.

Lady luck was on my side as half a dozen casts in I was into a fish.  :z16

A little coloured but gave a good account of herself

Phone camera I'm afraid  :z6

Safely returned

Another half dozen casts seen me at the tail of the pool and the tip density had the fly well and truly stuck on the bottom -  :cry fly gone!

Coughed my way down to the next pool where a dozen casts in saw the second beautifully tied cascade left on a snag on the river bed.

Annoyed with my basic errors in not checking my gear but satisfied that Veni Vidi Vici  I headed for home.


Noel Kelly

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #295 on: 08/10/2011 at 22:23 »
That's a big fish Iain :z16 What weight would you say?

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #296 on: 08/10/2011 at 22:57 »
Manflu ..... not good :z10
Fish ..... nice fish :z16

Phone camera ...... better than no camera :wink


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #297 on: 13/10/2011 at 19:40 »
Big dilemma, doctors at midday In Inverurie followed by;
A)drive over the other side of Aberdeen and back to work feeling like poop
B)throw a paintbrush fly at some kippers.

paintbrush it is then.....
 Water is obviously still low and there were a few fish showing (at least 6) Mostly hens but one very large cock fish around 20 odd pounds.
I tried my damnedest to trick one but apart from one decent yank they weren't in the mood.

I eventually did fool one around the 4lb Mark on a size 13 cascade which although the smallest on display saved an enjoyable but frustrating session. No picture I'm afraid the cellular was left in the car in case the office called  :z6

We really need a bit of rain, freshen everything up.


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #298 on: 27/10/2011 at 22:16 »
Been out a few times since last Friday.

Covered a good few fish on Friday with only two pulls - the
n finally hooked & dropped a fish after a brief fight at going home time.  :mad

Monday seen me fish for an hour or two without a touch but it was uncomfortable casting from the left bank with an upstream wind coming at me from 45 degrees. Went to Haddo instead.

Tuesday seen the weather deteriorate and I did give it a fair go due to the fact that fish were showing but the wind made things difficult at best and down right dangerous at times.   :z6  no fish to show for the effort.

Today I dropped Jnr off at the nursery (no, not a euphamism) and drove down to the middle Don, was surprised to see that the river was in great nick, up but not too high and a great colour too. As I only had 2 1/4 hrs max I decided to fish a bit of water that although looks perfect for the fly hasn't been very productive for me in the past - it was close to the car park.
Long story short I dropped 2 smaller fish around the 4 - 5 lb mark within a dozen paces of each other  :mad and was wondered if it just wasn't going to be. Another half dozen paces finaly saw a fish stick and he gave a fair account of himself.  Phew!

Touched one more fish so all in all it was great to be back out & I'll bet there were a fair few fish taken today.


Iain Goolager

Re: River Don 2011
« Reply #299 on: 27/10/2011 at 22:23 »



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