Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Sandy Nelson

Camoflague - whats the point?
« on: 13/12/2006 at 18:41 »
I have spent the day wondering whether there is any point to wearing camoflague other than it being some sort of kinky obsession. :grin:

The thought occurs that if the trout can only see in a cone upwards and they are spooked by flashes and shadows that cross their vision then why bother dressing up as a tree.
Certainly from the boat there is no point, the only time you're in the fishes field of view is if you are standing up, and you shouldn't really be doing that anyway- its dangerous :shock:
From a grassy bank, perhaps theres and arguement for being greenish, but whats greenish, and face it the colours change over the course of the year.
If your wading then you probably don't fall into the fishes field of view anyway, until you're too close.
Given we live in Scotland then perhaps grey is a better form of camo as it matches the colour of the sky for most of the year and face it ,fish look up :roll:
In a float tube it doesn't seem to matter what colour you are , you can get real close to the fish, you don't really enter their cone of vision and i know that under the water they can swim into your legs.

However i can see a reason NOT to wear camoflague, if you have an accident  and are lying prone somewhere then if you blend into the surroundings, you will be much harder to find. :shock:

One of the best anglers i know has worn a Dayglo hi viz yellow jacket for years when it rains, from the bank or boat, he still catches more than anyone else around.At least if he had a problem you would find him pretty quick. Seems like a plan to me. :z16

So why bother?


Jay Scott

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #1 on: 13/12/2006 at 19:51 »
I agree, i use deerhunter realtree clothing when im shooting and have tried it once when stalking fish in the summer months at Loch Insch and i really didn't notice the difference. I got a couple fish half way through the day then it got slightly colder so i put a green jacket on and for the rest of the  day i caught the same amount again, the fish didn't notice a difference but some people do swear by it.


Derek 365

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #2 on: 13/12/2006 at 20:22 »
Sorry chaps!! I'll have to disagree , i'm one of these KINKY :wink:  people that swears by it , i feel more confident wearing it and if you're confident then you're half way where . Although i do agree with the 'sky' theory because i'll only use a white floating's a confidence thing

Sandy Nelson

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #3 on: 13/12/2006 at 21:12 »

"i do agree with the 'sky' theory because i'll only use a white floating line"

Interesting point, which i agree with incidently, however if you think about it because the line is between the fish and the light then surely all that is ever seen is a silhouette, dark grey?Perhaps the refraction thing makes the edges appear to the fish so you get a dark grey line with a white edge?
That said on rippled water it doesn't matter.

You may have a point with the confindence thing though.

Sandy :grin:


Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #4 on: 13/12/2006 at 21:48 »
I wear green to try and blend in, but last year I saw a TV programme or read a magazine article (can't remember which - old age creeping up) where a guide/ghillie was wearing an orange  :shock:   fishing jacket made by a well known angling manufacturer.  They were going for salmon and it didn't seem to affect their fishing success.

Rob Brownfield

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #5 on: 15/12/2006 at 09:08 »
Its funny, but I think when Trout fishing its not so important..and i am sure I will upset a few here on the reasons why I think that  :lol:

Think about it, on a stocked fishery, what does a figure on the bank waving there arms about mean to a trout. FOOD, thats what. They are used to seeing people on the stock ponds all the time, wether it is to feed them, net them, check the nets etc etc.

Different on a river with wild fish though..but then, if wading, you are so low to the skyline you could probably get away with anything on your top half although i cannot see orange waders catching on  :grin:

For coarse fiahing, well, if I am fishing a bait at 70 yards, then I doubt it matters, but most of my fishing is done under the rod tip for carp and I can say for sure it does matter..a lot...when you are staring down the open mouth of a large carp thats about to suck in your bait  :grin:

Have a look at the likes of John Wilson..he normally wears a red jumper for 90% of his fishing..only time he does not is when he is stalking close in.....and John is ALWAYS right!!!  :lol:

Sandy Nelson

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #6 on: 15/12/2006 at 15:16 »

We talked about this yesterday and came to similar conclusions.

