Hamish Young


As you know, Ben and I have been regulars at the last few CLA Game Fairs. One of the casting competitions we enter (with varying levels of success, to be honest) is the Saltwater Distance. Sadly, I've never made the final, but I do enjoy taking part and can just about deal with the frustration of not being there to compete at the final shoot out :!

You can probably imagine that with just a very few 4 weeks to go I was 'somewhat annoyed' to hear that the Saltwater Distance competition may not be held this year, there has been no word of this on the CLA website nor any mention on any of the angling forums (until very recently) and certainly no mention in any of the magazines. Actually, I was bloody furious to hear it's most likely going to be pulled.

Yes, I do compete in that event but in my honest opinion if it goes from the list of events at the CLA it would be a great shame for single handed competitive fly casting in the UK. The Saltwater Distance is an almost unlimited class, a 'run what you brung' type event with nothing else like it in the UK that I know of. The CLA events are, to my mind, the show-piece of competitive fly casting in the UK with worldwide recognition; so to pull the premier single handed event seems very self-defeating. There are many UK casters who look forward to this event every year - myself obviously included - some of those casters put considerable time and effort into developing their outfits and practising every year.
So to hear at such short notice that the event may well not be held is a bitter body blow indeed.

All is not lost, I am having a constructive dialogue with the head of fishing at the CLA (Chris Ogborne) and if I can get a sufficiently large entry list together then the event might be saved. So here's the rub.... who wants to come down and give it a go :? :!
Know anyone who would :? Please ask them to get in touch with me :!

I have a week to submit my findings to Chris, I would like to say to him we have an entry list that is 20+ casters long... I currently have 11 names.
To save the event for the future I need your help.

Please do ask around, post this information elsewhere, do whatever you can to help keep the event alive.
You could just email Chris to protest, any help is appreciated.

H :cool:

Rob Brownfield

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #1 on: 24/06/2014 at 09:42 »
Is it purely down to numbers that it might be cancelled or is the comp a one horse race and folk are fed up with not being able to come top?

Perhaps having a level playing field would help...much like say a pole vaulter or javlin thrower who must use a standard pole or javalin that meets certain standards...so, everyone must use the same rod/blank. I know I would not enter as my saltwater gear, all be it a Helios, is no match for a 12 weight Method.

I have copied your post and sent it to the PFFA who may have a few people interested as Pike fly distance casting seems to be an up and coming event and not disimiler to your saltwater stuff.

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #2 on: 24/06/2014 at 10:17 »
Is it purely down to numbers that it might be cancelled or is the comp a one horse race and folk are fed up with not being able to come top?

Good question. Partly it's numbers, there were only 9 entrants last CLA although others who could/should have competed were there.
The reason the numbers are low is because the format and rules need work, it's based rather on one individuals perceptions of what the competition should be and isn't broadly representative of what it needs to be to work. In the cold light of day Chris has made (well almost made) a decision to pull the Open Saltwater Distance..... that is based on the low numbers participating and the £1,000 prize fund. One doesn't justify the other, but I am confident if the rules were more caster friendly then the chances are the event would see a much larger entry field. This year i would suggest that if the prize fund is dropped a trophy substituted things might change....

Perhaps having a level playing field would help...much like say a pole vaulter or javlin thrower who must use a standard pole or javalin that meets certain standards...so, everyone must use the same rod/blank. I know I would not enter as my saltwater gear, all be it a Helios, is no match for a 12 weight Method.

It's a fair point Rob and I can see the merits of a standardised outfit. But, to my mind, part of the attraction of the Open Saltwater event is the 'open' element, folk pushing the boundaries of what is possible with gear, thinking outside of the box and trying something new. That 'imagineering' deserves to be nurtured, sponsored and allowed to flourish. On the day the winner hasn't necessarily had the best gear but has been the best caster, there are so many variables :! I'll be competing with an Orvis Access, a mid-range rod,  but my reserve is distinctly more rooted in budget fishing and is very competitive  :wink

I have copied your post and sent it to the PFFA who may have a few people interested as Pike fly distance casting seems to be an up and coming event and not disimiler to your saltwater stuff.

Thank you Rob, all help is appreciated :!

H :cool:

Marc Fauvet

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #3 on: 24/06/2014 at 14:18 »
Monsieur H,
the amount of flack and criticism this particular event has had over the years, primarily because of its 'not very bright' rules can only be a very strong reason its on the cancel list. i of course empathise with all the disappointed participants but is this decision really a surprise ? me thinks not.

Rob Brownfield

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #4 on: 24/06/2014 at 14:53 »
Thanks for your reply Hamish.

