Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Main Discussion Area => Topic started by: Allan Liddle on 26/01/2015 at 01:44

Title: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Allan Liddle on 26/01/2015 at 01:44
Don't know why but after all this time on here I've only just noticed Sandy's cracking thread on fishing terms and immediately a few of my own popped into my head.
Now as many of you will know my head's not the same as other yins heads  :z4 (It's no easy being me you know, not everyone could do it  :wink) and as I didn't want to pollute Sandy's bit I thought I could share a few of them here and hopefully get a few new ones back in return........................................

So in no particular order;

!. Rodbender: A trophy troot which is a wild brown trout that has reached or exceeded 3lbs in weight
2. Notable Fish: A troot between 2lbs and Rodbender qualification
3. Good Troot: Yins in the 1lb to 2lb range
4. Basket Troots: Everything else of eight inches and above size always very welcome but not feckin Rod Benders
5. Feckin Bandies: Very wee troots
6. Proper Fishin: Chasing wild brown trouts throughout wild places often in the most remote waters with stunning scenery
7. Puddle Bashin: Going to a fishery
8. Fishing Dries: The cream of wild troot fishin and those who partake often call it 'On the Dries' as opposed to those who like to think they're in the know who will say 'Using the Dry Fly.'
9. Tubin / Usin the Bag: Reference to float tube fishing
10. Finnin: The correct term for float tube propulsion and not paddling
11. Salmon: Migratory Vermin
12. Broken: Que tales of Rod Benders lost, almost always a lie (except when it's me)  :z4
13. Never Caught Anything But It Was A Good Day: Lie
14. Caught Loads? Depends on angler but potentially a lie, Caught Loads on a Peter Ross is definitely a lie.
15, Bamboo: Naw it's Scotland so it's cane ya dobber
16. Point Fly: Scotland its feckin Tail Flee, how many time do I have to tell ye and if you read it in one of my scripts it's the feckin editors fault. And it's no feckin Top Dropper cause yer still in Scotland so it's feckin Bob Flee ok? Ditto on the editor BTW
17. Cast: Scotland again so this is yer leader not what you've just done badly and put everything down for 200 yards
18, Gut: Noy what I've grown over the Christmas (very successfully I hasten to add  :z4) but another Scottish term this time relating to your 'cast' material (ie nylon, floro horse hair, spiders web silk, pubes from a goat whatever)
19, Short Line: What yer actually doin when workin a traditional team on a loch correctly, not the actual length of yer fly line
20, Long Line: What yer dain wrong
21. Fishng was Hard: What you say when you were crap
22> Fishing was good: What you say when you were paying attention
23. Fishing was Shite: Self explanatory for trout / way of describing Salmon Fishing
24.  Fishmonger: Prick who kills troots and should seriously consider golf instead
25. Excellent Angler: Angler who practices C&R  :z16
26. Apris Fish: Whisky time
27. Apris Fish Fanny: Someone who attends a Gethering and bring blended whisky or worse vodka or even even worse something else or horrors of horrors and a sure way of getting ex-communicated nothing at all, not even cheese n biscuits
28. Mountain: Scotland again means proper hill over 3000 feet, in Wales it just means hill
29. Back Cast: Something you catch the trees with
30. Lunch: Something those that canne fish properly do (Salmon anglers do it a lot when back in the hut tellin lies)

Ok enough from me, over to you guys.

PS Some of these are for fun, some are for real  :wink :z4

Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Hamish Young on 28/01/2015 at 11:23
31 -  Boat partner. A fishing companion that often smells of strong drink and/or bullshit.
32 -  Ghillie. Takes you to where all the fish were before someone else caught them all "last week". Also worth noting has similar characteristics to Boat Partner.
33 -  Fishing widow. Wife or partner of 31/32, often the cause of 31/32 smelling strongly of drink.
34 -  Closed season. A time when you may not legally fish but may tell tall stories about all those fish you did catch when 31 & 32 were not present.
35 -  Angling club. A collection of persons who are collectively more interested in telling tall stories about fishing rather than actually fishing.
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Mike Thornton on 28/01/2015 at 16:39
Droonin worms: Fishin' a Blackbirds Fancy.
Fits the best flee for the Ugie?: A Cross & Blackwell.
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Derek Roxborough on 29/01/2015 at 15:19
fly selection; whatever you have in the back o' yer jaiket,
fly box ; what you would keep yer flees in if you could get them oot o' yer jaiket
fly choice; what ever your pal is catching on
fly tying materials; what ye can blag off yer pals or find oot o' the duvet,
 :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
easgach 1
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Mike Thornton on 29/01/2015 at 16:46
Thunder & Lightning:  A Rummle & Flash.
The Enemy:  Rods on the opposite bank.
Etiquette:  Throw only small stones at the Enemy.
Fish a square line:  Have you got a square line ?
Fishing in deep snow:  That's when you need to go up a tree for a pee.
Dirty water:  Fishing in calf scour.
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Mike Barrio on 31/01/2015 at 00:59
Greeting:  upset about losing a fish.
Lugs:  used to catch flies when the trees aren't working.
Feart:  I'm not wading that.
Cadge:  eye up your boat partner's fly box.
Mibbae:  regularity of hatches on the Don
Crabbit:  a person unable to go fishing.
Fae:  the place where a fisher sets off from.
Erse end:  back of a boat
Single Fish ..... always dead and usually battered.
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Allan Liddle on 31/01/2015 at 08:18
Single Fish: rhyming slang for needing a pee
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Derek Roxborough on 31/01/2015 at 13:10
lunch:  what ever yr pals brought.
roll cast:  poor man's spey cast.
long distance release:  missed again.
waders:  usually used to compare a dry foot with a wet one.
breathable jacket:  not waterproof at all.

easgach 1
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Iain Cameron on 02/02/2015 at 07:53
- a Gimme, from 'give me'. As in, "that's a gimme" when targeting a fish rising regularly, within easy casting range, with no currents or foliage to impede you. A sure thing. Often followed by  muttered curses when you make an arse of it.

Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Derek Roxborough on 02/02/2015 at 11:58
dapping:  fly fishing for the tired and weary.
travel rod:  I'm sure it was a 2 piece .....
wild fishing:  cleggs and midgies.

easgach 1
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Colin Sunley on 02/02/2015 at 15:49

Drooket =  Fishing in all weathers as still managing a Smile,

Dooked =  Slips,  Trips and Fall while Wading,   and as above,

Dookers = No Wading Uniform.  Best served when water is tepid bath temp. 
Title: Re: Glossary of Fishing Terms (fun edition)
Post by: Allan Liddle on 04/02/2015 at 09:10
Fishin Weather;

Roastin Hot: 10 degrees above zero
Freezin Cold: 10 degrees belowzero
Force 10 Gale: Good Highland drying breeze
Driving Rain / Sleet / Snow: Tying day