Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Allan Liddle

Kinermony Killer Intruder
« on: 06/12/2013 at 00:29 »
Ok following on from yesterday and my efforts with Jock Royan's excellent Kinermony Killer Flamethrower, i thought i'd try my hand at adapting this fly into an Intruder style pattern, but not wanting to do things the easy way i decided to try it out what's called 'old style' where hook is attached directly to leader via small loop with in turn is attached to shank via small hook tube.  You need to tie in a small leader loop at rear of shank so you can thread leader through to prevent twisting, before threading throgh the fly istelf and then the shank eye. 
If i'm honest i could have tied this the now more accepted way, but waiting on the required wire to come and though 'What the hell, bet i could get this to work.'

Anyway here it is, Kinermony Killer Intruder....

Nylon loop rear of 'modified' shank

How hook is attached to shank, obviously yo need to dress the fly first  :z4

Finished Fly

Fly in a box

Iain Goolager

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #1 on: 06/12/2013 at 20:55 »
Sorry Ed
I'm not singling you out for special greetings but this, along with the other tying on the doubles are very smart.


Ian, or is it Iain ( you decide  :z7)

Hamish Young

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #2 on: 07/12/2013 at 10:03 »
For me the blue guinea fowl (I assume that's what it is :?) doesn't work on the front of that fly, sorry Allan  :z10
Mind you... did you run out of materials big enough for that sort of fly :? :! Not your normal cup of tea :wink
The 'intruder' variant is an interesting idea though :z16

H :cool:

Ben Dixon

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #3 on: 07/12/2013 at 12:14 »
Not bad for a trout fisher Allan  :z7

Very tidy fly but I'd agree re the Guinea Fowl, A turn of webby Schlappen would finish that off nicely, if you wanted the black effect from the GF, stick a turn of one side stripped black underneath the turn of blue.



Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #4 on: 07/12/2013 at 13:23 »
Cheers guys, to be fair the guinea fowl sub was a last minute change from the original kingfisher blue webby cock (that dosen't sound right  :z4)  First attempt at that style of fly, won't make that mistake again.

Don't worry i'll be back to troot flees very soon  :wink  And leave those solver tourists to the 'Chuck and Chance' brigade  :z4 :z4

Seriously enjoyed the change and the challenge, good to push your boundaries and really appreciate all comments, you can't move forward without them  :z16

Iain Goolager

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #5 on: 07/12/2013 at 13:52 »

I liked it  :z8


Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #6 on: 07/12/2013 at 17:21 »
Thanks Iain, can see what Hamish and Ben mean though, next time maybe a head finished in kingfisher marabou?

Marc Fauvet

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #7 on: 07/12/2013 at 18:48 »
don't let their lack of taste discourage you...  :z4
 it's a lovely tie ! :z16

Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #8 on: 07/12/2013 at 19:23 »
Ha ha thanks Marc, no offence taken, all comments gratefully recieved, big H has the hump on just now, coffee supplies to North Kessock must be low, although if you think he's bad just now wait 'till those sleepless nights set in!  :z4

As for Mr D he's still huffin from the Rugby League final result last weekend.  :shock :z4 :z4

Eddie Sinclair

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #9 on: 07/12/2013 at 19:50 »
very well tied but I am with Ben on this one Schlappen would work better. Just a personal preference.


Iain (goolager) apologies about the spelling mistake.

Late nights in Baku and copious amount's of red wine involved, please refrain from the baby Cham Kincorth retorts. :z7 


Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #10 on: 08/12/2013 at 19:49 »
I love that fly sir.
Its got a vintage look that we don't often see apart from the guinea fowl which was often tied in its natural colour at the throat.
I rather like the blue to be honest.

All the best


Jim Eddie

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #11 on: 08/12/2013 at 19:55 »
Aye I like Blue on the nose of a fly  :z4 :z4 :z4



Graeme Inglis

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #12 on: 08/12/2013 at 22:02 »
I like it, but the proof of the pudding is, it doesn't matter a damn what we think about it, it's what the salmon think about it, do you think the salmon know the difference between guinea fowl and kingfisher or any other blue feather?
We have some experience of what the fish like but we have no proof of what they like .  At the risk of being controversial what we put on the end of the line is fashion or here say.  Go back 50 years or so and we were fishing monster flies compared to what we are fishing now and they were exquisite works of art compared with the flies of today.  How many times have you heard that 'a Silver Stoat(etc.) is the fly to use on this river'  Mainly because most people hear this and put a perfectly good Silver Stoat on.
Trout fishing is different, they have feeding patterns and if you follow them you will catch more fish but as ever the mystery of the salmon remains largely unsolved.  IMHO.


Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #13 on: 08/12/2013 at 22:03 »
Aye I like Blue on the nose of a fly  :z4 :z4 :z4



No doubt  :z4  I'll have to tie an East Coast Green one now to make up for it and call it the TB after our new manager  :z14

Thanks Chris, i think i might have got away with it better (now i've been back and looked at the actual fly again) if i hadn't been so heavy on the blue and used a feather with longer fibres.  But that's for another day, back to troot flees tomorrow, i've a heap of SBS to complete for FF&FT  :shock

Cheers Graham, yup proof in pudding is indeed by using it.  As it was tied as an experiment and it being my first attempt there's no doubt i'll get better on the finish.  i'll be interested to see how trout react, and i know just the place to try it late spring  :wink

Graeme Inglis

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #14 on: 08/12/2013 at 22:47 »
Woops!  Its a trout fly!   :X1
Sorry mate I thought the way it was tied it was ...well you know, I'll wonder off into a quiet corner now...   :X2


Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #15 on: 09/12/2013 at 09:59 »
Ha ha no it's not Graham, i'm keen to try it on troots, but actually you're right first time, Kinermony Killer most certainly a salmon fly sorry for confusion, my mistake  :oops

Ben Dixon

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #16 on: 09/12/2013 at 11:05 »
I hope you didn't think I was rubbishing the tying Alan.  Nice tie but mobility and look could be improved with a softer material at the front.  If you are going to get into the whole salmon thing and start tying with soft stuff rather than more traditional hair then get yourself some of the Eumer Finn Racoon body hair.  It's about the best sub for Templedog you will get, plenty of fine non-snotty underfur with just the right amount of guard hairs that are stiff enough to provide support but not so stiff that you really know they are there.  Only better hair I've seen recently would come from a Maine Coon or Alaskan Malamute but even Steve Cooper does not hold either in stock so chances of obtaining are slim  :z4
Mini Marabou or baby Ostrich is nice for soft hackle at the front of modern salmon dressings but very expensive.

On the trout thing, some of my better trout each season come to a Gold Cascade or Conns Sunray Shadow, these don't count as they were not the target species but tying up something similar and using it as a "trout fly" would be interesting.  Never quite got around to it and I'm sure you'd get the whole "poaching" thing levelled at you too in many places.



Hamish Young

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #17 on: 09/12/2013 at 11:20 »
Never quite got around to it and I'm sure you'd get the whole "poaching" thing levelled at you too in many places.

I have done so because the very same fly has been quite successful with Trout :! The 'trout' version worked the single time I tried it out and honestly anyone who says it's not 'on' can f*ck off, fly fishing is an all-encompassing term. I like streamer fishing  :cool:
Give the fish what they want, not necessarily what you want to catch them on.  The thinking angler and fly tyer who is prepared to experiment and think out of the box (or more plausibly think differently to everyone else's fly box) is the future. I digress........ was that a rant :? :shock

Eumer Finn Racoon body hair is indeed interesting stuff which Ben put me onto at the end of last year. I still need to get my head around using it, fiddly fluffy shit.
I like the baby ostrich plumes and bought a couple of pacsk for some flies I tied for a family friend, I baulked at the price then and it's as bad now.
Hareline were offering them as 'Spey Plumes' I think  ??? and the kingfisher blue plumes were just lovely, would work nicely on something like a templedog version of the Kinermony Killer.

My tying vices will be coming out shortly, I have many many flies to tie before next year  :X1

H :cool:

Allan Liddle

Re: Kinermony Killer Intruder
« Reply #18 on: 09/12/2013 at 22:41 »
Not at all Ben, really do appreciate all the comments and feedback.  On reflection it seems a wee bit overkill and the 'taper' is a wee bit too steep, but first attempt and you don't learn if you don't push the envelope.

On you final point, i've been accused of poaching for years  :z4 :z4 :z4

Hamish time to lay off the caffine  :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4

Just noticed we're into two pages, i'll have to post more pics of fecked up salmon flees with dodgy heids  :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4


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