Although i don't enter and never wood, it would be a shame if it did not go ahead.

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #5 on: 24/06/2014 at 18:08 »
Monsieur H,
the amount of flack and criticism this particular event has had over the years, primarily because of its 'not very bright' rules can only be a very strong reason its on the cancel list. i of course empathise with all the disappointed participants but is this decision really a surprise ? me thinks not.

It's a fair observation Marc but not one that necessarily reflects the full story. The concept of the competition is sound but how the event is run and some of the rules (which are frankly of a different age) cause the unique problems. That has led to the flak and criticism you mention - quite rightly too.

The event should be re-imagined not cut, it should be given the chance to be what it should be under a new helm and new rules in 2015.
This year should be the last year of the current rules giving many many months to get it sorted for the future.

We'll see :!

|H :cool:

Peter McCallum

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #6 on: 24/06/2014 at 18:26 »
Never seen the event but there are a few good casters going for it. As far as I can make out from conversations with Ben & H the rules are what may be putting casters off. I feel that it would be a pity if it were lost. At this moment in time we need as many reasons to go to game fairs as possible to keep the profile of fishing.

My tuppence worth :z16

Lasse Karlsson

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #7 on: 27/06/2014 at 21:57 »
Monsieur H,
the amount of flack and criticism this particular event has had over the years, primarily because of its 'not very bright' rules can only be a very strong reason its on the cancel list. i of course empathise with all the disappointed participants but is this decision really a surprise ? me thinks not.

Hi Marc

Honestly, the thing that has gotten flack is really the parts of the rules which don't make any sense ie. 12 foot singlehander, line isn't allowed to touch the deck and must remain on reel untill time starts and the basket to some extend. Go down to a 10 foot rod, allow the caster to get the line ready, and extend the time frame to 4 minutes. Keep the basket for the show, but leae out the rule that no part of the line must touch the deck.

The other part that has gotten flack is having obstacls behind in qualification, but as long as it's the same for everybody, it really doesn't matter, best caster will still come out on top.

The fixed gear competition has got the same conditions for qualification, so for those wanting to even the playing field with the gear, that one is open too (albeight, the prize is very much smaller, still have a 50 £ voucher for loomis somewhere here  :X1)

I'd be keen to go again if it wasn't such a chance, when I was there, one of the finalists used up all his time in sorting out a huge tangle from getting the line ready, rookie fishing mistake of putting the line backwards in to the basket, but shit happens in competition... I had a tangle on the reel leaving me no more line out, made for a lot of same length casts but too short for winning, did have a blast though listening to the comments afterwards, and that my lovely wife shouted to hit the fucker from the audience, there was a brief silence after that  :z4

Give me 4 minutes and a chance to sort the line before the clock runs and no 12 weight method will stand a snowballs chance in a warm place against my 8 weight Echo  :z13

I do hope it continues, crossing my fingers and hoping the best!


Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #8 on: 28/06/2014 at 11:19 »
I agree the time slot is too short and the line management rules just daft, this year I will be using (if it goes ahead) a 9' rod (not a Method) but I have previously used a 10' and if I had the chance I would still rather be using a 10' rod. Trouble is my 'retired' 10' rod struggles with the lines I prefer to use and going lighter has not gone well for me in all conditions.

I am still hopeful, will be chatting to Chris soon to see if enough has been done.

H :cool:

Euan Innes

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #9 on: 28/06/2014 at 23:21 »
Sounds as f##ked up as Formula 1 if you ask me.
What is wrong with ten minutes per angler, run what you brung?
I don't watch F1 any more so why would I spend money to see this? (which is what the organisers MUST be asking?

Bloody rules are killing sport  :mad

Lasse Karlsson

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #10 on: 29/06/2014 at 21:57 »
Sounds as f##ked up as Formula 1 if you ask me.
What is wrong with ten minutes per angler, run what you brung?
I don't watch F1 any more so why would I spend money to see this? (which is what the organisers MUST be asking?

Bloody rules are killing sport  :mad

I'd love the 10 minutes, run what you brung... Some Arnold type would show up and cast a 18 footer singlehanded with a bloody 120 gram shootinghead on  :z16

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #11 on: 29/06/2014 at 22:07 »
Funny.... how did you know what I've been working on Lasse  :? :!  :z7

I'd settle for 6 minutes with the current rules which I believe would be much fairer (to allow line husbandry).
That or remove the need for the stripping basket and give Saltwater competitors same amount of time as Spey.

