Really piddled off lost my post and couldn't retrieve it
One serious Seinne net there Michael
Hydropsyche - 2 curled up in 3rd photo
large nymph in 4th photo probably another but I'd need to see a clearer picture and also the 'but end' to discount a Rhyac.
Hepatagenids? MB, False MB, those Olives (that I can never remember) that have similar stone clinger nymphs. How long before hatching does a nymph darken? Does the MB nymph have a black mark on their legs or is it just the adults? No serious barring or mottling so discounts other species? It's all questions I'm afraid.
Gamarus in the last photo - type? I don't know
Photo of agile darter is blurred - LDO?
Nymph at 4 O Clock in 3rd photo apperaed at first glance as a small Dragonfly with the shape of the abdomen and head but I see it has 3 tails.
Looking forward to the replies from the well informed.
Will definitely be taking some samples this season.
I blame the fact that a GRHE & PTN can represent almost all of our river nymphs so we've taken little time to concern ourselves with the specifics of what we are mimicking.
Excellent post Michael