Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Steven Kidd

Robson Green
« on: 10/03/2009 at 11:27 »
Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they would like to wring Robson Greens neck...........

I watched that monstrosity of a program last night they call extreme fishing, and witnessed some horrendous things.....namely the explanation of how a Salmon caught using a flash board had probably been at sea for maybe four years........then the explanation on 'how to dispatch a salmon'....with a metal pole.....then dropped obviously still alive into the galley of the boat......not the type of respect we should show a Salmon....or any fish for that matter.......and maybe Joe bloggs watching would think thats just how all fishing is!!....

Then the Pike incident......where he caught at least 10 pike by stabbing them through the head with a pitch fork.......

Then to cap it all.......he caught a Salmon in bright red spawning colours and killed it and ate it!!..........albeit it was probably a Pacific Salmon....but still, I HATE THIS GUY!!!

Rant over....

Does anyone know what that program is called that you can write a letter to to complain about a program?

Bring back Paul Young!

Graeme Gauld

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #1 on: 10/03/2009 at 11:45 »
remember with exception of the flash board salmon incident the rest were caught for survival not sport

Steven Kidd

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #2 on: 10/03/2009 at 13:01 »
Then they should call the program extreme survival, not fishing.

Graeme Gauld

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #3 on: 10/03/2009 at 13:18 »
why, they are fishing to survive

Jim Eddie

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #4 on: 10/03/2009 at 13:32 »
I have to agree with Skidd , I watched the Gaelic programme on Alba " The Salmons Journey"  it was on the Dee this week mainly at Park and was really enjoyable.

Then I watched Robson Greene , it just made me extermely uncomfotable  :mad




j.r fartley

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #5 on: 10/03/2009 at 19:32 »
i absolutely agree with skidd and jim on this one,robsons programme gives the wrong impression about fishing,in contrast the salmons journey was delightfull,showing the good conservation work happening on the dee and treating the fish and its habitat with the respect theyre due!

Steven Kidd

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #6 on: 11/03/2009 at 08:41 »
J.R. Thats exactly what I was trying to say, only you put it across alot more calmly......

I just feel that this programme is the only 'fishing' programme on mainstream tv at the moment and it gives a terrible impression and perhaps teaches the young and influential all the wrong values on how to respect their quarry......and not only that......why does he need to swear....does he think he's Gordon Ramsay......oh no I'm off again........



Barry Robertson

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #7 on: 11/03/2009 at 17:15 »
Doesnt any one ever have anything good to say about any fishig prgrammes!
Dont get me wrong some of the thiongs that happens is pretty rough but cmon at least they are making an effort for anglers  :!
I bet there are a few who sat and watched the whole show  :z2

Jim Eddie

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #8 on: 11/03/2009 at 17:28 »
"I watched the Gaelic programme on Alba " The Salmons Journey"  it was on the Dee this week mainly at Park and was really enjoyable."

Is that not saying something good Baz  :wink

I'm afraid Robson Greene is like "Jackass" gone fishing.



Iain Goolager

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #9 on: 11/03/2009 at 20:38 »
I watched 'Anita Dobsons Extreme Fishing' or whatever his name is, last night and here's my thoughts. Only my opinion mind.

The BBC's researchers have blundered big time. Although I'll watch any programme about fishing I think that we have 1 hour of potentially interesting viewing time virtually wasted.
Anyone want to see Pike fishing in Canada? Yes me please. Anyone want to see some barbaric moron giggling and babbling like a twat while the Pike struggles on the prongs of a trident? Not me, perhaps the anti's might. The poor things still alive when he's holding it outside the tent babbling to the viewer again - knock it on the head Jobson - literally.
Anyone think that footage of a Cod being brought to the boat with the hook entering its' mouth and exiting its' eye is positive public viewing? not me.

Maybe those remotely located natives have to eat Salmon in spawning mode but do we need to see it? I don't. Is that extreme fishing or extreme gastronomic displeasure?

