Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Mike Barrio

Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« on: 14/06/2016 at 17:24 »
The Scottish Game Fair at Scone Palace Perth on July 1st - 3rd ...... See

I can see the following listed for 'Fisherman's Row' this year:

Active Breaks
AJL Wright Outdoors
Anglers Creel
Angling in Ireland
Barefoot on the Croft
Blade Tech Sharpening Systems
Chevron Hackles
Cudworth of Norden
Filpumps Ltd
GD Troth Knives
Genwair Fly Fishing
Highlander Boats Ltd
Lakeland Lures
MacIntyre & Thomson Sporting Agency
magnetic health care
Orkney Glass Fibre Products
Perth and District Anglers Association
Peter Stunt
Rattray ATV
River Thoughtful Fishing Books
Rugby Plus
Scottish Cottages
Scottish Hawking Club
Somers Fishing Tackle
Specialist Cars Nissan
Spirex Aquatec Ltd
Stormont Angling Club
The Pigeon Shooter
Tonde's Stones
Tweed Forum
Ultimate Fishing Supplies
Water Gems (Alba) Ltd
Westmorland Sheepskins
Woolsthorpe Wellies

Will Shaw

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #1 on: 14/06/2016 at 19:15 »

Hamish Young

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #2 on: 15/06/2016 at 07:45 »
Depressing  :z10

Rob Brownfield

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #3 on: 15/06/2016 at 08:55 »
Plenty of padding and little substance.

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #4 on: 01/07/2016 at 09:54 »
Game Fair weekend ..... anybody going? :z12

Chris Connolly

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #5 on: 01/07/2016 at 11:32 »
PDAA  Perth and District Anglers Association are round the corner from fishermans row on the riverside drive.

Anyone coming to the fair  please pop along and have a chat.


Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #6 on: 01/07/2016 at 11:34 »
I can't go this year ...... get some photos if you have time Chris :wink

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #7 on: 01/07/2016 at 11:48 »
I think Peter is doing a bit of fly tying down there too :cool:

Chris Connolly

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #8 on: 01/07/2016 at 16:31 »
Alas I am working fri and getting all packed up ready for my annual foray over to the west coast to try and catch a few fish (in the sea) as usual the silver tourists arent playing ball with me as yet here on the east.
I might even get a crack at the sea trout as well.

Peter McCallum

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #9 on: 04/07/2016 at 13:44 »
Spent a very enjoyable weekend at the game fair, plenty of interest from the public in the work of the three guys fly tying, lots of questions many of which were answerable.
Didn't get much of a chance to explore the fair but the demo ring and food stalls were much as usual with a couple of new additions (duck wraps & potato swirls) the country clothing, hawks, shooting stalls , craft fair, fleecing stalls (aka nick Knack & tat) food & drink galore, etc.
Fishing control ran the casting comps as well as the flytying tent and the GAIA casting instruction.
And then there was fisherman's row........ or fisherman's corner as it may now be called.  I've been at the game fair since it started and there has been a steady decline in the number of fishing stands in the row.  There is a new guy who's organising the fishing control as of  2017 but he's got a serious uphill struggle to attract fishermen since it looks as though there could be another 2 or 3  of the 5 , yes five, fishing stalls missing next year. It is really sad that the decline has gone this far, I'll continue to attend as long as I am asked,  but the cost for the public and traders is reaching  a tipping point, summarised by a comment from Neil Anderson in Forfar when asked why he hadn't come down 'too expensive' a comment supported by several others. Personally I feel they should reclassify it as a country fair as there's not much 'game' involved as far as fishing goes.

However salvation could be at hand. If you want your fishing fix there is the upcoming Fly Fest in Penrith on October 1st & 2nd, the BFFI in stafford  or even closer to us if a little longer to wait Fly Fest Scotland next February which should have plenty of fishing/fly tying trade stands as well as international and home grown tyers, a must for anglers throughout scotland.

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #10 on: 04/07/2016 at 14:04 »
Nice wee report thanks Peter :cool:

I don't know what the answer is with Game Fairs, if they don't work for folk like Neil Anderson I can't see how they can work for anybody. I did consider ( for a brief moment ) taking a stand myself this year, but it just doesn't make sense I'm afraid :z6


Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #11 on: 05/07/2016 at 10:29 »
Were Bruce & Walker there Peter? They were in the advertising bit about exhibitors .........

Fisherman’s Row returns stronger than ever, with an especially vibrant area for fly fishermen, our traders include bespoke British hand-built fly rods from Bruce and Walker and world class fishing holiday and guiding services, boats and aquatic services.

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #12 on: 05/07/2016 at 12:21 »
How can we fix this? ................ what would you like to see?

Peter McCallum

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #13 on: 05/07/2016 at 18:43 »
Now you mention it I think they were in as part of a joint stand but it was tiny and well back from the paths.  there were some rods but looked like double handers and I'm not sure if they were selling or looking for orders.

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #14 on: 05/07/2016 at 19:27 »

Rob Brownfield

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #15 on: 07/07/2016 at 16:08 »
Unless the manufacturers support Fishermans Row, it will be gone within a couple of years.  Why would I want to drive a round trip of 150 miles and pay a sizable entrance fee to go and buy something off of Somers when I could have popped into the shop and got my discount for being an ADAA member? It is pointless.

