Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Main Discussion Area => Topic started by: Graeme Gauld on 10/04/2009 at 13:50

Title: pitfour
Post by: Graeme Gauld on 10/04/2009 at 13:50
anybody know if it is sold yet if so will the new owners re open the lake ??
Title: Re: pitfour
Post by: Jim Eddie on 10/04/2009 at 14:39
Tango , was not sold the last time I heard. If it is the new owners may keep the Lake for themselves , as the folk who bought Crimonmoggate did a few years back.


Title: Re: pitfour
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 10/04/2009 at 15:51
My understanding from Andrew is that it was taken off the market. I think I am right in saying that due to differences between the owners and the lease holders, fishing is suspended for the foreseeable future. :(
Title: Re: pitfour
Post by: ANDREW BEBBINGTON on 12/04/2009 at 00:44
hi the estate has now been sold and the new owners took over a couple of weeks back they have decided not to reopen or lease out the fishery for the time being so looks likely to remain closed for a while - the rest of the year at least. If they change plans will post any details

Title: Re: pitfour
Post by: Paul Rankine on 12/04/2009 at 22:08
Hi Andrew,
                Sorry to hear that. Take it easy mate.
Title: Re: pitfour
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 13/04/2009 at 08:52
Bloody hell...when did that happen??