Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Barry Robertson

Cmon then lets see where you all got a day out last year and where you hope to get a day out this coming season  :wink
Iam expecting alot of long lists now chaps!
And mind to mention your most memoriable day  :z18

Iain Goolager

Hi Baz,

I'm not telling you the 4 places I'm going to tube this year  :z7 BUT I will tell you that I'm going to have a nice day out on the Northie for Salmons at some point.
Oh, and I WILL be doing more Sea-Trouts fishing this year, simples!

Most memorable day out was on the ******! catching wild wee Brown Trouts  :z7

Does that help?


Barry Robertson

Beat it then, what a bunch of secret squirrels you chaps are  :z4

Jim Eddie


I fished the local stillwaters Braeside, Haddo, Waulkmill, Fedderate, Lochter, Delgatie and Artloch at Huntly.

Had a day at Rescobie with the club and a couple of outings to Lintrathen with your good self.

Had an Early season tubing day on Loch Park which I always enjoy and a days tubing on Loch Shandra also  a couple of days up at Loch Beannie again which I always enjoy.

Fished my beat on the Ythan with no great sucess, I love the beat for the solitide, never met another sole last season.

Fished the Deveron for Salmon again with no great sucess.  

It was not a memorable year for me in terms of catches but the company and scenery and just being out makes it worthwhile.

This season I'll probaly have a week on the Ericht at Easter , also trying to get a week planned up in Durness on Loch Caladail , another early season float tube day at Park , fish the Ythan and Deveron and maybe get some time on the Don.

Would like to get a Pike on the fly this yaer and do some more SWFF , Lintrahen and Rescobie again , would like go on loch Eye. I also fancy a day on Loch Lee.



Barry Robertson

That was a nice read jim, just what i was after, its nice to see what others on here do for there fishing  :z16
Will do mine once i get home from, tying later tonight!

Ok so last season i fished the following:
For Rainbows/Blues Etc
Frandy reservoir, Glensherrup, Carlogie, Haddo, Raemoir, Butterstone,Golden Loch, Raith Lake, Carron Valley, Lake of Menteith, Lintrathen, Rescobie, Monikie Island, Monikie North, North Third, Piper Dam, Newton Farm, Geordies Pond  :wink, Loch Insch, Ledyiot, Markle, Lorriston loch and prob some where else i forgot to mention  :wink

For Browns/sea troot
South esk, West water, Den of Ogil, Loch leven,Carlochy, Loch Beannie .

My best day was on the 7th of August (my birthday). I fished Lintrathen on my own on a hot summers day with cloud cover every so often and when the cloud cover came the fish rose like mad.
Had lots of fish from browns/blues and bows to traditionals/muddlers and dries, awesome sport all day long, this was the day that the green tag kate became a favourite in my box  :z16

This year i will fish more or less the same venues but would also like to fish loch lee and loch saugh for browns and would also like a day on the river Don for brownies.
I have a weekend of fishing down at stocks reservoir in England in May and really looking forward to that  :wink
Fishing divorce on the way  :z18


Barry Robertson

Nobody else fish on this site, come on  :z8


was enjoying reading this thread so thought I would contribute.

i didnt get to do that much fishing last year but when I got out it was very enjoyable even though not always a success.

for rainbows & blues I fished raemoir, midmar, waulkmill, artloch and lochter, unfortunately I have never made it to Haddo so that is on my to do list this season. Last season was also my first season with a double hander and in the ADAA. I really enjoyed progressing on to the rivers and was fortunate enough to get an invite to Cairnton twice last season and on my first visit there was delighted to hook and land my first ever salmon which undoubtedly was the highlight of my season. Also lucky enough to fish Middle Drum, which was a great day out as the banter with the fellow rods in the bothy made the day even more special, their hospitality was second to none. As you have said its not just about catching but also the scenery and characters you meet.

this season I would love to visit haddo, catch myself another salmon but in general just to get out there and fish in beautiful places, hopefully catching while there and to meeting more characters along the way.

Tight lines for 2010

Jim Eddie

Good stuff Dave  :z16


Hamish Young

Last year was a fickle season for me, managed the Don a couple of times, the Dee a few times more and not forgetting the Ness - where I totally failed to stay attached to any Salmon  :z7
Having changed jobs and having 'sort of' relocated to Inverness I had hoped my fishing effort would increase but the new job takes up plenty of my time - c'est la vie.
I had two very memorable trips, one in the company of Magnus and Ben to Assynt which although less productive than it might have been was great craic and a must-do again this year.
I think the best day on it's own was one of two trips to Loch Ruthven with long-time fishing buddy Euan (soundmixer  :z1 on the forum for those with longer memories), great wee loch, great fish (best about 1.5lbs) and all in a great setting.
Had very few outings to Haddo last year but will make amends for that when I can this season.

