Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #50 on: 08/04/2017 at 15:16 »
Spoke to Colin from the board, one of 15 tagged last year to try monitor movements & its the first caught.
I get a bottle of whisky too 😎😂 horrid stuff 😂

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #51 on: 08/04/2017 at 17:02 »
Couldn't help going back for a last 10 minutes

Liam Stephen

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #52 on: 08/04/2017 at 19:26 »
You're the man Ali. Glad to see those flies from our secret exchange went down well!  :z18

Mike Barrio

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #53 on: 09/04/2017 at 00:18 »

Ashley Thomas

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #54 on: 09/04/2017 at 12:17 »
Yesterday was a great day on the water to be had with the 'Young Gun', and I finally got to meet Allan, Iain and Simon  :z16

Fishing regular tactics proved to be successful, only once we'd found fish gorging in their summer lies already.  Liam got off the mark with a nice Seatrout Kelt, followed by myself with a few fish up to the 1.5lb mark.

It was Liam again who landed another cracking fish, this one being 3.5lb on the nose - what a fuss it held on the 476!

In the same stretch of water I landed my best of the day at a cool 2lb. Not the biggest, but fought well above its weight on the 580. I had another of slightly bigger proportions however it was dropped at the net  :X1

Once the hatch really going it was plain sailing from then on and fish continued to be brought to the net. A large flurry of MBs accompanied by a few olives really brought the water alive. Covering most risers first or second time proved easy business :z16

Back to work next week sadly  :cry but hopefully I'll be out again soon (some of us have to work  :z4 :z4)

Ash  :z16

Liam Stephen

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #55 on: 09/04/2017 at 19:25 »
Nice one mate. Great report! Enjoy work tommorrow, I'll be thinking of you whilst catching trophies!  :z4 :z7


Allan Liddle

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #56 on: 13/04/2017 at 22:43 »
Not to be outdone a wee report on how i've fared so far:
Plenty fish keen to take a DHE or two although still surprising to see so many MB's being ignored.  Also found a wee bit frustrating when fish locked onto emerging nymph and ignoring even the half in DHE style patterns.

Anyway plenty fish so far with a load in the pound plus range, a few in the noteable two plus range and one trophy 3lb 3oz with one other lost and one missed (in front of witnesses  :oops)  A few fresh run finnock as well just for added spice.  So far so good.

Good to hear of the tagged fish capture, Ali did you check to see if some of the other fish you caught had hook marks on them as i know exactly where you were  :wink :wink :z4 :z4

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #57 on: 14/04/2017 at 17:07 »
Allan, I had a feeling you might 😄 Great bit of water, needed a bit more water in it I think.. trying to wade the deep long pool up the top was a experience 🙈😂

Liam Stephen

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #58 on: 18/04/2017 at 21:52 »
I was on the Deveron on Sunday after 6 days of wind, it was nice to fish without it again. The fishing was excellent and lots of fish were caught upto around 2lb.  I watched my buddy hook and loose a fish around 5lb, gutted for him as he lost a good one the day before as well. I added another few pics to the trophy album. 23" and somewhere between 4.5-4.75lb. A big dark brute of a trout!

Anyone care to guess the fly it fell for? May offer a prize for the first right answer!  :z7


Allan Liddle

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #59 on: 20/04/2017 at 08:44 »
Waterhen Bloa ?  :z4 :z4
Cracker Liam the wee boys method did well for me on the Isla as well with a nice two pounder  :z16

Mike Barrio

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #60 on: 27/04/2017 at 12:16 »
Blackwater & Allt Deveron 27/04/17 - Deveron, Bogie & Isla Rivers Charitable Trust

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #61 on: 29/04/2017 at 11:26 »
As per the Don post, the week with Andrew didn't pan out the way we had hoped.
The plan was for 2 days on the Deveron, we did achieve that, but not quite as planned :X1

Tuesday we arrived at a rising river, although the main flow of the Deveron was fishable the Isla was rapidly turning Milk Chocolate brown and altering things. The weather continued from Monday and we did try and stick it out.

