Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Rivers & Lochs => Topic started by: Howard & Stuart on 19/12/2011 at 11:12

Title: Lochter Report- Merry Fishmas!
Post by: Howard & Stuart on 19/12/2011 at 11:12
Ice was very much a factor last week and this restricted the amount of water available to fish. However those hardy souls who ventured out were rewarded with soles lovely hard fighting fish.
Mike Cordiner, fishing his Winter League, got 17 for his day including two lovely specimen fish one over 9lb and the other over 5lb using a variety of cormorants.
Jim Robb had 3 on damsels and Brian Ross had 4 also with this lure.
Bloodworms were found to be very effective and Terry Daniels had 4 using them, Andy Robertson had 5, Ross Middleton had 3 and John Lawson had 5.
Weather permitting we will be open over the festive season apart from the 25th/26th December and 1st/2nd January.
Stuart, Bert, Howard and all the staff at Lochter would like to thank you for your custom during the year and look forward to seeing you in 2012.
 :z15 :z15