I intend to be on the Ness as often as I can this year, but am casting my eyes at the 'big' Loch too in pursuit of Ferox - something I used to do a lot of in the 'old' days  :wink
With plenty of fishing to choose from in the Inverness area it's a wee bit like being a kid in a sweetie shop  :z4 but one place I do want to go and fish - as I've never had a truly successful day there yet - is the Lake of Menteith..... an odd choice I guess with so much fantastic fishing on my doorstep(s) but it bugs me that I've never done well there, a gremlin I want off my back for no good reason at all :!
And then there's saltwater fishing for Sea Trout and Bass in the Moray Firth...... ahhhhhhhhhhh  :z16


Steven Sinclair

  Was an enjoyable season for me this year albeit I didnt get out as much as I would have liked but I think everybody is in the same boat here! (well poss with the exception of bigtroot judging by the amount you did! :z4
  As far as Bow fishing goes I fished Haddo, Lochter, Midmar, Raemoir, Lintrathen, Waulkmill, Loch Of Loriston
  For broonies, Calladail (my best day out BY FAR), Lanlish, borallie, Shandra.
  Had a bash at Pike on the fly at loch Kinnord and had some good sport fishing deer hair mouse patterns and poppers :z12

  Also fished my fathers syndicate rod on Middle drum and was rewarded with a nice grilse  :z16 I'll be fishing there again on the 27th :z4 :z4 :z4

  Plans for this season will mostly be the same as last year but more of it! Also head to Assynt with my dad for a week or so, fish the don for the troots and fish for seatrout in the salt  :z3




Barry Robertson

Last year was a fickle season for me, managed the Don a couple of times, the Dee a few times more and not forgetting the Ness - where I totally failed to stay attached to any Salmon  :z7
Having changed jobs and having 'sort of' relocated to Inverness I had hoped my fishing effort would increase but the new job takes up plenty of my time - c'est la vie.
I had two very memorable trips, one in the company of Magnus and Ben to Assynt which although less productive than it might have been was great craic and a must-do again this year.
I think the best day on it's own was one of two trips to Loch Ruthven with long-time fishing buddy Euan (soundmixer  :z1 on the forum for those with longer memories), great wee loch, great fish (best about 1.5lbs) and all in a great setting.
Had very few outings to Haddo last year but will make amends for that when I can this season.

I intend to be on the Ness as often as I can this year, but am casting my eyes at the 'big' Loch too in pursuit of Ferox - something I used to do a lot of in the 'old' days  :wink
With plenty of fishing to choose from in the Inverness area it's a wee bit like being a kid in a sweetie shop  :z4 but one place I do want to go and fish - as I've never had a truly successful day there yet - is the Lake of Menteith..... an odd choice I guess with so much fantastic fishing on my doorstep(s) but it bugs me that I've never done well there, a gremlin I want off my back for no good reason at all :!
And then there's saltwater fishing for Sea Trout and Bass in the Moray Firth...... ahhhhhhhhhhh  :z16


Hi Hamish  :z13
I should be fishing Menteith at least 4 times a month throughout the season so if you want a day out or want some info on areas,flies, & lines give me a pm and will try and help out as much as possiblen :z18


Hamish Young

Cheers Baz, will join you for a day  :z16

Will get in touch once the weather is a smidgen better  :wink


Matt Henderson

I've already completed one ambition this year which was to fish the Dee (I was lucky enough to drag out a lovely white shoe!) And hopefully I'll pick up a few other days along the way this year.

I'm looking forward to fishing the Don again with a roving ticket and will hope to explore the water a bit more.  And hopefully make it to Haddo a few times too.



Paul Garrigan

Last year i fished the the Don and the Dee for salmon and the Don for trout. Wasnt a prolific year for me but had a few trout and finished the year with my first fly caught salmon on the Don so i would probably say that was my most memorable moment of the season.
For rainbows i fished Menteith, Haddo, Carman Dam, Howood, Craufardland (sp), Beecraigs, Loch Insch, Swanswater and North third.

I also had a few unsuccesful days on the Findhorn and Tay.

This year i am after a springer so will be on the Dee, Tummel and Dalmarnock on the Tay. I will also have a return trip to the Findhorn (Forres AA) later in the year and will have a few days on the Spey (Aberlour)

Trout wise, i will be fishing the Don alot more at Kintore and a few days at Monymusk.

Trips that are not definate yet are an Orkney trip to fish the lochs and a belated return to fish in the Durness area.

I usually go home once a month ish (Ayrshire) and have a day somewhere with my dad which usually means a fishery+boat+rainbows. These trips are special to me as my dad is like my best friend and i hardly see him anymore.

Tight lines to everyone for the new season. :z16

Graham Strachan

Did most of my fishing on the North Esk, Luther, Bervie & Dee. Had a few salmon off of Stracathro and a couple off Inglismaldie on the Northie but my best fish was a split fresh grilse off the Bervie at Arbuthnott on a home tied Silver Allys after all the flooding. Never had a fish off the Dee all year! My cousin had 14 in the last week of the season off the Luther.