There seems to be at least 25 min's of each prog. just watching him casting a spinning lure and reeling in a fish - no tactics, description of the lure...just him spinning .................yawn!

Deep? sea boat fishing for Salmon does little to show the 'majesty' of the fish. Fly fishing the thingummybobber and egg? for Rainbows, what's the rig up Royston? Not the most of informative programmes.

Surely this is not the best the BBC can come up with? I'll bet you that for the price of the travel costs the BBC, with the right guidance could make a programme that would be of far more interest to the discerning angler.

True the ratings will be high because anglers will always watch 'fishing' prog's even though for some it's just to see what ridiculous antics Polson Green gets up to.

See you next week Blobson.


Rob Brownfield

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #10 on: 11/03/2009 at 20:52 »
Dont get me wrong some of the thiongs that happens is pretty rough but cmon at least they are making an effort for anglers  :!
Sorry. i cannot agree with that statement.

The general public have little idea about fishing, but they do know who Rodson Green they switch on and get bombarded with extremely negative images of "Anglers" Last week you could see the guides getting twitchy with the way he handled the fish that where being returned, and comments like "get them in the boat and punch sh!t out of them" where quoted.

I did not watch this week as i whole hartedly object to "stabbing a fish through the head" for TV entertainment!!! He was not in a survival situation, he was doing it purely for his wage packet!

Last series he was shooting fish with a gun and a bow and arrow..he then held up a Buffalo carp, with a hole through its side and bleeding, saying "Wow, what a beautiful fish". The thing was bleeding, gasping, and then was unceremoniously dumped from height into an empty barrel to slowly bleed or suffocate to death. I was horrified. No living creature deserves to be treated like that...disgusting!

Also, I cannot believe he is a "fisherman"..his casting of the fly and spinners was pathetic, almost beginner like and his playing of fish, ie, winding when a fish was running etc shows a complete lack od knowledge.

Sorry..the guy is a tw@t and for one would tell him that to his face..if i could ever get to the front of the que!!

Barry Robertson

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #11 on: 11/03/2009 at 21:46 »
Robson green is not claiming to be a pro fisherman i think you should be slating the guides he is with for not advising him correctly!
If i mind correctly he is an actor  and not a know it all at fishing  :z8

Rob Brownfield

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #12 on: 11/03/2009 at 23:21 »
Robson green is not claiming to be a pro fisherman i think you should be slating the guides he is with for not advising him correctly!
If i mind correctly he is an actor  and not a know it all at fishing  :z8

I am pretty sure the guides had very little say in things once the camera started to roll. I have had some exposure to what goes on behind the camera (4 years lecturing on TV production and editing) and I would say the guides where told..."get him a fish, and let him get on with it..he is the star, not you!"

I had the extreme pleasure to talk to Hugh Falkus and John Anderson regarding the making of Salmo the Leaper. Even these two pulled some tricks to get the shots they wanted..and as time is very much money in film/programme making, short cuts are taken.

I certainly respect your views bigtroot, but describing him as an actor is wrong ;)

Paul Young was and is an actor..he did a pretty damn good job at presenting fishing in a very favourable light :)

Sandy Nelson

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #13 on: 12/03/2009 at 05:57 »

I certainly respect your views bigtroot, but describing him as an actor is wrong ;)

The only thing you've written Rob, that i would disagree with.
He most definatley IS an actor, what he is NOT, is an Angler.

Why cant they make a "passion for angling" style programme again :z8


Hamish Young

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #14 on: 12/03/2009 at 07:48 »
...... or screaming reels  :z6

I confess that I have watched the series so far, and that on occasion I have had to fight an uncontrollable urge to put my hands around RG's neck and throttle/drown him a smidgen  :roll

Certainly, it is good to see angling on the telly although I'm reasonably unconvinced that the series is portraying all anglers in the right light. Seeing RG out of his 'comfort' zone relatively often is also mildly pleasing and goes some of the way for making up for the dialogue/commentary you have to endure for an hour.

