Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #25 on: 24/05/2009 at 22:52 »
Hi Jim :z16

Yes, it was a lovely day, which I very much enjoyed too! Great to see lots of the forum members there, thanks for coming ........... and a big "Well done!" to the organisers :cool:

Best wishes

Rob Brownfield

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #26 on: 25/05/2009 at 17:35 »
Well, what a beautiful day it turned out to be!!

Sorry I could not have got there earlier but family matters delayed me...grrrrr.

Of what I saw I hope this event goes from strength to strength!!! Well done to all those who organised the event and those who turned up to exhibit and display.

One question, what happened to the flies being sold off for charity..i did not have any cash but would still like to buy some if possible...

Thanks again for a plesent afternoon!

Iain Goolager

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #27 on: 25/05/2009 at 18:42 »
Indeed the weather was very kind which added to the day. Pity I was short on cash as there were some great buys on the go. It was good to see the forum had a decent representation.
Forgot to get a River Don Beats Map though who's got one? ADAA website?

Hopefully the first of many.

By the way there were some generous cash donations also which may have gone relatively un-noticed. nice one Jim!


Hamish Young

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #28 on: 25/05/2009 at 18:43 »
One question, what happened to the flies being sold off for charity..i did not have any cash but would still like to buy some if possible...

They had to get up to Dingwall Rob, so you missed them by ten minutes or so  :cry

Hamish Young

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #29 on: 25/05/2009 at 18:44 »
Guys - will post something a wee bit later..... but many thanks to all  :z16


Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #30 on: 25/05/2009 at 19:33 »

Great to see lots of the forum members there, thanks for coming ........... and a big "Well done!" to the organisers :cool:

Best wishes

Great to hear you all had a nice day. Do the forum members who are on the photos have any name/username Mike?  :cool:

Magnus Angus

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #31 on: 25/05/2009 at 20:01 »

The flies from the FF&FT League raised several hundred pounds for the MacMillan Fund. A surprising amount of cash on their first outing - the look on the guys face was priceless. :z4

Most of the flies are good 'fishing flies' but there are some quite special creations in there. Some of the fully dressed flies attracted attention, so much so that two sold for £50.

Hopefully they will be distributed around the MacMillan organizers and will be on sale at future Big Fish events.

Many thanks to Ben and David for helping get that going.


PS - Good first Don Open Day - hopefully a regular event.

Hamish Young

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #32 on: 25/05/2009 at 22:17 »

24 hours and a bit later and it's all still go :! I really don't know where to start  :shock We were blessed with fabulous weather, couldn't have asked for better.

I feel a wee bit like someone at the oscars ceremony with all of the thanks but here goes:
Firstly a big thank you to Castle Forbes who kindly allowed us the use of the grounds, they couldn't have been more helpful in getting the site ready and the venue was just great.

To Orvis, with particular mention for Ben Dixon - without his support and help it would have been a whole lot tougher to arrange (cheers Ben  :z16). The donation of a Helios as a star auction lot was extremely generous and went a considerable way to helping the auction achieve in excess of £1,600 for the River Don Trust.
To Rick Fyffe who worked tirelessly with Ben and I on making my crazy idea become a reality, he pulled more rabbits out of hats than you can imagine :!
To Paul Procter (& Richard :!) for sharing infectious enthusiasm about the river with everyone and for giving of time so freely.
To my fellow Directors of the RDT who did great things in the main marquee and fielded questions on all manner of Don related topics - cheers fellas  :cool:
To everyone who donated their time (Alford FRS crew - cheers boys) and items for the auction -  a thousand thank yous :z16

I know I will have missed folk off that 'list', it is not intentional I assure you, but there seems to be so much to cover and so many folk to thank that this could go on and on and on and on and..... well, you get the picture :! If I didn't get around everyone I am sorry, could have done with 2 identical twins on the day  :shock To my very tolerant wife - cheers darlin'  :cool:

We're still counting what came in on the day, donations were generous (thanks to all who dipped into their pockets, you know who you are :!) and I understand that the Friends of the Don scheme has got off to a very promising start; I'm delighted that the auction was well supported and 'our' Dave did a not bad job as auctioneer weeding elusive cash out of our bidders :wink Kenny Reid from the Dee won the  Helios and seems smitten with his new toy  :wink

I confess to being a wee bit weepy eyed at this stage as I have to leave when things are just coming 'together' for the river as a whole.
For me the 'toe in the water' exercise we did this year with the Don Open Day has proved its worth a thousand times over. There were disappointments and let downs, but like the Murphys I'm not bitter and I won't dwell on it.

As many of you will know I'll be moving on to pastures new and will very sadly have to give up my various connections with the Don, but I'm happier now we've had the day and seen the support that the local angling community (and in particular this forums members) has for the new initiatives.
It's not concrete by any means, but expect there to be developments in Sunday fishing for Brown Trout on the river this year  :z18

It all bodes very well for the future in my book.
I think it is highly likely, possibly a certainty, that there will be a similar event next year. I look forward to coming down from Inverness as a 'punter'  :z7

A few pics taken on the day:

Setting up:

I kneel before Paul  :!

Your auction crew

Not forgetting our 'display model' - cheers Rick :!

Thank you one and all, it's been a pleasure  :z16

Hamish  :z3

Peter McCallum

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #33 on: 25/05/2009 at 23:12 »
I'm really glad it went so well Hamish. Spoke to Kev Muir tonight and he & Stuart had a great time. I do hope it will be an annual event and you'll manage down to catch up next year.


Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #34 on: 26/05/2009 at 17:40 »
I went to the River Don Open Day on Sunday to give the trust some support. I took my daughter along and she had a casting lesson for about an hour and really improved her casting.

Having a casting lesson

The pond looking over to the castle

We had a wander down by the river which has some nice water.

A few of the stalls and the usual suspects.

Two of the helpers at North East Shooting breaks.

Paul Proctor giving a casting demonstration.

The auction.

It was nice to see Ken from the River Dee giving his support to the Don as well and he was the winner of some of the items in the auction including the Orvis Helios trout rod and some Park shrimps tied by Ross Macd.

Ken and Ross



Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #35 on: 29/05/2009 at 22:01 »
The MacMillan people are coming along to the Vision day being held at the ADAA bothy , Riverside Drive,Aberdeen on Sunday 7th June.  See main page on ADAA website for details of event.

Richard Tong

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #36 on: 01/06/2009 at 17:53 »
For those of you who may be interested (and because he's my mate!) Paul Procter has a website which you can reach on .

It's not all developed yet but if you click on the Blog bit you can see some nice Trout (just noticed that he has posted his 4lb 7oz Trout from Monymusk which he had last Monday) caught recently on the Don and some other rivers,


Jim Eddie

Re: River Don Open Day 2009
« Reply #37 on: 01/06/2009 at 18:11 »
Thanks for sharing that with us Richard , well worth a browse  :z16



Hamish Young

River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #38 on: 02/05/2010 at 10:27 »
Nice to see this event continuing, I know details were posted in another thread but feel this event is worth pushing by the local forum which supported last years event :z16 More of the same this year folks  :grin
Plenty more fishy stuff there this year and with a bit of luck one or two more than is listed in the advert  :wink
I certainly hope to be there this year (in a social and entering competitions capacity), it's not too far away now :cool:

H  :z3

Richard Tong

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #39 on: 21/05/2010 at 20:49 »
Looking forward to this...doesn't look like we will get the weather we had last year though.  It looks like there will be a good representation of tackle and shops exhibited. Personally I am looking forward to trying all the rods especially the Farios.

