Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Paul Rankine

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #25 on: 13/02/2010 at 18:36 »
Hi Bri,
          Thanks for the invitation . A fine way to spend the morning and a nice wee dram !  :z4
Nice to meet up with a few old friends and make some new ones too.

Thanks again,


Mike Barrio

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #26 on: 13/02/2010 at 21:17 »
Despite the ice at Haddo, it felt like a nice day to be out on the Don today and the river was looking in great condition, running nice and clear. Did anybody go for a cast or two?

Best wishes

Ben Dixon

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #27 on: 13/02/2010 at 21:26 »
Was a fun few hours, just wish I could have stayed about to have a cast.  Be good to get a few more anglers there next year, I really don't think we did the police escort and road crossing marshalls justice  :z4

Any fish?  Iain?  Irvine?



Iain Goolager

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #28 on: 13/02/2010 at 23:07 »
Thanks to Bri & the IAA for the invite.
It was good to see a decent showing from forum members & I think events like these need to be supported as it's all too easy nowadays to lose important traditions through apathy. We can't but fail to notice the media attention given to such rivers such as the Tay & Dee and we did our bit to recognise the might of the Don. :z16

Myself & Irvine stayed & fished Inverurie, fishing a couple of runs I like & water I've been meaning to try for seasons.

Half way down the first run seen the usual curse of a cracking Brownie to the salmon fly  :z6 I'm not telling you how big it was or where it lives but I'll be back with the light stuff in April. The tail of the pool brought another fish to the fly, which at least brought a momentary glimmer of hope but it was a  Kelt  :cry

After dinner we went further upstream and here Irvine christened his self built Salmon Rod with a fish but alas it turned out to be a kelt also.  :z10

Good day though and thanks for the company Irvine.


Mike Barrio

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #29 on: 13/02/2010 at 23:14 »
Great stuff Iain ......... Pleased to see that you both enjoyed your day :z16

Best wishes

Ben Dixon

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #30 on: 13/02/2010 at 23:49 »

After dinner we went further upstream and here Irvine christened his self built Salmon Rod with a fish but alas it turned out to be a kelt also.  :z10

Good day though and thanks for the company Irvine.


Hamish & I saw some huge trout moving to Stoneflies in late Feb last year, no sign of them once they were in season.  Did you get a chuck of Irvines rod?  I had a cast a while back, still jealous!!



Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #31 on: 14/02/2010 at 08:53 »
Nice event you have there, and thanks for photos.
Are there any other forum members than Mr Dixon on the photos?



Irvine Ross

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #32 on: 14/02/2010 at 17:01 »
Indeed thanks to Bri and IAA for organising the event. It's a good occasion and a grand chance for a blether.

Thanks to Ian for the company and for showing me around the beat which I haven't fished before.

Harri -  That's my back on the right of the first photo, slouching around, hands in pockets as usual. In the second photo, immediately on Ben Dixon's left is Ian Goolager. Big Jim and Paul were there but they don't appear in any of the photos.


Paul Rankine

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #33 on: 14/02/2010 at 18:30 »
      Well done indeed to Iain and Irvine for getting their season kicked off with fish .

Mike Barrio

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #34 on: 17/02/2010 at 17:47 »

The New Season ( by Raymond Bisset ) 2010

Gosh!  The water doon here, it’s lookin’ sae bra’,
Swalt in the hills wi’ a puckle o’ sna’,
Jist waitin’ for fishers aroon’ Inverurie,
Dress’d in waders, big socks and a muckle great tourie,
Tae cast in their lures wi’ the earnest intention
O catchin’ a fish wi’ sic human invention.

Their spirits are up an’ their hopes are real high,
That fish in abundance will swallie their fly,
For there’s naething tae beat the real thrill o’ a fish,
A twenty plus pounder’s a real fisher’s wish,
So it’s oot with the rod, an’ the reel an’ the line,
Tae pursue this ambition some wid class as divine.

There’s a fair puckle loons thit can cast a guid flee,
Oot ontae the waater – or stuck up a tree!
Some are pairt o’ a club, Inverurie AA,
That’s the reason we’re staunin aroon here the day,
Fou we’re gaither’t doon here on the banks of the river,
Tae listen tae Graham as his prayer he deliver.

Noo, there’s Peter an’ Brian, an’ Steven an’ Sam,
George, Gordon, Jim, Colin, they’ll aa’ taak a dram,
File gossipin’ oan’ ‘boot the monsters they’ve hook’d,
Aye – bit sometimes the real truth they dee overlook,
For they’re fishers, ye see, wi’ a host o’ guid stories
O’ battles wi’ fish an’ some ither past glories.

Bit awa’ fae their stories they work as a team,
Tae nurture an’ nourish the game angler’s dream,
O’ fishin a river that’s crystal an’ clear
Fae man-made pollution, focht year efter year,
An’ they also maak efforts tae bring tae the fore,
An interest in fishin’ – for youngsters galore.

So tae aa’ buddin’ fishers thit staun’ here the day,
I wish ye tight lines as ye gang on yir way,
Guid luck on yir visit tae Ury or Don,
An’ as for these monsters, just bring them richt on,
So come end o’ October, fin rods are put bye,
Ye’ve enjoy’d a guid season wi’ catches richt high.

Iain Goolager

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #35 on: 17/02/2010 at 19:23 »
 :z1  Nice one Mr B :z16

Noel Kelly

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #36 on: 17/02/2010 at 22:22 »
As Paul said well done guys in getting your season off to a start.

I really like that poem and I can understand almost every word too :shock

Brian Brand

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #37 on: 17/02/2010 at 22:22 »
Thanks for posting the poem onto the site Mike, I wish that I could write something like that.

Funny but I was speaking to President Pete yesterday that we should have kept copies of these throughout the years, could have made them into a book by now.

Now if I was really clever above would have rhymed. :z6


Iain Goolager

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #38 on: 17/02/2010 at 23:10 »
Now if I was really clever above would have rhymed

Tae struggle wi prose is nae cause fir cryin'
so worry yea not, it's nae a curse Brian
fur yer good at the dishin o generous nips
tho only a snifter did pass oer my lips

for fishin that day wis always the plan
an I'd much rather cast stanin up if I can
so I focused on the Rev as he toasted the river
an then the wee poem the auld mannie did deliver

so now it's a oer an we say oor goodbyes
and it's time ti tak stock o some possible lies
so I set up the rod, grabbed mi waders n bug
n headed doonstream wi the man ca'd Hares Lug

Ok so it's part Doric part queens but you get the drift - done in a hurry.


Mike Barrio

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #39 on: 17/02/2010 at 23:20 »
Excellent Iain ..... there's no end to your talent :z14

Best wishes

Sandy Nelson

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #40 on: 18/02/2010 at 01:14 »
Show off :roll

 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4

Ahhh. Doric prose ,how to make me even more homesick :cry between this and spiders i'm already looking at the tickets home. Just have to keep checking out Jay's fish :z4

Second year in a row i've missed the march :cry guess i'll miss a few more yet.

Never mind, i can always go tie flies


Brian Brand

Re: March to the River Don, Saturday 13th Feb, Inverurie
« Reply #41 on: 18/02/2010 at 21:57 »
That was really good Iain,

I am so jealous, you can write poetry and catch fish.

I suppose you can sing as well.


see I didn't even try to reply in rhyme. 


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