Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Jay Scott

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #25 on: 04/12/2006 at 14:58 »
I know its a hard acheivement, but its just not my idea of fun, i like challenges but i prefer programs where they show you techniques to use, tackle etc. But yes i would have to agree with you if it were me i would be over the moon, the wildest i've ever fished was a trout loch in Shetland and it have quite a few wild brownies in it to say the most so you could say I've never really had any major challenges like the one on the program so i wouldn't know what it would be like. I didn't really think about it until i was in my bed.  :z4 So if you put it that way yes it was a good program.


Mike Barrio

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #26 on: 04/12/2006 at 16:13 »
I've never really had any major challenges like the one on the program

Well we can't have that  :shock:

Aha  :idea:

I'll find you a challenge next spring Jay, it might perhaps involve some fly fishing on a wee burn ....... and I'm sure you'll enjoy it  :cool:

Best wishes

Jay Scott

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #27 on: 04/12/2006 at 16:44 »
I'm sure i will mike, but i've thot of a challenge i can do next time im up, im going to try and catch a fish on one of my spiders, never done it before so that will kind of be a challenge, if not just somthing to demonstrate my flytying knots need a little more work.  :z4


Sandy Nelson

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #28 on: 04/12/2006 at 18:23 »

 :z4  :z4  :z4

Iain Cameron

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #29 on: 04/12/2006 at 18:47 »
Quote from: "rabbitangler"
Don't know if you noticed Jay but it looked to me as if that wee brownie was on of the biggest fish in CRW's life. ...

aye, it looked like he was on the verge of tears.
did you see the motorbike they dredged out too... bet the owner was wondering where that was...

hopefully some of the conservation (ie catch & release for Mahseer) & environmental issues (the pollution of those london rivers was heartbreaking) will be taken on board by the viewers.



"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #30 on: 04/12/2006 at 19:00 »
The program was, I believe, the last in the series. Let's hope the BBC commission some more. My own belief  is that it will  go some  way to repairing  the damage done to the public image angling by the likes of John Wilson. Especially when it comes to the treatment  of fish.


"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #31 on: 04/12/2006 at 19:28 »
spot on fred  :wink:

Jay Scott

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #32 on: 04/12/2006 at 20:17 »
Paul Young's good though he's one of the only anglers that you see properly reviving the fish and not holding them up to the camera for 2 minutes straight. The only good thing I like about John Wilson's shows is the fact that he's trying to promote his own line of fishing rods and they keep breaking.  :z4 mind you "The Compleat Angler" is a good show as well.


Rob Brownfield

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #33 on: 05/12/2006 at 10:46 »
Quote from: "jayscott"
he only good thing I like about John Wilson's shows is the fact that he's trying to promote his own line of fishing rods and they keep breaking.

many of the rods you see him with are infact built on Northwestern blanks that he has doctored in some way. My fishing partner as a youngster down in London/Hertfordshire was Johns brother, Dave. John had a tackle shop at the time in Norwich and produced his own range of Pike and Carp rods. John, however, always wanted something different, so would take the butt from one rod and try a different tip etc..and thats why lots of his rods break  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

He is a plonker  :lol: , Dave is a much better angler and never publicises his cztches of huge Carp and Pike...also very good with Trout.

Jay Scott

"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #34 on: 05/12/2006 at 16:00 »
I could imagine  :lol:


"The Accidental Angler" new series on TV tonight
« Reply #35 on: 07/12/2006 at 08:36 »
I watched the show yesterday and liked it very much. Nice to see him catch his trout and get all choked up. Over all, I liked the second show best, with the last one coming close. 1 and 3 were not my cup of tea. But cudos to the Beeb for broadcasting the series!




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