
BFCC Alnwick
« on: 04/08/2013 at 11:22 »
It's now a week to go until the Alnwick BFCC event. If you're attending can you please post on here, or if you're the shy and retiring type send confirmation in the form of a p.m.  :z7

This will assist no end in the smooth running of the day, and be especially helpful for the ladies in the clubhouse dealing with the sandwiches etc. I don't like setting deadlines, but I have my final meeting with the Rugby club this Tuesday, and it would be great if I could give them an idea of numbers at the meeting  :wink

Mike Barrio

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #1 on: 04/08/2013 at 12:39 »
Hi Peter,

I'll see you there :z16

Best wishes

PS: more info here folks and on the BFCC website


Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #2 on: 04/08/2013 at 12:53 »
Brilliant Mike :) And thanks for posting the info links  :cool:

Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #3 on: 05/08/2013 at 00:21 »
Maybe should have posted here Peter

Dan Bruce
Kevin Muir
Ben Dixon

See you Sunday, looking forward to it.




Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #4 on: 05/08/2013 at 10:30 »
Everything's cool Ben :wink Dan let me know earlier in the week. Thanks for making the journey and supporting the event  :z12

Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #5 on: 07/08/2013 at 18:38 »
Thanks for arranging the event Peter.
The previous "north" event in Oswestry was a bit of a joke, bit like having a "Spanish" event in Portugal.  To me, the midlands starts about Darlo and the south begins somewhere around Doncaster, Oswestry is almost in France.

I'd like to see another Scottish event, be good to get a meet set up in Aberdeenshire, can maybe get a chat over it on Sunday.  Do you fancy adding a 55g salmon overhead if I bring the kit?

Current forecast is wet & windy  :z6




Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #6 on: 07/08/2013 at 19:16 »
I've dealt with 'central' locations in National level surfcasting for decades Ben, central being Peterborough and Huntingdon. I'm used to putting the miles in, and at least the BFCC move around, which is a huge thumbs up from me  :z18 I completely get where you're coming from though, and a more even balance between the far north, bits in the middle, and far south is definitely needed. I work on the principle 'build it and they will come', let's see whether that philosophy works on sunday?

Another Scottish meet would be great, the more events the better as far as I'm concerned. Every extra comp brings yet another group of like minded people together, and that's the only way to grow the sport.

If there's time, I'm up for adding any events you want. However, it's not really up to me, but rather Mike M and the rest of the people running the show. I think Mike Marshall already has a 55g outfit in hand anyway, but you would need to confirm that with him. As long as we retain the core International events, so there is a pathway to the ICSF, I don't have any issues with throwing anything else. Those International events being 5#, T27, T38 & T120.

I'm watching the forecast too, and it's changing by the hour. Either side of sunday is supposed to be ok, so everything could change depending on how quickly this front comes through? Windy is fine, wet is yak :( Bring a leather glove for your hauling hand, you might need it to hang onto the mono running line for the heavier events if it does rain.


Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #7 on: 07/08/2013 at 19:30 »
How many local or relatively local guys have you got Peter?  Wasn't sure Mike M was coming up to this meeting, I think the kit he is getting together could very well be the same as the stuff I have  :wink

Know what you mean re travel, from Aberdeenshire it is a pain to get anywhere (does have advantages).  Easier & faster to get overseas than to get down the country from here.  Putting in the miles for the Spey casting this year, not cheap!

Really looking forward to it, sure it'll be grand whatever the weather.  If we get a good blow for the head events so much the better IMO.

I've been looking for some of those dimpled rubber thimble things that were used to count money in PO's & banks before everything was weighed for hauling the thin stuff.  I can usually hang on to it but I end up with split fingers eventually.

How many potential local attendees are needed to get an event sanctioned, is there an official criteria for getting something together?




Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #8 on: 07/08/2013 at 21:49 »
There are 16 names down from the local area including myself Ben, whether they all turn up is anyones guess? How many arrive unannounced, based on having read about it in the local paper, or having seen a poster, is completely up in the air? I reckon we will have something between 20 and 30 people in total.

I used to rack up about 1200 miles a month doing the surfcasting comps, so it can get pretty expensive all this travelling around. Add on an ICSF event, and that's easily another £1000 - £1200. I could have been a millionaire if i didn't go casting! Ok, well maybe not that rich, but considerably better off lol.

A golf glove does the job well Ben, it's thin enough so you can feel the line, and usually gives a really good grip on wet mono. Failing that, cut the fingers out of a washing up glove, they should work well too. whatever you do, don't try it with condoms :D

Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #9 on: 07/08/2013 at 22:41 »

A golf glove does the job well Ben

Golf?  I'd sooner have the line slip than support glof mate, detest the game  :z4

Here's hoping for a good turnout.



Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #10 on: 12/08/2013 at 00:23 »

Thanks for organising, a most enjoyable day and you can count me in next time at the same venue.

Will get some video up tomorrow.

James (I know you're lurking, why don't you join), please ask Tracy to send over results!!



Mike Barrio

Re: BFCC Alnwick New
« Reply #11 on: 12/08/2013 at 00:27 »
Great weekend at the BFCC Alnwick event, great to meet up with friends from around the country and loads of fun! :z16

Thanks for organising this northern meet Peter, most enjoyable!

Here are a few photos :cool:

Kevin Muir

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #12 on: 12/08/2013 at 07:07 »
It was a great day at Alnwick, the wind was crap for most of the day which did not help the lighter line comps.

As usual, happy with some of my casting but not happy with others, nothing new there.

The best part of the day was having a chat with everyone at the event and getting the chance to have a play with the gear they were using.  It would not be possible to have a play with some of this type of kit anywhere else apart from the Glasgow meeting.

