Jim Eddie

Fedderate agian
« on: 18/07/2009 at 17:11 »
Went back to Fedderate again today , weather was miserable , blowing a hooley , wind and rain. This did not  affect the fishing though. Nothing showing at first so started with a Black Pennel and a David’s cruncher on the dropper.
Had a wee brownie to the cruncher and then a rainbow to the cruncher again (good flies those David)

A hatch came on and the swallows were everywhere , loads of fish rising , stuck on a Hares Ear F fly and  that worked a treat had 8 fish for the day and lost just as many , great sport when they are up on the surface .

I had the whole reservoir to myself , never  saw a sole all day , Oh and I remembered the camera this time  :wink



Iain Goolager

Re: Fedderate agian
« Reply #1 on: 18/07/2009 at 21:21 »
Well Done Jim,

It's always good to get a return when the elements are deemed unfavourable. :z15

would have loved to have been there but family commitments and all that. :z6


Noel Kelly

Re: Fedderate agian
« Reply #2 on: 18/07/2009 at 21:27 »
Nice looking fish Jim, must get myself up there sometime.

Trout Master

Re: Fedderate agian
« Reply #3 on: 19/07/2009 at 23:36 »
Hares Ear  :z16


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Barrio Fly Lines

Designed in Scotland

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