Simples  :z13


Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #12 on: 30/06/2014 at 10:25 »
I spoke with Chris Ogborne this morning and made my final appeal for the Open Saltwater Distance event to be retained.

A decision will be reached at the site meeting on Wednesday and Chris has undertaken to call me back as soon as there is a firm aye/nay. I hope we will have an event but, I have to say, it seems that the prize fund of £1K is increasingly looking less likely. That doesn't phase me but I do appreciate the potential winnings are an attraction for more far flung competitors.... pardon the pun  :X1

With no cash prize my list of 16 names willing to enter will drop one or two; but I may pick up some more competitors at the event itself. Who knows :? :!
There has been interest, but not confirmed attendance, from another ten potential competitors.

It's now in the hands of the organising team at the CLA. All I can do now is wait and hope it's been enough.

H :cool:

Mike Barrio

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #13 on: 30/06/2014 at 12:20 »
Good effort Hamish :z16

Hamish Young

« Reply #14 on: 02/07/2014 at 16:23 »
Chris Ogborne has just been off the 'phone and I am delighted to announce - here first folks  :wink - that the Open Saltwater Distance competition has been saved and will go ahead this year :z16

My sincere thanks to all of you who assisted/offered support in making this happen.

This year there will be no cash prizes but, most probably, tackle prizes for 1-3rd places.

Get in.....  :z16

H :cool:

Mike Barrio

Re: SAVED!!!
« Reply #15 on: 02/07/2014 at 16:25 »
Chris Ogborne has just been off the 'phone and I am delighted to announce - here first folks  :wink - that the Open Saltwater Distance competition has been saved and will go ahead this year :z16

My sincere thanks to all of you who assisted/offered support in making this happen.

This year there will be no cash prizes but, most probably, tackle prizes for 1-3rd places.

Get in.....  :z16

H :cool:

Excellent news ..... Well done Hamish :z16

Marc Fauvet

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #16 on: 02/07/2014 at 18:19 »

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #17 on: 03/07/2014 at 10:44 »
Well, it's been a busy morning on the 'phones :!

An offer has been made by the organisers to help with the costs of those wanting to enter the Saltwater event. To take advantage please bung me an email to betanut@talk21.com with some urgency.....

H :cool:

Mike Barrio

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #18 on: 05/07/2014 at 20:54 »
For those that haven't tried this before ....... What exactly are the current rules Hamish? Or how are they different from the BFCC ST27 rules for example?

Best wishes

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #19 on: 06/07/2014 at 08:58 »
Good question.... seeing as we're still waiting for the rules to be posted these are the old rules which we will be working to.


1. The championship is open to all comers regardless of gender, amateur or professional. Competitors need not be resident in the UK.

2. First prize will be awarded to the competitor who is judged to have cast the greatest distance using an approved Cast.

3. There will be a prize awarded to the principal manufacturer who has designed and built the rod used by the winner.

4. Competitors may compete with any rod, reel and line provided they fall within the following specifications:
• The rod must be single-handed and no greater than 12ft in length.
• The reel must be of the normal revolving spool fly reel design
• The casting line, or casting head, in the case of weight forward profile lines, may be of any length but must not exceed an overall diameter of 2.5 mm at any point and must be of a density that classifies it as a floater, in the opinion of the judges. The line must float.
• The running line or backing may be made of any material strength or density, provided it satisfies the judges that it is of a type normally used in saltwater fly-fishing. Running line will not be deemed legal if it is considered obviously too weak to hold, for instance, a running bonefish.
• A Line Tray must be worn by each competitor, and at no time must the running line be allowed to touch the ground between either competitive or false casts.
• There must be a leader/cast of at least 6ft in length attached to the front end of the line and to this must be attached a brightly coloured wool or wool substitute tag, without weight, in place of a fly.

5. Each competitor will be given one minute warm up and practice time immediately followed by two minutes competition casting time. Approved casts will only be judged during the competition time and competitors must include at least one false cast between each competition cast. The distance will be judged as the landing point of the tag at the completion of each cast.

6. Should the same distance be cast by two or more of the top competitors during the Finals of the event, then these competitors will take part in a cast off until a clear winner can be found. Competitors must use the same rod, reel and line in the cast off as has been used in the earlier stage of the Final.

7. Failure to abide by any of the above rules and guidelines could result in the disqualification of a competitor.

The decision of the judges is final.

There are hassles with the restrictive elements of the CLA event, not enough time to fire off casts is one of them due to the amount of line husbandry needed to conform to some of the more quaint rules. You might, not unreasonably, argue that the rules are almost set up to make it impossible to compete :!
Where the BFCC ST27 has 27grams as the upper weight cast the CLA Open is unlimited in that respect, some folk have gone into the 40g + territory with weight.... and that's a lot to shift about on a single hander in two minutes. Trust me :!