It was a great day out and it was good to catch up with some of the regular faces at the casting comps.  It woul;d have been good to have seen a few more new faces though.

There was some great casting on show and it is surprising how many tips you pick up from watching and also from the other folk at this type mof meeting, they share knowledge freely which helps everyone improve which is the great part of this type of meeting.

All in all a great day out and good crack on the drive down and back.


Iain Goolager

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #13 on: 12/08/2013 at 07:11 »
Nice one Kev.

It was very nice of you to loan Dan one of your T-Shirts  :z16



Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #14 on: 12/08/2013 at 09:11 »
It was very nice of you to loan Dan one of your T-Shirts

No Iain, it was my own, the idea being that it would take the attention away from my crap casting. :z4

I have to echo what the other guys are saying, it was a great day with some amazing casting taking place.
I would recommend anyone who wants to improve there casting to attend a BFCC meet. Yes the focus is on distance but you pick up so many tips that you can transfer into a fishing situation. Also where else can you spend a whole day with top casters who are more than happy to pass on any information that they have to help you improve.


Hamish Young

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #15 on: 12/08/2013 at 09:17 »
Looks good from first load of pics, hopefully more to come  :z16

Wish I could have been there but a slightly fiscally challenged month and the fact I had an Alfa Romeo apart yesterday looking for the knocking noise that may, or may not, be Saint Christopher trying to escape meant I could not be there.
Next time though  :cool:


Marc Fauvet

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #16 on: 12/08/2013 at 11:11 »
nice pics !  :z16


Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #17 on: 12/08/2013 at 11:57 »
Thanks for making the journey lads, I'll be booking the field for the 10th of August next year so we can do it all over again  :z12

Glasgow next woohoo  :z18

Allan Liddle

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #18 on: 12/08/2013 at 13:13 »
Looks like a cracking day out guys, long journey but worth it.  :z16

Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #19 on: 12/08/2013 at 14:32 »
A few pics

First and second longest casts in each discipline

Overall ranking shows combined finishing order for the day - pay special attention to #4, very well done Kev.  To finish above Mike H is a great result, he may be almost 76 YO now but he is still one of the best casters in the UK.  200+ in the T120 is a great result particularly after last year at Glasgow  :z4  No more help from me mate, you're now a serious competitive threat  :z7

Mike receives receives B100 1st place trophy

Hike H takes 1st in #7 distance

Peter Thain being awarded trophies for 1st place in everything else!!  Top job Peter  :cool:

Got a pile of video to sort through, will get something together in the next day or two.



Allan Liddle

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #20 on: 12/08/2013 at 17:29 »
Great stuff guys well done to all  :z16

Kevin Muir

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #21 on: 12/08/2013 at 19:57 »
Well I was knackered at work today, should have taken today off but no cover at work meant I had to work.  That will be sorted for next year though.  I felt like I had fallen asleep and someone had given me a good kicking, ribs, back arms, I need to get fitter, I can see the benefit of getting fitter for this casting lark now.  Great fun though.

Hopefully we can get a great turnout to the monthly casting group in Aberdeenshire over the winter and get a few more folk inspired to give it a go, I know Dan had a great day and learned a lot into the bargain.

No more help from me mate, you're now a serious competitive threat 
Aye some day perhaps, you and I know the truth.  Close but no cigar is the term I would use in my efforts to get near your level of casting.  I don't think it's about casting further than a mate or anyone else for that matter, it is about the competition you have with yourself.  We all know where we are in terms of ability / performance, in reality we are all trying to cast further than we know we have before.  It is all about spurring each other to do better, ANYONE to do better because that is what it is all about.  There is a bit of competitive spirit but it is low key and everyone at these events is pleased when someone puts in a good performance.

While my casting has improved with good tuition (from Ben) and a good amount of time spent going over the basics in the field, you just can't replicate the real world of someone with a timer and a marker checking the distance or accuracy, it's great fun.  I would like to do better and I know I still have a LOT of work to do on my casting, I am very pleased with the progress,  (never satisfied with the results though) :z4  You always feel you could do better or I do at least.  I know I should be better with a #5 and #7 rod, especially the #5 outfit.  I do find it so dammed hard to get that line to fly to 120 feet. I know that will take a good bit more work and possibly another lesson or two from Ben if is teaching schedule will allow. 

With good instruction and a lot of work in a field or section of fairly flat river eventually you start to see some progress.  Not where I want to be but I don't suppose I will ever be happy with my casting.  I can remember (so can a few of the other guys) me saying that anything over a #5 line rating was just crazy and I would neve be able to cast them.  Thanks for the casting lessons Ben, I know it is the good casting tuition from you going over the basics again and again with me that has made the difference. 

I now look forward to going to the park for an hour or two with the rod, any rod.  Short stuff and long stuff, it's all great fun.

So guys, put your name down for the winter casting meeting and we can all learn from each other over the winter.


Ben Dixon

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #22 on: 12/08/2013 at 21:10 »
Results are up here courtesy of James Evans & Tracy Thomas.



Mike Heritage

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #23 on: 13/08/2013 at 12:33 »
Hi Guy's
The results and write up  are up on . Nice pics Mike, would you mind if David Fisher lifted some for the web site? I would also like to thank all of you for helping out.

 See you all in Glasgow.


Mike Barrio

Re: BFCC Alnwick
« Reply #24 on: 13/08/2013 at 12:45 »
Hi Mike :z16

Thanks again for a great weekend. Of course, just tell David to copy the photos, or if he sends me an email I can send them to him :cool:

See you in Glasgow!



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