Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Peter McCallum

Whisky Priest
« on: 20/11/2013 at 11:19 »
A couple of priests on offer before i go to fleabay.

The lighter one is the 'whisky' priest, made from an old oak whiskey barrel stave (you can still smell the whisky) with a top of african blackwood.

The darker one is completely made form blackwood.

Both are weighted with brass inserts.

Even the most dyed in the wool catch & releaser should have a priest to hand for emergencies these are not full blown cudgels but are slim so they are easy to carry and heavy enough to dispatch the average trout.


Ben Dixon

Re: Whisky Priest
« Reply #1 on: 20/11/2013 at 12:34 »
Nice, how long are they Pete?

Peter McCallum

Re: Whisky Priest
« Reply #2 on: 20/11/2013 at 15:58 »
S**t that means technology! Wheres ma rule.  :wink

6" by about 5/8th - 3/4 dia.

As I said an easily carried little priest though I can make a cudgel if anyone needs such a weapon  :z13


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