Within the rules you might call the CLA Open Saltwater event a single handed 'unlimited' which has a nice ring to it.......  :wink

H :cool:

Mike Barrio

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #20 on: 06/07/2014 at 11:05 »
Would eliminating the requirement of a line tray, allowing the running line to be on the ground and extending the time to say 4 mins be enough to make the event feel more like the usual ST27 events Hamish? ............. and give folk the impression that it would be easier to take part?

Hamish Young

Re: Possible demise of some CLA casting events
« Reply #21 on: 06/07/2014 at 11:47 »
Very much down to personal preferences Mr B.....

For my tuppence worth I'd be happy enough retain the line tray if the amount of casting time is made realistic - say the same as the Spey competition.
Arguably the amount of time for line management is critical in both, but at least the Spey chaps can get their running line on the deck rather than the Saltwater where getting into whatever contraption you are using as line tray happens to be.

Whilst I like the idea of a making the event an internationally recognised ST27 type affair I equally like the idea of 'single handed unlimited' which the Saltwater event almost is. I will be basing most of my gear around ST27 this year.... as it happens.....

H :cool:

Mike Barrio

Hope you guys aren't getting a soaking Hamish :z3


Hamish Young

On occasion we did Mr B..... and I was bloody glad for it as the heat and humidity was draining at times :!

Not too sure how many pics Ben took as I took feck all - again  :z6

There will be more to say once thoughts are collated, but we got home in the wee small hours and in my defence I'm on just a few hours kip thanks to the wee fella who seems determined that now Dad is home now would be the best time to kick off :!
It was an enjoyable CLA and the Open Salt Water was a big success; a very big thank to all who made helped make it happen  :z13

Hamish Young

So I don't have any photos to share I'm afraid  :oops I was either too busy working on the Mackenzie Fly fishing stand, watching other events or entering qualifying for the Saltwater event to take any.
That was my three days at the 2014 CLA. Boy was it hot, I mean really feckin hot with a chilli on top kind of hot.

The important thing is that the two 'big' events (Saltwater and Spey) were well attended, the Saltwater had in excess of 40 entries over the day and a half of qualifying. The final was held on the Saturday afternoon (eventually  :roll) which was in keeping with how it's previously been run. Personally, I'd like to have seen it run on the Sunday before the Spey final..... giving almost another 12 hours of potential entrants to have a chuck, maybe another time.
Plenty of folk came to enter the Saltwater who I had not met before but who had rallied to the call. Although none of them qualified for the final - only the best 6 go through - I'm confident most will be back next year to have a crack at it again. There was great camaraderie amongst the competitors which was really nice to see.
I was delighted to qualify for the final, at the previous two events I have been within a gnats bollocks of qualifying but been knocked out at the last minute. Not this time.

Despite crushing heat, humidity, torrential rain (thank the Good Lord for the rain :!) crap wind conditions and .... well..... you get the idea.... I popped in a cast in the 36 metre territory which seeded me 4th. Now that's some 10 metres below where I've been casting at home, it was really brought home to me this time that the caster who is consistent in all conditions will be successful. Ben seeded 1st by casting better than I've seen him chuck before, almost as if there were no pressure at all. Utter git.

Come the final I have to say I was a smidgen nervous to begin with. Stepping up onto the 'big' platform (where the Spey event takes place) with a good sized audience and a thunder and lightening storm going on around you is an experience I can assure you.
Once I started casting some advice given to me by Scott Mackenzie kicked in and, despite everything going on around me, I did OK. I expected to have my arse handed to me and finish last but it wasn't to be and I threw some really good casts; enough to remain 4th at the end with some really top casters ahead of me. I believe I was only a few centimetres from making the top three but I was just happy, exhilarated in fact, to have been part of a final. The conditions were tricky though and, honestly, Ben was unlucky to come second. Luck of the draw and all that. Good caster though he is young Tommy had a major wind assist with his winning cast.

Results of all CLA events are here: http://www.gamefair.co.uk/visitor-info/results/fishing-results

I'll be doing the Spey event next year as well. Promises to be fun :z13 Hopefully Ben will post about his exploits over the weekend too.
Thinking of going next year when it's at Harewood House in Yorkshire :? You should.
We hope to have raised the profile of the Saltwater event and, perhaps more importantly, encouraged some Ladies events for next time. See you there.

H :cool:


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