Had a day on the South Esk but it wasn`t the friendliest place I`ve ever been so I think I`ll stick to the Northie this year!

Ivy Pool on the Bervie

Split fresh grilse

Jim Eddie

Thats a bonnie fish Graham  :z16



Graham Strachan

Cheers Jim, fingers crossed there will be a few more daft eens aboot this year as well!

Barry Robertson

That was a nice fish Graham.
Where did you fish on the southy??
Nice to see where everyone has been fishing cheers for taking the time to reply, some nice reading on this thread  :z18

Graham Strachan

Where did you fish on the southy??

I was on Kinnaird Lower, I`d never fished it before so I couldnae even find the place! Anyway, I ended up parking at the old bridge at the bottom of the beat and walked up river, there was one lad fishing but he was a man of few words so I kept heading up-stream till I saw another guy. Well, I was just walking up to see if he knew where my beat started when the old goat dropped his rod and practically ran down the bank going off on one accusing me of poaching and spinning on his water which was strange because I only had my fly rod!
After some more ranting and finger poking in my face I kindly offered him the option of my priest over his head or for him to bugger off so he high-tailed it back up to his hut! Not a good start to the day!
The water was very low and the fish weren`t taking and when a couple of guys turned up at the hut i headed down for a news as you do but they just blanked me so I though bugger this and headed home!
Definetly not my most memorable of days!

Barry Robertson

I will have a couple of days on the Middle/lower beat of Kinnaird this year when its cheap  :oops, Its a good wee beat when the water is good but when its low its hard work!
Will also try the westy again which is always worth a bash  :z18

Graham Strachan

I was only £20 for that day so at least I hadn`t forked out a fortune.

I`ve never fished the Westwater, just had a look at the day/week permit prices, are they not a bit expensive?
What are you for a season ticket with the Brechin angling club?

Barry Robertson

No idea what they cost now i just got a gues ticket!
I was a member when i was young but now living in Montrose its a hassle trying to rejoin, it wasnt expensive for the day ticket anyway!
I always fish kinnaird when its catch and release as the tickets are always between £20 -£50.
The southesk council beat in Brechin is always worth a pop at £3.50 for a 24hr ticket and the sea troot are slowly getting back to what they use to be like before the netting got mad! Plenty salmon there also  :wink

Iain Goolager

Poor season for galavanting :z6

Fished Raemoir, Midmar, Artloch, Waulkmill, Dalgetty, Federrate, Loch Park, Loirston, Shandra, Beannie, Rescobie, Loch Saugh, Loch Earn, Loch Insch, Forfar Loch, Monikie, Rescobie, Aboyne ...........................Haddo, with the Float Tube Gatherings being the best outings

River Don Kintore, Inverurie, Kemnay, Alford, Lower & Upper Parkhill......................??

River Dee Banchory Devenick


Can't think!   Most memorable outings? catching a 23" Brown upstream nymphing @ Kemnay, Fishing the summer nights (after midnight) on Loirston with fish rising everywhere, Salmon on the singlehander, float tubing any new loch, they are all good outings it's easier to list the s*** ones!


Ben Dixon

Last year, I fished the Don, Kintore and just below most often.  Also Fished Inverurie, Alford, Monymusk, Fetternear, Semeil, Kildrummy, Edinglasie & Candacraig, Parkhill, Stoneywood, Castle Forbes & Tornashean, council water on the Urie and the only stillwater I fished was Haddo.  Other places were various beats on the Dee, Brae Water on the Spey, a few lochs in Assynt and a few marks in the sea.

This year I intend to fish most of the above again, can see Kildrummy getting a good hammering, nice water, very cheap, easily accessibe and full of nice trout, will have a good crack at Fetternear this season too.  Other than the Don, I will make a point of getting to Kenmore on the Tay for a day or two and will definitely get back down to the Annan. Assynt in June, Vermont in August and Mexico is on for April.

Best days last year, 4 grilse & a 7lb brownie in 90 mins from the middle Don and evening fishing almost every night throughout June when the Tiny Grey Sedge were hatching on the Don.  Other highlight was a Spring salmon from the Spey and the Don in the day.  If the 2010 season turns out to be even half as good as 2009 it will be a good one.




Interesting reading guys so I'll add my pennith worth.

Fished Haddo, Loch Insch, Lochter and Raemoir last year, a poor selection I know but like everyone else, I too don't get out enough.

My most memorable weekend was fishing Haddo on a Saturday and catching my first double there with a fish of approx 13lb, then fishing Lochter on the Sunday and catching my largest bow to date. A torpedo at around 18lb.  :z4

Most memorable 2 hours was a 1st thing stint at Loch Insch where I landed 4 fish in my first 6-7 casts, all on the dry.

Hopefully get out more this year though!

Paul B


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