In fact during the discussion it was suggested that if you are fishing somewhere like Insch (or many other fisheries) regularly then the best type of camoflague would probably be a jacket with lots of people printed on it :lol:

The wading thing also arose and the chances of you the angler appearing in the fishes window when you are in the water is very small, the river just isn't deep enough.However the rod would and so may the line, so perhaps they are best in matt, but thats another issue :grin:


Rob Brownfield

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #7 on: 15/12/2006 at 15:26 »

I make all my rods matt but folk ask to have theres made all nice and glossy.

Shimano are doing "realtree" rods for the carp boys now and another company, Free Spirit are doing the same. Trouble is, you put them down and you cant find them again!!

I was watching Oliver Edwards on sky the otherday and he was talking about the trouts window and they had some great shots of him fishing the river from a trouts perspective. The thing I noticed was the flash of the rod more than anything..and I believe he uses Orvis.


Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #8 on: 15/12/2006 at 15:49 »
Camoflague is of the utmost importance. If you stand out like a beacon the keeper (or even worse other anglers)  will see you miles away as you head permit-less for your cherished, secret  hill loch or stream.  :grin:

Sandy Nelson

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #9 on: 15/12/2006 at 15:57 »
Perhaps its better to spend money on permits than fancy gear then Fred

But being a tight fisted old codger obviously keeps you on your toes.

Camoflague rods? CRUNCH!!!!!, hope they come with a lifetime guarentee :z4



Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #10 on: 15/12/2006 at 16:56 »
Quote from: "spiderman"

Perhaps its better to spend money on permits than fancy gear then Fred

Not on your life, it's a matter of principle  :grin:

Quote from: "spiderman"

But being a tight fisted old codger obviously keeps you on your toes.

Damned right, in fact I  might be typing with my toes if the keeper ever catches me  :grin:


Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #11 on: 31/12/2006 at 12:25 »
Camouflage makes a huge differnce. I have been wearing the ghillie suit for all my trout fishing in the last 12 months. My catch rates have improved dramatically. Even when wading, if you stand still for a few minutes fish will leave their lies and move in beside you so confident they are in a safe hideaway. Give it a go, you will never ever spook that elusive "big-one" on the Don again!!  

Mike Barrio

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #12 on: 31/12/2006 at 12:37 »
I like it  :lol:

Derek 365

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #13 on: 31/12/2006 at 13:49 »

Sandy Nelson

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #14 on: 02/01/2007 at 18:10 »
:z4  :z4  :z4

I wondered where the Soondmannie had been hiding

Mike Barrio

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #15 on: 04/01/2007 at 17:19 »
So, what camouflage would you have needed today? I guess any sudden movement on the banks would have appeared quite normal ....... what with branches flying past etc etc in the wind.  :z4

Which reminds me ......... I saw one of the kingfishers flying along the burn again yesterday ..... beautiful bright colours  :cool:

Also watched a Matt Hayes piece on the telly last night, the one where he and Mick are fishing for huge barbel (on the Ouse?) He explained why he was using camo gear to keep hidden from the fickle fish ........ yet he was wearing a white cap that fairly stood out?

Best wishes

Jay Scott

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #16 on: 04/01/2007 at 18:20 »
He he..
I never really enjoyed any of Matt Hayes' programs i always thought of them as a bit dull and lacked a source of adventure.


Mike Barrio

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #17 on: 10/01/2007 at 19:28 »
I knew this was going to lead to no good  :z6

I bought myself a nice new camo fleece the other day ........ which I've put down somewhere and now I can't find it  :cry:  :z4  :cry:  :z4

Bring back bright orange!  :wink:



Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #18 on: 13/01/2007 at 14:40 »
I thought it would help to blend in.but one day i was at Lochter and there was a guy fishing with a orange fluorescent jacket and he was reeling them in and nobody else around him was.

Rob Brownfield

Camoflague - whats the point?
« Reply #19 on: 14/01/2007 at 21:22 »

Thats rather close to the truth.

When I was in the Gordons/Highlanders, a lot of the lads would buy camo wallets or even camo phones....

BIG mistake out on

There must be thousands of pounds laying around in camo wallets out on the hills around Inverness and Stonehaven ;)


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