Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Iain Cameron

stupid ways to lose flies...
« on: 15/04/2009 at 14:09 »
ok, so we all lose flies on fishing trips. it happens. It just seemed to happen a lot to me the other day... :z6

in one trip, i lost two flies up a tree, one snapped off in a fish (grr!), one just disappeared (suspect it fell off due to careless tying, duh!), one fell out of my hand and disappeared in the grass... and to cap it all, one dry fly was blown out of the box, onto the water, just exactly out of reach and proudly sailed off downwind (fortunately not taken by a trout!). at least i didn't get any stuck in hat/net/tube/dogs/passers-by...

make me feel better -- tell me i'm not the only idiot that can lose that many flies in an hour or so...


Jim Eddie

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #1 on: 15/04/2009 at 19:32 »

We have all had days like that  :z4



Iain Goolager

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #2 on: 15/04/2009 at 20:27 »

I've lost count of the flies I've lost - all in the following manner...............

When I'm tackling up I'll select three flies and either;
* keep them in my hand as I proceed to tie them on one at a time - by the time I come to tie on the last fly (and sometimes the second) I find my hand is empty! DOH!
* Place the second and third flies by a very distinct leaf or blade of grass on the ground - again after I tie the first or second fly on I can't recall which blade of grass or the leaf has blown away!
* Place the second and third flies on my bag or hooked slightly into some garment or other - you've guessed it when I go to tie it on its gone and I spend 5 min's looking for something small and green in a field of small and green.

I know there are fly patches around & I have one inside my chest pack but I have my stupid ways and I'm too lazy to open my chest pack flap as I know what I'm doing - I'm a professional :z6

Anyway I've solved the problem and field tested it last Monday - I bought two of those clip on Orvis magnetic single zingers and they are the biz.

sorry to bore you but I must have lost 40-50 flies over the last few years this way.


Rob Brownfield

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #3 on: 15/04/2009 at 22:52 »
I once put down an 8 inch Chatreause and orange Perch fly..and lost it!! It just idea where it went!!!

Also had one of those flip open dry fly boxes that I thought was great, until I lost around 10 dries when i flipped open the lid on a windy day whilst stood in the Don at Alford!

Worse still, I used to have a cammo wallet for when I was out on exercise/deployment...well..a cammo wallet is no good if you drop it!!! Lost cards and arounf £50 in cash!

Jim Doyle

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #4 on: 16/04/2009 at 09:55 »
Recently loaned a guy a reel and some flies.  He fellout of the boat ,lost the reel his rod and the flies!!! :z15 :z15 :z15

Rob Brownfield

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #5 on: 16/04/2009 at 10:24 »
At least it was not his life!!!

Iain Cameron

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #6 on: 16/04/2009 at 11:21 »
Recently loaned a guy a reel and some flies.  He fellout of the boat ,lost the reel his rod and the flies!!! :z15 :z15 :z15

oooops... that's quite spectacular... lost some dignity too!

I nearly caught a duck recently -- absent-mindedly watching it while casting... fortunately my casting isn't so accurate.... that might have been an interesting way to lose a fly or two. 

Almost covered a rising otter on the ADAA Parkhill Fishery the other night too.... saw something move, lifted off to cover it, brain slowly processed the image of a large black shiny beast, thought "that's a funny looking fish..." and managed to divert the forward cast just in time.

Rob - how on earth can you lose an 8" pike fly? that's good work!!


The Black Douglas

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #7 on: 16/04/2009 at 11:43 »
Possibly the most infuriating manner in which i have lost flies is when opening one of those 'compartment' style fly boxes, and watching the contents on an entire compartment get blown away on the sudden gust of wind that materialised as soon as i flicked the lid open.
Thats a fair bit of tying time i thought to myself as what seemed like an entire hatch of Griffiths Gnats floated away downstream
No rises to them either so i guess the trout were unimpressed
All my boxes these days are of the rippled or slotted foam type, lesson learned

Jim Doyle

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #8 on: 16/04/2009 at 22:06 »
Recently loaned a guy a reel and some flies.  He fellout of the boat ,lost the reel his rod and the flies!!! :z15 :z15 :z15
If he would have taken his life jacket off he could have dived down and retrieved them :z10 :z10 but you are quite right loss off tackle is a minor concern in cases like that. :z15 :z15

Barry Robertson

Re: stupid ways to lose flies...
« Reply #9 on: 17/04/2009 at 09:53 »
Still cant believe you took an OAP fishingh Mr Doyle and let him dive off the side of you boat with your new reel in his hand!
I would of made sure i got my reel back before allowing him back in the boat,  :z4
What a story, shame i was not there to see it first hand  :z4 and for the tho old chap to go right under must of been a scary sight  :shock


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