Howard & Stuart

Lochter Report - It's A Jungle Out There!
« on: 03/11/2020 at 11:57 »
Down Lochter way last week it wasn’t quite the case that we let the manicured grounds of Lochter grow wild but we did introduce a formidable jungle foe to the fray.

Those of you of a ‘certain age’ will well remember the advertising slogan which told you to “put a tiger in your tank”:- well we took it a step further and put some tigers in our ponds. These were of course some lovely tiger trout, which we stocked into our two front ponds along with some Brook Trout also.

We did them as a thank you to our regular customers giving them something different to cast for in these otherwise difficult and uncertain times. Another challenge on top of trying to land our own home-grown Lochter trout, which are still providing great sport with line breakages still very much to the fore.

One person who had no such troubles was Paul Ingram for Newmachar who during his 8 hour session used everything from dry flies to bunny leeches, as the circumstances dictated and this secured him 18 fish to the net. One fish was over 10lb and he was the first to land one of our Tiger trout.

John Petrie fished a team of buzzers all day and it stood him in good stead as he landed 15 fish.

Ian Lindsay had 14 fish using cat’s whiskers, Lewis Ross 12 on nymphs and small yellow lures and Steve MacGowan had 13 fish alternating between cat’s whiskers, diawl bachs and a black fab.

James Riddell used a red and black lure to good effect as it got him 9 fish and other effective lures were the Dawsons olive nomad, a hothead damsel and the ever-reliable black WSW.

To conclude, there is an old Chinese saying which goes “In waking a tiger, use a long stick,” You will be able to catch one with any length of rod at Lochter but just check your knots.

Tight lines,

S.P 3/11/20.


Barrio Fly Lines - designed in Scotland - Cast with confidence all over the world

Barrio Fly Lines

Designed in Scotland

Manufactured in the UK

Cast with confidence all over the world