However, if I knew that there was going to be a stand from Hardy/Greys, one from B&W, one from say Daiwa, one from Wychwood, maybe Airflo, scierra and so on, where I could go and have a cast, pick up a rod or two, compare them back to back, play about with reels and so on, then the place would be mobbed...just like it was the first few times I went. I remember Greys, Hardy, B&W and a few other manufacturers being there. There are plenty of manufacturers out their, and they do turn up to other events. In fact, Hardy even had a stand, and a big one at that, at the Northern Angling Show, which is predominantly a coarse fishing show. if I could try these items out, I would be more inclined to buy from my local dealer or a trade stand at the show (Manufactures should not sell direct to the public but point people to the retailer stands).

I don't know the price of a trade stand, but I do know a couple of people that have had stands there and wont go back due to cost. The organisers have to make it attractive to the manufacturers and then the people will come. I hear crowds were about 15% down on last year over all.

Just my thoughts...but when I see the size of Carp shows down south and especially in Europe, where the manufacturers do turn up, then the gamefair is tiny in comparison.

Rant over :)

Peter McCallum

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #16 on: 07/07/2016 at 21:06 »
Couldnt agree more Rob but part of the problem was caused by people going to the fair, trying the gear but then heading to the interweb and buying the gear at knock down prices. I know that is the way of the world but its a fact. Same with local tackle shops (or any other local service) use it or lose it.

Rob Brownfield

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #17 on: 11/07/2016 at 13:04 »
part of the problem was caused by people going to the fair, trying the gear but then heading to the interweb

Its a problem all retailers face, unless you are called Mike and hold exclusive distribution rights ;)

Will Shaw

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #18 on: 11/07/2016 at 18:20 »
So, I've been thinking about this (nice distraction  from work and worrying about Brexit and the meltdown of UK politics!).

The root of this is that the shows need to decide what they're for.

It's no longer good enough to pitch them primarily as a retail opportunity. Peter's comments are spot on, people can and will buy elsewhere. I don't see any tackle major manufacturers getting their money back in sales on the day. That leaves you with small players taking small stands and selling things cheap - not really an attraction.

So if the show's reason-for-being isn't as a retail opportunity then what is it? Entertainment that's what!

If I'm being asked to pay £20 plus £5 for parking, plus petrol, plus food and drink, it'd better be good! So, what would good entertainment look like?

- A full program of demonstrations, both coarse, sea, and fly. The demos in the last few years have been sparse and the same people doing the same demos. They don't all have to be beginner oriented either. Where's Charles Jardine? Andrew Toft? Steve Rajeff? Matt Hayes? Whoever else is on the TV just now? Some of the top comp. anglers? Leader to hand? Bugging? Saltwater? Pike? Where are the lure fishing demos? There should be a row of top fly tyers - from abroad too. Allow major manufacturers slots to demo/preview their new kit.
- Films. Why not be a venue for the international film tours - previewing new films?
- Competitions:  Put up some serious prizes and get some proper competitors in.

Heck - I'd pay more than £20 for that lot, as long as i knew about it. The only promotion I saw for this year's fair was on little green roadside signs on the A68! How crap is that? I'd be Facebooking and Twittering the heck out of it, and previewing it in FF&FT, T&S etc.

So, this obviously needs quite a bit of up-front investment (and risk) from the organisers and I don't know how feasible this is. However, once you have a decent program and are telling people about it, you can share plans with the tackle trade who may even believe your forecasts for better numbers of the right kind of visitors (i.e. keenies who might actually buy your kit now and again).

They might then see the show as a means to promote their brands and kit to Scottish anglers (as opposed to a cheesy sales opportunity where everyone is asking for a show discount), and maybe (only maybe) divert funds from press ads, social media, and other shows into building decent stands.

These decent stands then add to the overall attraction of the show - improving numbers even more - woohooo!

All of this is risky I admit. Maybe the economics of the thing mitigate against it. But I can't see another option. If it carries on as it is I can see "Fisherman's Corner" disappearing altogether.

There - got that off my chest!

Hamish Young

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #19 on: 11/07/2016 at 18:29 »
Can't argue with that Will  :z16

Marc Fauvet

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #20 on: 11/07/2016 at 18:53 »
spot on, Will !  :z16

Mike Barrio

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #21 on: 11/07/2016 at 19:36 »
Excellent post Will :z16

Peter McCallum

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #22 on: 11/07/2016 at 21:41 »
Its a problem all retailers face, unless you are called Mike and hold exclusive distribution rights ;)

As I said Rob use it or lose it hence the lack of local tackle  shops.

Will, well said its an entertainment extravaganza but it has long since ceased to be aimed at country sports but at the , for want of a better term, 'wanabes' who are there to  see and be seen.   :cry :cry

On a positive note keep the 25th & 26th of feb 2017 free for fly fest Scotland which should be an excellent opportunity to see and try. :z16

John Powell

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #23 on: 11/12/2016 at 15:00 »

 keep the 25th & 26th of feb 2017 free for fly fest Scotland ..........

where is this being held..?

Peter McCallum

Re: Scottish Game Fair July 1st - 3rd 2016
« Reply #24 on: 11/12/2016 at 16:04 »
In stirling but there may be a rain check this year. final dates coming in the new year


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