The fishing was very tough and we ended up with one fish between us, even the grass was growing legs and trying to shelter in the car.

With the stinging rocks from the heavens, i wasn't surprised..... another trip to the pub beckoned

Thursday  was to be our second attempt, but the river rose a lot overnight and was fully blown come morning, so we scrapped that plan and headed for the Lower Don, the Deveron water levels often lead the Don by a day or so.

Friday came, Andrew feeling tired, was quite pragmatic about things, but we wanted to get some fishing before he left, so a scouting trip using the Webcams, SEPA website and one of us in car driving around, meant we found a fishable river, we headed upstream on the Deveron above the main tributaries. We found a river running like 90 shilling Ruby Ale but the weather had improved and at least Casting would be less of a chore.

Not an easy day, but some fish were caught, the highlight of the week being a single rising fish spotted on friday afternoon slurping down the odd Upright that floated over his nose. Getting into position with the nymph set up, a couple of speculative casts revealed it was reachable, then an altercation with a tree on the backcast relieved me of the nymph, so what the hell...... dryfly on, wool removed. 1 cast, 1 rise, 1 fish, the ensuing fight had me running from rock to rock as it headed downstream through streamy water , stumbling down the banks faster than i have moved for a good while, then having to negotiate a tree which i only just managed to reach over, fortunately the fish decided to to stop running in a pool just ahead of another tree i didn't have a hope of getting past. It put a grand old bend in the bamboo rod.

Not my biggest of the season, but definitely my best so far, a real sense of achievement at the end of a long week, and yes, it did end up being my last cast of the week, the Steeplechase finished me off, but what a way to go :z18

Hopefully next time Andrew comes up, we get better conditions, but it was a challenge and the company made it worth while  :z18


Mike Barrio

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #62 on: 29/04/2017 at 11:40 »
Great stuff ..... a well deserved fish :z16

Dave Robb

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #63 on: 29/04/2017 at 11:54 »
Nice fish.  I've never tried the  Deveron, I probably should give it a go sometime.

I do love the Don anywhere upstream of Alford though.  I wish I lived closer to streamier water, I always find the lower Don too slow for my ideal liking,

Andrew Ellis

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #64 on: 29/04/2017 at 17:14 »
I can only thank you Sandy from the bottom of my heart for trying so hard this last week. Not the conditions I'd hoped for when we organised this months ago, but that's fishing.  I've caught enough fish in my life not to get upset when I don't, BUT I'd love to come back and have another go for one of your 'special' fish.  Meeting and fishing with you and Liam was everything I'd hoped for in terms of friendship and bankside cameraderie. I could not have wished for a warmer welcome, it was just so disappointing that your weather gave me the diametric opposite.  :cry

By Friday I was indeed knackered, four solid days of lobbing tungsten into the wind does that to me, and I'm not the fishing machine young Liam is.  But when all's said and done, I've come away having cemented firm friendships I hope and looking forward to returning another year.  You both worked your socks off to find fishable water every day, and despite beat after beat being wrecked you always managed to come up with something. :z16 I've returned home with some wonderful memories, I've learned a lot (every day is a school day) and look forward to our next meeting with eager anticipation.

I'd have posted photo's but for some reason the forum doesn't recognise any of my photobucket stuff, and you've already put a good few up.

 :z18 to you both and to Scott whose company I thoroughly enjoyed on my last day. You guys can fish!!!  :z14 :z14

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #65 on: 29/04/2017 at 17:26 »
Cheers dude  :z18

It was our pleasure, just a shame the way conditions played out, you are welcome anytime. For being out of your comfort zone you can fairly fish yourself :z16

Ashley Thomas

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #66 on: 30/04/2017 at 20:00 »
A Tough tough weekend with the other half  :z7 on two different beats - driving southerly winds on both occasions made basic casts difficult, and most fish I hooked seemed to have found how to arrive at anywhere but my net  :z8 - I was not to be beaten however, as I finally managed to land a new PB today which is also my first ever trophy.. I'm still smiling yet  :z14

Cracking 21"er weighing in at a tad over 4lbs... a fish I'll never forget

Various pictures from this weekends outings;

I think it's fair to say that young loons who drive "hairdresser cars" sure can find a fish or two  :z4 :z4
Thanks for another great weekend 'young gun' - looking forward to next!