I have been on the Forum for a few years now and though I converse with you guys we have never met and it would be nice to put a face to a name. Can I ask if you go that you say hi especially Noel (An Chuileog), Iain (Goolager), Paul(grhe),Jim (Jedi) and Irvine (Hares Lug) as you all seem to be Don regulars, and anyone else who just feels like a blether. It would be great to have a chat and to hear how you guys are doing.

Roll on next Sunday! Ben get the Igloo heated up!


Ben Dixon

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #40 on: 21/05/2010 at 22:06 »
Should be a good day, there will be demos running throughout the day, mine will all be based around techniques I use for coping with the various challenges that fishing the Don often presents.

The casting competitions will consist of...

The Rio Outbound challenge, this will involve throwing a #7 outbound as far as possible


The Orvis Trout Casting Challenge which will be distance and accuracy combined

There will be space on both water and grass for casting and testing rods / lines and there will be a casting clinic running through out the day.

Hopefully the weather will hold for us, it will be a good day regardless.



Paul Garrigan

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #41 on: 21/05/2010 at 22:20 »
I just got my shift swapped so i can make the day! Looking forward to it!  :z16

Ben, will it be single handed stuff on the day or would i be able to pick your brain about spey casting?? athough i could  probably use the clinic for both!  :z7

I am also looking forward to meeting Paul Proctor. His articles are the ones in the mags which i flick to first.

Should be a good day.


Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #42 on: 22/05/2010 at 07:47 »
i was going to try and get my shifts changed so i could go but it looks like its going to be freezing cold so ill chicken out


Mike Barrio

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #43 on: 22/05/2010 at 11:52 »
Forecast looks like rain at the moment, but I guess this could change between now and then ...... we are talking North East Scotland here :z4

We don't exactly get a lot of fishing events in Aberdeenshire, so it is certainly worth supporting one when folk are making the effort to hold one! :wink

Best wishes

Irvine Ross

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #44 on: 22/05/2010 at 16:10 »
For the optimists amongst us, here is the Met Office forecast:

"UK Outlook for Thursday 27 May 2010 to Saturday 5 June 2010:

On Thursday and Friday many areas will be dry with sunny spells, but with scattered showers developing in some places. Temperatures will be mainly near normal, perhaps warm in the south, but rather chilly in the north with risk of wintry showers over the Scottish Highlands. Through the weekend and for the start of the following week a more westerly flow is likely with some scattered showers or spells of rain, but with some brighter, warmer periods as well especially in the south. ........"

See you there


Noel Kelly

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #45 on: 22/05/2010 at 19:52 »
Hi Richard, not sure if I will make it but if I do I will be straight over to pick your brains :z4

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #46 on: 27/05/2010 at 11:53 »
Can anyone out there give me instructions on how to get there or better still give me the postcode so the Sat Nav can do all the hard work.

Hamish Young

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #47 on: 27/05/2010 at 16:15 »
OK, you could use postcode AB33 8BL which is for Castle Forbes Estate Office (close enough).

However, if you are coming from Aberdeen on the A944, be aware that the Keig bridge is currently shut and you need to divert via Alford. Now you could follow the councils official diversion which I believe takes you out to the Bridge of Alford (a long diversion :!) but the thing to do IMHO is to come into Alford and follow the signs for Montgarrie.
Once over the bridge at Montgarrie all you need to do is get to the end of the road and turn right and you will be heading for Keig. The event will be signposted.

Simples  :cool:


Rob Brownfield

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #48 on: 28/05/2010 at 11:07 »
Anglers complaining about the rain..whatever next ;)

Waders and a jacket..sorted ;)

Jim Eddie

Re: River Don open day 2010 - 30th May at Castle Forbes
« Reply #49 on: 28/05/2010 at 19:00 »
Unfortunately I will be unable to come along  :z10  Not the weather that has put me off , going fishing saturday , not enough brownie points for 2 days off the reseravtion  :wink

I'm  sure it will be a grand day though and would encourage anyone who is undecided to go along.




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