Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Michael Buchan

Deveron - Skagit
« on: 21/03/2010 at 18:08 »
Hi guys,

Fished Scatterty on the Deveron Saturday.  Knew that the river was high and dirty before i started so came as no surprise that i blanked.  The main reason i went was to play with a new Skagit line i ordered from the states. I bought a 13ft 7# Scott LS2 a couple of years ago which i love for floating line summer grilse but wouldnt put a cooper tube or sinking line on as its a fairly soft rod.  With the Skagit line it was casting 3inch copper tubes no problem.  Really impressed perfect for fishing off the bank as very little D loop required and i felt it was much more enjoyable to fish than my normal sinking spey lines as no need to roll the line up to the surface. Will be my go to line for fishing in high or dirty water.  Just my thoughts anyway here are a couple of photos great day out despite blanking:-

The main high water pool at Scatterty

One of the highlights of the day deer feeding on the opposite bank

Bottom pool



Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #1 on: 21/03/2010 at 19:33 »
Hi Wind Knot

Interesting to hear of your positive experience with the Skagit set up. Which line /weight and tip were you using ?

I am looking at Skagit for early/late season use and am drawn to the Rio Skagit Flight which has a taper to it , no doubt will still be a bit clunky but I believe that presentation wise it is an improvement on Rio's original Skagit line.


Michael Buchan

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #2 on: 21/03/2010 at 20:29 »
Hi Alan,

It was the Rio Skagit flight head i was using the 550, i first bought the 450 as this was the weight which was recomended for my rod for the previous Rio Skagit line but it was to light.  Moving up to the 550 seemed to load the rod much better.  As for the tips i had an old multi tip windcutter so was using the fastest sinking tip from this.  I think i will buy some T17 or T14 and experiment a bit with different tips.

If you are thinking of either the 450 or 550 give me a shout and ill let you try them out might save you making the same mistake as me.

As for presentation the line entering the water is not as bad as i was expecting most of the disturbace was under the rod tip when casting but if casting a decent line i doubt this would make much difference to the fish.


Barry Robertson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #3 on: 21/03/2010 at 21:00 »
Some nice photos Michael, bet it was still fine to get out for a cast even if it was a blank  :z18

Iain Goolager

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #4 on: 21/03/2010 at 21:32 »
Nice day out there Michael,

Although only used it twice - I think - the 550 Sagit Flight is a useful tool in the armoury. Before I tried one I was under the impression that these were industrial type lines for chucking heavy flies on heavy tips with little concern for how the line lands but I was surprised just how gentle the whole thing can be. I guess its just like any other S/Head system, if it's allowed to turn over fully and land 'horizontallyish' then there should be minimal disturbance.
More than happy with it.

Hopefully you'll get a Salmon or two soon



Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #5 on: 23/03/2010 at 14:36 »

It is good to hear of your positive experiences with the 'flight' head, I think that I'll invest in a line for either my 13 ft or 15 ft rods and give it a whirl.

I've 2 Windcutter multi tips set ups so have plenty of tips at the ready.  I understand that the sink rate of T 14 is somewhat similar to the type 8 tip supplied by Rio but is not so good for turnover being as it is level line unlike the tip. There was a good thread on 'speypages' on tip sink rates recently. No doubt you guys have gleaned what you can from this source as it covers all things 'Skagit '!

With the rivers coming into ply hopefully we will get an opportunity to try for a 'springer'.



Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #6 on: 23/03/2010 at 14:57 »

As an afterthought, did you have grain windows for your rods which helped you decide which head to go for ?

I do not have this info for my rods so will have to make some kind of educated guess when selecting a head.


Matt Henderson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #7 on: 23/03/2010 at 15:19 »
if thats your fly in the picture with the rod, then its a belter of a colour!

I actually wish I'd understood what a skagit line was before I bought shootingheads.  It might fit my one line does all approack better (I now have four different heads..)

Iain Goolager

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #8 on: 23/03/2010 at 17:34 »
I actually wish I'd understood what a skagit line was before I bought shootingheads.  It might fit my one line does all approack better (I now have four different heads..)

Matt , I wouldn't class this as a one line fits all - the tips have sink rates that you might find unusable under more 'normal' river heights/ flows/ conditions. As I said it's great in the deeper sections (or faster flows) of river especially when it's cold and the shorter head is advantageous on overgrown banks such as that of the Don. Lighter flies don't need the oomph that this line can generate.

I'd still get one though :z16


Matt Henderson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #9 on: 23/03/2010 at 18:13 »
But do you have to use a sinking tip with them or are there floating tips? I'll have to wait until next year until I buy another new line I think!

