Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Hamish Young


The BFCC comes north of the border but once a year and this years event takes place on Sunday the 9th of September.
Worth a visit.
Details of the event can be found on the BFCC website calendar:

I'm going and I hope to see others from the forum there too :cool:


Iain Cameron

interesting. I will be in glasgow that weekend for a wedding, and over on the southside to see my sister & bro on the sunday, so i'll see about sticking my head in to the event at some point

Rob Brownfield

Interesting that they felt they had to hold the event within the confines of a Police club house ;) Is the area really that dangerous? ;)

Hamish Young

It is North of Hadrians Wall Rob, so naturally it's dangerous :wink :z4

Good location as it goes, for casting on grass it's all good  :cool:


Hamish Young

interesting. I will be in glasgow that weekend for a wedding, and over on the southside to see my sister & bro on the sunday, so i'll see about sticking my head in to the event at some point

Cool  :cool:

H :z3

Mike Barrio

Not long now Hamish ..... See you there :z16

We won't be able to compete in the same league this year Hamish, that's a pity, serves you right for casting such a long line last year! :z4


Mike Barrio

Hope we get weather like this tomorrow! :z16

Anybody else coming down to Glasgow?

Best wishes

Noel Kelly

I hope ye do but I hope I don't where I'm gonna be fishing!

Mike Barrio

Great fun on Sunday :z16

Good to meet up with friends for a most enjoyable day. I learnt quite a lot and tried casting some heavier gear ...... ouch!
Conditions were not great for extreme distance, but we all had loads of fun trying :cool:

Best wishes

Kevin Muir

What a great day out.

The weather could have been better, more settled breeze and a little less humid but the casting was fun, yes even the T 120.

When I woke up this morning I ached in places I never knew anyone could.  That crazy double hander is just mad but so much fun at the same time.

I need to get fitter for this kind of casting, the on shoulder wind for the T120 was NOT good, I think I will take my cycling lid for next year, much safer.

Enjoyed the day out in great company and am looking forward to getting out with my shooting heads on #9 and #10 rods much more over the winter.


Iain Cameron

I popped by to see the action. Those heavy lines & rods looked pretty brutal! Just hearing the lines rip through the air made me flinch... 

Inspired me to get out and do some casting practice today (much needed!!!) on the footy pitch nearby. let's just say 80' is still toooo far for me.... i think I edged about 72-73 feet ish tops. To the amusement of the local dog walkers and youths.

Ben Dixon

Yup, top day out as it always is. I have some video to upload, will get it done over next week

When I woke up this morning I ached in places I never knew anyone could. 

the on shoulder wind for the T120 was NOT good, I think I will take my cycling lid for next year, much safer.

 :lol :z4 :z4


Hamish Young

It was indeed a 'grand day out' but seemed a smidgen quieter than last year.
Maybe that's just my perception though  :z8

The wind was hardly doing anyone any favours in the morning, Tamas in particular got a bum deal in the #5wt.
Come the afternoon and things were a wee bit better.

Have to say this was the first time I've seriously cast the T38 (last year I picked it up for the first time at the tape) and I think it's a hoot, but not as much as the T120 which (again) I'd not cast before until I was on the tape waiting for the stopwatch to start.
I suggested at the time that the T120 is a wee bit like a blood sport for competition casting..... brutal fun is the best I can come up with. Although I'd probably prefer to be chucking gear people are more likely to actually use (say a 15' rod for example) that T120 is proper 'man shit'. Even Kev gave it a go, but I was a wee bit concerned he was going to head after the rod on the delivery stroke.....  :z7  or lose a limb  :shock
Well done to Peter on getting a B100 trophy and winning the #7wt event outright :z16

The Glasgow meet saw the introduction of the 27gram Sea Trout distance event at a BFCC gathering courtesy of our Ben doing the lobbying. Well done Ben. That brings one of the ICSF ( :?) events into the BFCC list and who knows it could replace other outfits in the future.
Interesting that 27g event, concious of the fact that I could and should have chucked that a lot further than I did. Hey ho, there's always next time and I have 'something in mind' for that event as it should be right up my street.

The trip home wasn't much fun  :z10 Made the mistake of taking a trip down memory lane and going via Loch Lomond and up the 'west' route home to Beauly. Still, we learn from our mistakes  :wink


Ben Dixon

Some video here.  Not much eating done during production so a little rough around the edges.

Sorry Kev!!


Iain Cameron

Inspired me to get out and do some casting practice today (much needed!!!) on the footy pitch nearby...

still practicing for increased distance when I get a chance... nice wee footy pitch nearby. I hit 83-84 feet last night with an SLX 5wt and 5wt rod. No world record, and a long way behind some of you chaps, but a new PB and 10 feet + on my previous best efforts. Next target for me has to be 90 feet. Really within touching distance now.