There is some interesting stuff in the programme, that is undeniable.
A lot of different ways of fishing, both commercial and sport - which is refreshing.

It's on C5 and not the BBC, so I suspect that the production is via RGs own company which might go some way to explaining the content. I dunno, I'm not a TV mogul  :z8

Whilst some of the programme leaves me a smidgen uncomfortable, in the main RG is participating in fishing the way the 'locals' do it.
Sometimes that doesn't fit entirely with the UK 'ethos' but if that's the way they do it then fair play, we shouldn't impose out moral code on them - particularly when it comes down to survival skills.

I do dislike seeing a fish suffer or being handled in a less than ideal way, but would remind anyone who might get a wee bit upset about it that the fish we eat caught by trawlers or those from salmon farms, halibut farms etc etc hardly have a jolly time of dying. It's part of the process, whether we like it or not.

This will be an emotive topic, I'm sure, until the series finishes.

Will I continue to watch it  :? - yup.
Will I continue to feel uncomfortable every now and again  :? - yup.
Will I have an uncontrollable urge to throttle the presenter  :? - oh hell yes.

Am I enjoying the series :? On the whole, yes.

My two cents...... what a fish man, what a fish  :z7

Hamish  :z3

j.r fartley

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #15 on: 12/03/2009 at 09:28 »
im with you on that hamish,as much as i think hes a cock iv watched the whole of the first series and all of this one! :z4

Iain Goolager

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #16 on: 12/03/2009 at 11:52 »
100% apologize to the BBC - In my haste I commited a cardinal sin.

Rob Brownfield

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #17 on: 12/03/2009 at 15:49 »
Whilst some of the programme leaves me a smidgen uncomfortable, in the main RG is participating in fishing the way the 'locals' do it.
Sometimes that doesn't fit entirely with the UK 'ethos' but if that's the way they do it then fair play, we shouldn't impose out moral code on them - particularly when it comes down to survival skills.

And thats the crux of the problem for me...

I have watched Ray Mears catch fish using spears, traps and all sorts, but i do not have an issue with that as he quite clearly states that it is for survival and that he is just showing how the locals do it. He does everything with respect, dignity and with explaination.

RG seems to relish in leaping about, swearing and making a tit of himself...and to a casual watcher, this is how all anglers behave. Going back to the last series, blasting through the Everglads (a National Park and Reserve) on an "air" boat, taking pot shots with a rifle at "Swamp Chickens" (Moorhens) is something no angler should be compared too!

I have very strong convictions when it comes to handling fish and I do not believe that anglers up here are as aware of anti-angling pressure as anglers down south. Anglers have been attacked, pushed in, gear smashed up etc etc. Its a real threat and this plonker is adding to the fuel.

Rant over ;) Time to go home and get a couple of hours fishing in :)

Barry Robertson

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #18 on: 12/03/2009 at 17:02 »
Going back to the last series, blasting through the Everglads (a National Park and Reserve) on an "air" boat, taking pot shots with a rifle at "Swamp =

Cmon Rob it cant be that bad after all you must of watched the last series and felt the urge to watch the new series also  :z13
Looks like your a big closet Robson Green fan after all :z4
Enjoy the rest of the show lads  :z2

j.r fartley

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #19 on: 12/03/2009 at 18:30 »
this ones for you rob... :z4

Iain Goolager

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #20 on: 12/03/2009 at 20:13 »
A cracking song JR thanks for that it always brings a tear to my eye!

Rob Brownfield

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #21 on: 12/03/2009 at 20:49 »

Must confess..i used to like this...

Mike Barrio

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #22 on: 12/03/2009 at 22:41 »
Hi folks :cool:

Just been watching Billy Connolly ..... Journey to the edge of the world :z16

Now there is a man and a production team that could make some cracking fly fishing telly :z3

Best wishes

Mike Barrio

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #23 on: 13/03/2009 at 01:02 »

Hamish Young

Re: Robson Green
« Reply #24 on: 13/03/2009 at 07:38 »
Very good, now that's a programme I'd like to see  :z16


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