Michael Buchan

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #10 on: 23/03/2010 at 20:24 »
The following links might give you an idea of grain weights if your rod is on the list otherwards like you say the guys on Spey pages should be able to sort you out

As for the fly got the new Metalhead dvd from the trout bum guys last week so attempted to tie up a steelhead fly considering the height and colour of the water probably had as much chance catching a steelhead as a samlon  :z4 great dvd by the way

Barry Robertson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #11 on: 23/03/2010 at 20:30 »
Nice wee fly michael  :wink
What were you trying to immitate  :wink

Iain Goolager

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #12 on: 23/03/2010 at 20:39 »
Hi Matt,
yeah you do get floating tips for them and I have no doubt that in the right hands they would be fine but here are my concerns (without having tried them);
I imagine that a very long floating tip would be required to give enough anchor weight / tension against which to form the D loop (also assuming that the fly we are using is of negligible weight). This would reduce the advantage of having a short amount of line to push into the D loop.

This lighter leader set up will travel away from your intended anchor point with the flow relatively unhindered which means altering the timing used on the traditional slow skagit cast (to what you might use with your existing heads).

Although I said that a correctly delivered cast will land with minimal fuss, everything is relative and I'd be happier with a more sympathetic set up in shallower water.

I used my skagit to fish right down under the Kintore bridge which consisted of a snapped backcast and immediate pick up / delivery all conducted in a close to 30 degree plane which was quite impressive for me but against the conventional casting timing, so at the end of the day it's just a shooting head and if the user has a range of casts available and the ability to alter the stroke/ timing then anything's possible. I doubt I'll be altering from my standard head system when the season progresses.

Good luck either way, if you want a cast give me a shout.


Iain Goolager

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #13 on: 23/03/2010 at 20:42 »
Ben will keep you right on head weights for your rods

Matt Henderson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #14 on: 24/03/2010 at 14:47 »

As for the fly got the new Metalhead dvd from the trout bum guys last week so attempted to tie up a steelhead fly considering the height and colour of the water probably had as much chance catching a steelhead as a samlon  :z4 great dvd by the way

any chance of a link to the DVD?

Michael Buchan

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #15 on: 24/03/2010 at 16:47 »
Heres a link to the Metalhead DVD its from the Trout bum guys this is their 4th DVD. Trout Bum Diaries 1 Patagonia. TBD 2 New Zealend, Fish bum 1 Mongolia and this one.  Out of the 4 i like mongolia best but IMO there all great.

Ben Dixon

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #16 on: 25/03/2010 at 00:38 »
But do you have to use a sinking tip with them or are there floating tips? I'll have to wait until next year until I buy another new line I think!

Hi Matt,

Not really a one for all set up, more a specific tool for specific situations.  The idea with a Skagit is to use it with sustained anchor casts such as a double Spey or snap T / circle cast.  Taking the circle cast as an example you would make the circle to place the line upstream of you with a conventional line or shooting head with a sink tip and then try to get the D loop formed and the cast away before the tip sinks.  With a Skagit, you make the circle to reposition the line then wait a second or two before picking up the line and forming the D, this is to let the sink tip sink a bit.  There is so much concentrated mass in a Skagit line that it is very easy to blow the anchor resulting in the fly coming out of the water behind you, they are really best suited to heavy sink tips and large flies and in situations where space behind you is limited.  They are not best suited to fishing small flies on floating or intermediate tips on calm pools and do not realy respond well to single Speys or snake rolls although they can be cast that way if you are really on top of your casting.

The Skagit flight is the most impressive bit of salmon kit I have seen in a long time, I really like it.  It won't deal with the really heavy shit quite as well as the original Skagit line will but it is more user freindly in most circumstances and it will chuck gear that other lines will struggle with without being too brutal.

I have a 550 & a 650 that you are welcome to borow if you would like to try it.



Matt Henderson

Re: Deveron - Skagit
« Reply #17 on: 25/03/2010 at 07:13 »
Hi Matt,

Not really a one for all set up, more a specific tool for specific situations.  The idea with a Skagit is to use it with sustained anchor casts such as a double Spey or snap T / circle cast.  Taking the circle cast as an example you would make the circle to place the line upstream of you with a conventional line or shooting head with a sink tip and then try to get the D loop formed and the cast away before the tip sinks.  With a Skagit, you make the circle to reposition the line then wait a second or two before picking up the line and forming the D, this is to let the sink tip sink a bit.  There is so much concentrated mass in a Skagit line that it is very easy to blow the anchor resulting in the fly coming out of the water behind you, they are really best suited to heavy sink tips and large flies and in situations where space behind you is limited.  They are not best suited to fishing small flies on floating or intermediate tips on calm pools and do not realy respond well to single Speys or snake rolls although they can be cast that way if you are really on top of your casting.

The Skagit flight is the most impressive bit of salmon kit I have seen in a long time, I really like it.  It won't deal with the really heavy shit quite as well as the original Skagit line will but it is more user freindly in most circumstances and it will chuck gear that other lines will struggle with without being too brutal.

I have a 550 & a 650 that you are welcome to borow if you would like to try it.



Thats another peice of the puzzle filled in Ben.  Once I've bought and built the new rod then I'll maybe have a try with one of your skagits...




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