Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #25 on: 16/08/2011 at 11:30 »
Not long now and getting excited.  There's still room for any latecomers who fancy a trip in a true anglers paradise.


Jim Eddie

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #26 on: 16/08/2011 at 17:54 »
Not long now and getting excited.  There's still room for any latecomers who fancy a trip in a true anglers paradise.


I'd love to come Allan, however not enough Brownie points or holidays left at work  :oops



Mike M

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #27 on: 16/08/2011 at 19:54 »
Remember and leave a couple o troot in Harry for me for the following week will you Allan.

Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #28 on: 17/08/2011 at 10:09 »
Shame Jim, you could always throw a sickie at work and just let the missus think yer heading out for a newspaper  :z4

Mike i'll try my best and if you get any troots with Bibio Emergers or Hoppers in thier mooths you'll know what they were on the week before.  :wink

Jim Eddie

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #29 on: 17/08/2011 at 19:31 »
Shame Jim, you could always throw a sickie at work and just let the missus think yer heading out for a newspaper  :z4

Mike i'll try my best and if you get any troots with Bibio Emergers or Hoppers in thier mooths you'll know what they were on the week before.  :wink

She's already fallen for that one once Allan  :z4 :z4 :z4




Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #30 on: 19/08/2011 at 22:37 »
Well thats us off tomorrow morning 2 nights at the Slochd,11 nights in the Orkneys and 3 nights daunderin back home,serious test for me and the tube  :z4


Mike Barrio

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #31 on: 19/08/2011 at 23:31 »
Enjoy Bob :z16

Best wishes

Hamish Young

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #32 on: 20/08/2011 at 09:35 »
Hope the weather is kind to you all  :z16


Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #33 on: 22/08/2011 at 17:00 »
Well thats us off tomorrow morning 2 nights at the Slochd,11 nights in the Orkneys and 3 nights daunderin back home,serious test for me and the tube  :z4


Bit harsh on Broontroot Bob  :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4

Canne wait now, been tying flees and everything.  Probably won't be the ones i need though  :z4

Gordon Zola

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #34 on: 30/08/2011 at 22:36 »
Come on ya buggers, ya home now!
where's the report  :z15 :z18 :z8 :z4

Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #35 on: 02/09/2011 at 15:53 »
Brief Report: Part One

What can i say, in a word brilliant.  Great company, great crac and once again excellent fishing.
Thursday and with only the evening boat available it was up the road for a wee bash at a local Wick area loch (not Watten) with Henry taking top honours with a troot over the magical 2lb mark.  Graham just behind with another touching 2lb and poor me with only a pound troot to boast about (all three of us had loads of fish though and a crackin hatch meant we had plenty to aim at).  So far so good. Tesco Wick for the grub and beer, then the 7.00pm ferry from Gill Bay.
Hitting Orkney a quick look at a southern roadside water resulted in a quick grab for the rods, although not for the troots but the amazing amount of Mackeral that were thick in the ajoining bay.  So many infact they were jumping onto the shore thanks to the close attention of three big seals.  Plenty also liked the white rabbit.
Hit the digs (Birsay Outdoor Centre) and met up with Bob, Jenny (Bob's missus) Sandy and Scott for an evening (what was left of it) of liquid refreshments.

Friday and Harray the venue of choice which was proving a little harder.  I had a few on the dries but they were proving to be a little elusive so a quick change of location to a different part of the loch proved more successful, with Graham once again hitting a cracker.  Met up with old pal Steve Spence who was working in the Merkie bar and for once pit his hand in his pocket and bought a round.  Swanney for the eve rise which turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. a few troots to around 12oz but to be honest i was hoping for better.

Part Two to follow:

Noel Kelly

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #36 on: 02/09/2011 at 20:34 »
Sounds good Allan. A few pics of these big trout would be great. Lucky to meet the mackerel, something I have yet not managed on a fly rod.

Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #37 on: 03/09/2011 at 23:17 »
Sat and back to Swanney which proved to be difficult to say the least and only one wee fish for me.  Henry and Bob nailed better ones in a by now ominously increasing wind and heavy skies.
Switch of venue by mutual consent reaped rewards on Kirbister with some outstanding fishing and big numbers and stunningly beautiful troots.  This water has a poor rep locally which is a great shame as it is without doubt a quality loch, in fact anywhere else and it would be highly regarded, such is the quality on offer around it in these parts.

Sat eve and it was quiz night and no eve fishing considered (well to be honest we'd all caught plenty and by now the weather was becoming 'interesting'.

