Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Rivers & Lochs => Topic started by: Peter Rawlinson on 27/05/2011 at 06:05

Title: River Don and dogs , Kemnay
Post by: Peter Rawlinson on 27/05/2011 at 06:05
Some good pools at Kemnay but does anyone else have the same problems as me ?
All relaxed and enjoying the fishing when up comes a large dog and the owner throws a stick‌ in for it to collect . Or the dog is so used to his swim that he just jumps in and waits for the stick .

I like dogs , but why do some dog owners ignore someone wading and just let their pet go for his swim ?

I do not want hassle when I am casting a fly so I usually move on . But one dog decided to swim across the river one day , and once on my side decided  that it would follow me everywhere I went .

The owner was shouting for it to come back but no , it was me who was his new friend . At least she apologised . The ones that ignore you when they see their big alsation barking at you , or deliberately throw a stick just where you are casting, are the ones that annoy me . If they are there first I will move on , and most dog owners will put the lead on and move away if they see me there first , but not all .

I said to one woman that I did not want to get a hook in the dog as she let it jump in . She just looked at me as if I was daft and threw the stick in again .

It is OK usually when the salmon are running and there  are several anglers on the same pool , the dog walkers move away then .   

Rant over . I have not mentioned kids swimming in the river or throwing stones in . That will be my next moan .
Title: Re: River Don and dogs , Kemnay
Post by: Kev Graham on 27/05/2011 at 12:19
Politely ask the owner to be respectful to us anglers and to recognise that we have priority at all times........if you dont get the response you are looking for, reach for the spinning gear, slap on a 11cm Rapala with 3 trebles and cast towards either dog or owner* fight you`ll get all day!!

*C&R only though guys.......
Title: Re: River Don and dogs , Kemnay
Post by: Iain Goolager on 27/05/2011 at 13:14
Try fishing Alford at Haughton! The last time I was there three sets of ignorami threw sticks in for their dogs while I was fishing.  :z8
Now I like a barney as well as the next guy but I think one of the reasons that I like fishing is my removal from the Anderson Drive, lip service boss, moaning peers, babbling missus, roaring diesels, hammering berks type lifestyle I lead so when some knowing (of ones actions) but oblivious (to decency) prat spoils my tranquility then I get grumpy.

Dog S***! Dog S***! don't get me started I took the wee fella down the Don last week and we were capering along a path............long story short he falls foul of some droppings. I was fuming, problem is the ignorami love to walk the peacefull banks and it's a great place to be complacent about leaving your dogs dinner behind. WELL be warned - no more, if I see anyones dog fouling without the owner picking it up, well there are a number of possible outcomes, none of them particularly christian.

I despair  :z19

2,3 and rest  :z3
Title: Re: River Don and dogs , Kemnay
Post by: rattrala on 27/05/2011 at 23:01
Out at Kemnay last year I was fishing the "Dooker" and the reeds were quite high. A dog ( black and white Collie)came running round the side of the reeds and I must have given it a scare  - rather than it barking or running away it came for me and had a bite at my leg. It then ran off - I followed it as i saw a woman walking along the path with the dog by her side. I shouted at the woman to stop as her dog had just bitten me. she seemed to be either deaf or didnt want to believe her dog had just attacked me. She started to walk quicker but I eventually caught up with her and told her what had just happened. Ignorantly she continued walking away until another dog walker came the other way and this womans dog started attacking the other womans dog. She eventually took me on and after about 5 minutes eventually apologised for her dogs behaviour. I asked her why her dog was not on a lead and said it was a "well behaved" dog Normally. After seperating the two dogs the other owner started to complain to her and she started to walk away. Her dog then decided it needed to clear its bowels and she left the pile right on the path approx 200 metres from the dog waste bin. We pointed this out to the woman - but she continued to walk away. The other dog owner picked up the mess and put it away.

SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST IGNORANT - I did not report this to the police but perhaps will in the future. Luckily I was wearing some heaving leggings and welly's.
Title: Re: River Don and dogs , Kemnay
Post by: Peter Rawlinson on 03/06/2011 at 06:08
I was on the river early morning yesterday - around 4.30am .  Enjoying catching tiddlers and trying to cover the big ones with a dry fly ( why do my dry flies turn into wet after about 4 casts ?) I heard  dogs barking  close by .

By this time I had just  about finished and was thinking about breakfast , when up bound two big black labs . It  was getting close to six am so the dog walkers were starting to appear .

Walking up the bank I was confronted by lots of barking so I  just  smiled at the dogs , but to my amazement they were running all over the place and seemed to be unaccompanied . I watched them for a while and no way were these dogs being superviised . There was no one about apart from me and these two noisy labs .

It is a good job I like dogs and am not frightened by them - these two were big and the older one looked like he wanted a challenge . I can only assume they must have escaped  and that surely the owner did not just let them out on their own .

 Not fishing the Don for a few days so will see what next week brings - if only it would rain !