Ash  :cool:

Liam Stephen

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #67 on: 30/04/2017 at 20:05 »
Great report dude! I don't need to do one now  :z4 :z7

Super chuffed to have been there to see you hook and land your PB.   :z16

Here's my favourite pic of  the mean beast:


Mike Barrio

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #68 on: 30/04/2017 at 21:53 »
Great stuff Ashley :z16

Ashley Thomas

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #69 on: 30/04/2017 at 22:37 »

Release footage of today's PB  :z18


Mike Barrio

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #70 on: 30/04/2017 at 22:41 »
There you go Ashley :z16

from Ashley Thomas on Vimeo.

Allan Liddle

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #71 on: 01/05/2017 at 08:27 »
Brilliant stuff guys.
Guiding for two French lads Thurs, Fri and Sat and it was tough.
After finding all the river blown out Thurs i took them to Loch Park and both enjoyed it catching some nice fish before heading to the shops in search of Scottish Speyside Nectar.
Friday and i knew where to head (not far from you Sandy  :wink) and again both enjoyed it immensely with some excellent fish on dries (proper fishing)
Saturday and a different beat again (after a wee tying demo by yours truly on request from the guests) , this time cracking hatches, loads of fish on dries best nudging 2lb.
All in all a good result after some tough weather.

And to round it all off, i grabbed a quick hour n half after the guests had left although had to resort to the 'Wee Boy Method' (Liam knows what i mean) and picked off 5 fish best of which weighed in at 3lb 1/2 oz woo hoo  :z12 :z12
Photos to follow once i can be bothered to take them off my camera  :z4

Ali Mcewan

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #72 on: 06/05/2017 at 19:53 »
So how did everyone get on today? Fished marnoch, nothing on the nymph at all, but picked up 5 to about a lb, on the dry.. wind was a real pest..
Got forglen tomorrow, anyone fished it before?

Sandy Nelson

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #73 on: 07/05/2017 at 18:47 »
HI Ali

No internet access last night, so no updates till now :z16
We fished Muiresk Yesterday and arrived to find fish rising at 10am to Olives, the olives continued to hatch all day right up until i left at 6pm to get back to the pub for the evening talks etc.
The fish however were not all doing the same thing, we spotted about 3 different sizes of Upright as well as LDO's Small Plume tips seemed to be the best way forward

Lots of chunky fish wanting to play and putting up a great scrap, but nothing Massive, My best for the day was this one

Which went like a train and finished the day off nicely

Today we were on Mountblairy, so the next beat down from you, the wind was a bitch so had to resort to plinking nymphs in runs where you could get a cast out, some nice fish kicking around, again really chunky devils :z16

This one really had eaten all the pies :shock

Got sick of nymphing after a while so we headed to marnoch to see if there was any risers and some shelter.
Decent afternoon, picking off some nice fish with the plume tip.

Plenty good sized fish coming to the dry, but again no sign of any slabs.

With uprights coming off, that were quite pale in colour

I also noticed a few Small dark olives, which are also quite pale, and low and behold the Broom was starting to Bloom, so a yellow based plume tip made all the difference.

The festival weekend was excellent, many thanks to all those who supported it especially Frank and Ritchie for organising it :z18, lots of informative talks and some great knowledge was shared, plus access to some of the more restricted beats, made for an excellent weekend.



Ali Mcewan

Re: River Deveron 2017
« Reply #74 on: 07/05/2017 at 19:06 »
Nice post mate.. yeah the wind was wild today, which was a shame as it was a great looking beat, didn't stop the fish in the runs feeding hard off the top, but casting & line control was a mare 😂🙈 


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