Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #25 on: 29/01/2009 at 15:36 »
Hi Duncan
Thanks for that information :z16

Must confess that I was a bit surprised when it was suggested that the improvements were possibly down to the council, but the high quality of the water height gauges did look like "council made" signs.

I should also add that I am equally surprised that Inverurie Angling Association would be unable to help these regular local anglers out :wink If these local anglers are members of the club - from my experience as a long term club member myself, I am fully confident that the club would help them out as much as they possibly could.

Yes, they have done a splendid job Duncan. Are all the benches, rod racks and stiles the handywork of this group of anglers?

Best wishes

Duncan McRae

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #26 on: 29/01/2009 at 16:27 »
Hello Mike

Believe it or not,the guages are actually 'council made'.They were installed to show anglers a river level below which spinning is not permitted.This level is marked by a red band.

Don't know why the local club was unable to help.Perhaps they are no longer
involved with the burgh fishings due to having their own private beat to look after?

Yes Mike,all benches etc are the handywork of this group of anglers.


Mike Barrio

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #27 on: 29/01/2009 at 17:01 »
Hi Duncan

Yes, the council made gauges makes sense.

Still confused by the club thing though. The club strimmers would certainly be available for members to use for this kind of work and I'm certain that other club members would have been keen to help out if they had known about the project.

Re: "Perhaps they are no longer involved with the burgh fishings due to having their own private beat to look after?"
As I'm sure you are aware, the club has never had anything to do with the actual running of the Inverurie water, but has always been keen to help out with anything that it can. The club syndicate beat is part of the club obviously, but it is certainly not the focus of the club.

Best wishes
Mike Barrio

Brian Brand

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #28 on: 29/01/2009 at 22:38 »
Hi Duncan,

Apologies to yourself, I was assuming that the council had done this work, I should have known better.

It is great to see what the guys have done, their woodwork skills look a lot better than mine.

The council should be doing something after all surely part of the permit price should be earmarked for the upkeep of the beat. It appears to me that the more that `Joe Blogs' does the less that that they do.

We certainly miss the likes of Bert who kept on top of the the three council beats (for those who didn't know Bert he was employed by the council and his duties were as a River Bailiff and looking after the beats).

I believe that the upkeep passed onto the council leisure & recreation department (but could be wrong again).

IAA, I would have thought would have always been willing to help but as everything nowadays usually any work or help required comes down to a handful of volunteers, everybody seems to be to busy.

I will certainly bring this up at IAA's next meeting, would any of the regulars at the top end of the beat who are members be willing to come onto the committee so that they can directly put their views in.

On a totally different matter I always personally think that instead of what can any Club do for me it should also be what can I do for that club.


Duncan McRae

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #29 on: 30/01/2009 at 15:06 »
Hello Bri

No need for apologies.I've had no involvement in the work carried out and don't really know any of the guys involved.

I agree with you that the council should have to upkeep the beats and it's
disgraceful that they don't.I think that in the interests of health and safety they should be obliged to do so.

Is Mike correct in stating that the club has never had anything to do with the actual running of the Inverurie water?
I assumed(probably wrongly)that the club was involved in the beat upkeep sometime prior to the council's appointment of Bert as river Bailiff.

Anyway,if the banks are as badly overgrown as last year then i will certainly be approaching IAA for the use of a strimmer!

Best Wishes

Brian Brand

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #30 on: 30/01/2009 at 16:54 »
Hi Duncan,

The Don & Ury at Inverurie has always been run by the Council and never by IAA but we have at times helped out with some of the work in the past.

I phoned my father, because I could not remember what happened prior to Bert being in the post, and it was always the council that looked after the upkeep of the banks but occasionally when there was to much weeds etc the council approached IAA to give them a hand.

For quite a few years, in the 80's when busloads of central belt gentlemen came up to the river, a few of us were registered with the Council & Board as River Watchers which gave us the right to inspect peoples bags, only if they allowed us, but not full Baliff powers. Some interesting times then, all we could do was move them on.

Duncan, out of curiosity are you the same Duncan that used to win all the IAA Club competitions.


garry john

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #31 on: 30/01/2009 at 17:26 »
hi bri, did u say u can fish the ury on sundays? if so whos permission do i need 2 seek?

Mike Barrio

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #32 on: 30/01/2009 at 17:36 »
hi bri, did u say u can fish the ury on sundays? if so whos permission do i need 2 seek?

Hi Garry

You can buy a day or season permit from Sloan's tackle shop or Watson's the ironmongers in Inverurie, this will cover you for the Don and the Ury.

Best wishes

Duncan McRae

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #33 on: 31/01/2009 at 21:27 »
Hello Bri

Yes,I did enjoy the fly fishing competitions at the time, but looking back, what a pity we had to kill all the trout for the weigh in.
I'm glad to see that the competitions are now catch and release.

I'm guessing that you are Brian,our club secretary?

I moved to Ellon 7 years ago and regrettably gave up my syndicate rod a few years back when i wasn't fishing much.I am still an association member but have lost touch with whats going on due to not fishing the syndicate water.
I suppose there's still a waiting list for membership?

Hope you have a good season


Brian Brand

Re: The Don at Inverurie
« Reply #34 on: 31/01/2009 at 22:12 »
Hi Duncan,

Long time no see.

Yes it is me and I am back onto the committee, that one sneaked up on me.

You are right about the competitions we were keeping trout that normally would have gone back, hindsight is great is in it, but at least we know better nowadays.

There is a waiting list on Ardmurdo but I do know that some people are not renewing their permit this year for different reasons.

Hope to see you around soon,

All the best for 2009.



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