Sunday. Wild.  All the news coverage was of New York and hurricane Irene, pity they didn't think of sending a news crew to Northern Scotland which had both stronger winds as well as much more rainfall.  30 plus foot waves off Birsay were unbelievable and although a brave (or stoopid) attempt was made by yours truly for a mackeral in a couple of more sheltered bays standing up was a challenge, let alone casting a fly.  Lochs were getting a pounding and levels rising dramatically as well as bottoms being churned up. Immediate future sport looked grim, or so we thought.

Part three to follow.

Derek Roxborough

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #38 on: 04/09/2011 at 14:48 »
 Kirbister is a much maligned loch , a friend from Kirkwall has had salmon of 30lb from the loch, from a boat, he fishes it regularly when He cant get to the Bee loch on Sanday, hope you werent drinking too much Scapa? allan, easgach1

the water buoys

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th New
« Reply #39 on: 04/09/2011 at 17:55 »
Here is a few pics of the kind of troots we were catching.
Allan thanks for organising a great trip. :z18.

Jim Eddie

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #40 on: 04/09/2011 at 19:17 »
Some bonnie fish there Henry  :z16



Euan Innes

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #41 on: 04/09/2011 at 20:11 »
That thur is why I fish  :grin :grin :grin :grin :grin

Well done guys, sounds like a fantastic trip. More photos pleeeease  :z4


Noel Kelly

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #42 on: 04/09/2011 at 20:32 »
Nice pics Henry :z16

Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #43 on: 05/09/2011 at 21:29 »
Part Three:

After the mini storm all looked grim with the shallow marl waters in these parts having taken a pounding both from the wind and rapid increase in levels (Kirbister had risen by three feet).  So a wee exploritory trip to a wee (well now not so wee) stream was in order.  Sadly this too was running very dirty so the exploration was binned after just a few mins.  Harray next at the Brodgar end. Bad move very dirty and although managed a single fish it wasn't really fun. Remarked to Graham that we should've been at the other end given the prevailing wind it was likely it could be clearer up there.  Found out from Henry and Bob that was the case and they had been on rising fish all afternoon  :shock
After a look at Kirbister which was like oxtail soup we headed to a wee banker spot i know garunteed not to be coloured with us both landing two fish each one in the pound and a quarter range and one hitting about two.  Not bad and certainly would have taken this if offered first thing.
Back to the digs for the last hurrah.

Tues and all packed up and ready to roll early (ish) and Harray was the venue of choice (following Henry and Bob's success the day before).  Biggins proved success if a little slow to begin with, untill i headed out into the main body of the loch onto the now fully submerged skerries.  Fish had moved right onto them and were keen to hit the fly (Olive or Claret Hog and Silver Invicta) with a few over the pound in about a foot and half of water meant fights were mostly airborne and spectacular.  Brilliant and exactly what i'd hoped for, Orkney at it's best.  This is the picture that lives in the mind and drives you back time and again.

All too soon sadly it was ferry time and another Orkney adventure had come close to its end (well for Henry, Graham and me as Sandy, Scott, Bob and his missus staying for a wee bit longer.  me envy green?)
It was a sad feeling standing on the ferry upper deck watching the islands slip away once again after yet another memorable jaunt where we seemed to have it all fishing surprises, memorable sport, cracking fishing weather, big storms, unforgettable seas, old friends and above all great company and crac.  Aye it was a hard one to leave this year, but makes it all the sweeter the next time.

Pics will follow i promise as soon as i get them off the camera.

Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #44 on: 06/09/2011 at 11:44 »
Pics as promised

Swanney Evening

One on the Hog

Beautifully Marked

Orkney Gold

Stormy Seas

Lazy Harray

Killer Hog

Mike Barrio

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #45 on: 06/09/2011 at 12:03 »
Great stuff :z16

Thanks for posting the pics and the reports ....... awesome! :cool:

Best wishes

Jim Eddie

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #46 on: 06/09/2011 at 12:12 »
Brilliant Allan, love the pics  :z16



Allan Liddle

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #47 on: 06/09/2011 at 14:43 »
Thanks guys.  to be fair i took over 180 images so could easily fill a whole page with photies  :shock

Mike Barrio

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #48 on: 06/09/2011 at 15:06 »
We like photies! :z16

Noel Kelly

Re: Late Summer Caithness or Orkney Bash August 25th-29th
« Reply #49 on: 06/09/2011 at 18:27 »
Lovely photos those Allan :z16 I'm still in shock that Mr Spence bought a round, how times change :z4


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