I've got my SLX marked at 30' with pen - I use that to pace out and mark distance along the lines of the footy pitch, so I can be fairly accurate with my guesses.

Same guy is out throwing balls for his dog everytime I'm there - he must think i'm barking mad

Ben Dixon

Hi Iain,

Get onto E Bay and buy atape measure.  For the difference in price, you are as well getting a 200' job.

If you really want to work on your distance then get something with a longer head and work on smooth carries and increasing your carry, A GT125 or GT90  is perfect for that.  A 65' carry should get you there easily with a long head.  We measure carry from the hauling hand to the end of the fly line and exclude te leader.
If you are hitting high 80's with a #5 SLX, that is a good chuck  :z16



Iain Cameron

thanks for the tips Ben - Mike B has suggested a GT125 too, so I'll get one organised.

Not high 80s yet! low 80s, on a good day... but it's satisfying to see how the shorter casts seem smoother and easier to attain. So as long as I'm seeing improvement, I'm happy. A work in progress for the winter ahead.

So, a 65' foot carry on the back cast, and then let that shoot? cool. i'll see what I can do.

Rob Brownfield

I fancy a go at the double hander, looksfor all the world like a beach caster, and I can put one of them a long way. Have to say compared to how one loads up a beach caster, there does not seem to be too much "wind up" going on.

I wonder how someone like Terry Carroll who puts a lead 300yard+ would get on? Could be fun :)

Marc Fauvet

there does not seem to be too much "wind up" going on.

I wonder how someone like Terry Carroll who puts a lead 300yard+ would get on? Could be fun :)

hi Rob,
the 'wind-up' is either false casting with a single-hand rod or creating the D-Loop with a double.
in the end and as in any kind of casting, it's all about moving weight with the rod tip and i'm sure Terry would pick up fly casting in a pinch as the mechanics are always the same.   :cool:


Ben Dixon

thanks for the tips Ben - Mike B has suggested a GT125 too, so I'll get one organised.

Not high 80s yet! low 80s, on a good day... but it's satisfying to see how the shorter casts seem smoother and easier to attain. So as long as I'm seeing improvement, I'm happy. A work in progress for the winter ahead.

So, a 65' foot carry on the back cast, and then let that shoot? cool. i'll see what I can do.

Hi Iain,

If it is going even low 80's with turnover  then it is a long cast mate.  The SLX, whilst it will go over 100' was not conceived with anything like that distance in mind, to get it there requires quite a long carry as the head is not long enough to fly huge distances before it turns over.  It requires a lot of overhang which can get very messy!

If you can carry 65' under control with a GT90 or GT125 then you should be able to get it to lay out at 90' without too much trouble, its only a shoot of 25'.  Don't over hit the delivery, float it there and concentrate on tracking, late long & fast haul with a smooth rod stroke.  Also useful to put a hula hoop at 90' along the tape and aim to put the fly into it rather than just twatting the rod and hoping the fluff will land at 90'.

Get the tape measure asap, that will tell you exactly how much you are carrying and exactly how far you are throwing, it doesn't lie and is foolproof unlike pacing stuff out.  It's how far the fluff is away from your feet that counts, don't try to work it on how much line you've cast particularly if you are lifting the rod.  With a "game fair lift" I could often cast a full GT140 #6, fluff would land at about 120' and I'd have a huge big pile of slack at the rod tip  :z4



Hamish Young

So, a 65' foot carry on the back cast, and then let that shoot? cool. i'll see what I can do.

If you fancy coming North one weekend for a chuck on grass, give me a shout.

H :z3

Iain Cameron

Also useful to put a hula hoop at 90'

Thanks Ben - I've ordered a 200' tape. Sure that'll come in useful around the house too... for.... err.. ah well, I'll think of something. And Mike found me a 125 to play with. (really need to buy some more reels/spools now).

Did think about Hula hoops - improvised instead and been using some lengths of  thick red cord - I can form them into circles to make targets, or I can just lay them out straight as distance markers, or in parallel pairs for straight casting etc. And simply stuff them into a wee grab sack when I'm done. Versatile & portable.

It's been time well invested so far - I'm seeing benefits on my fishing, especially yesterday in the strong winds I felt I had more punch at short fishing distances.

Hamish - aye, would be good to come up again and learn more about your "brute force and ignorance" (tm) methods!


Rob Brownfield

hi Rob,
the 'wind-up' is either false casting with a single-hand rod or creating the D-Loop with a double.
in the end and as in any kind of casting, it's all about moving weight with the rod tip and i'm sure Terry would pick up fly casting in a pinch as the mechanics are always the same.   :cool:


Hi Marc,
I was refering to the double handed, over the head cast on the video. The actual arc of the rod seems very short compared to the likes of say an off the ground cast with a lead. Now I realise there has to be differences due to the fly line behaving very differently to a lead, but the rod just does not "seem" to load as fully. MAybe taper?


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