Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Rivers & Lochs => Topic started by: Mike Barrio on 16/11/2011 at 00:05

Title: Haddo Trout Fishery ( to November 15th )
Post by: Mike Barrio on 16/11/2011 at 00:05
Hi folks :cool:

Bloodworm, spiders, various white nymphs, mini Cats, Daddy, dry Pheasant Tail, Crunchers, Hare's Ear Nymphs, Bibio and Black Pennell have all been popular choices of fly this week :wink
Alex Burnett enjoyed a great session tempting 23 fish up to 7 lb, including a couple around 5 lb :z14


Alex was the only angler to really crack the conditions and most folk recorded about 2 to 4 fish, I'm not sure what made the difference, but I suspect that it may have been the way he keeps his flies fishing in the top six to eight inches of water. Duncan Hepburn released a nice Brownie of approx 5 lb and Duncan Harris another beauty of about 6 lb.

Alex also came out on top today, the last day before the Winter break at Haddo, releasing 15 fish up to 4 lb. Today, Tuesday November the 15th was the last day of the season at Haddo Trout Fishery for 2011.

I have been keeping a close eye on the trout and they are now starting to show signs of initiating spawning, so the fishery is now closed for the Winter and we can look forward to some good sport again in the Spring :cool:

Best wishes
Title: Re: Haddo Trout Fishery ( to November 15th )
Post by: Alex Burnett on 16/11/2011 at 10:10

It was good to get out one more time before you closed, think the difference had more to do with your GT90 Fly Line than anything else.            :wink :z14

Title: Re: Haddo Trout Fishery ( to November 15th )
Post by: Mike Barrio on 19/11/2011 at 23:53
Keeping a close eye on the Brownies and then closing the fishery on the 15th is working out rather well :cool:

I have observed a lot of healthy activity over the past few days and am looking forward to monitoring the success rate. Habitat conditions in the lake appear to be good, so fingers crossed, we should be able to improve the level of sustainability.

Best wishes