Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Main Discussion Area => Topic started by: Mike Barrio on 21/01/2009 at 20:05

Title: New for 2009?
Post by: Mike Barrio on 21/01/2009 at 20:05
Hi folks :cool:

Any signs of some new 2009 tackle products yet? The latest pre-season gear can't be far away :z5

Always fun to watch out for.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 21/01/2009 at 20:41
Mike, what's happened to the new Snowbee Tube?  keeping an eye out - just for interests sake.

I hear Loop have taken out a black version of the Opti reel - nice! don't think I'll be investing though, but I'll maybe cuddle one sometime.

Has Diver Dave  :z5 prototyped his neoprene waders yet? any word?

Funny as it may seem I've no real 'must haves' on my list so far  ???  must make an appointment with my shrink!

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Jim Eddie on 21/01/2009 at 20:46

Is the the Opti ? Its new for 2009 , at that price you'd be as well getting two  :z4

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Dave Mundie on 21/01/2009 at 20:53

Is the the Opti ? Its new for 2009 , at that price you'd be as well getting two  :z4


B****y hell i know i'm a grip but i can safely say there's one chance................

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Mike Barrio on 21/01/2009 at 20:54
I have the Snowbee 2009 sea fishing catalogue, but the game fishing one will become available around mid February, I believe.

Interestingly, this is Snowbee UK's 25th anniversary year and they are apparently hoping to launch a lot of new products to celebrate! Cool ..... :cool:

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 21/01/2009 at 20:57
Hi Jim,
That's the bigger brother.
My standard Opti is the 'Creek' which used to retail at £320....ish the new 2009 Black ones are £370 ??????? what's going on? They are good reels but c'mon. Realistically £130 for a quality reel is ample

Thank god for bonuses! still the money's better off screwed onto my rod than in some RBoS Fat cats pooch.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 21/01/2009 at 21:00
Interestingly, this is Snowbee UK's 25th anniversary year and they are apparently hoping to launch a lot of new products to celebrate! Cool .....

I have always had lots of time for Snowbee stuff so hopefully they'll do market some good kit and at good prices.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Hamish Young on 21/01/2009 at 22:52
Not in the UK yet, but look out for the new Orvis Helios 'Ion' series  :wink
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 21/01/2009 at 23:09
Hamish is that a reel to compliment the existing Helios rod? or..........another version of the Helios?
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Ben Dixon on 21/01/2009 at 23:33
Helios Ion is an addition to the Helios range, similar lengths & line weights to the Superfine range but about half the weight as made from Helios material, I think the lightest rod weighs in at 7/8 of an ounce  :cool:
Orvis also have a new Western coming, the western 3.  Built on different blanks, matt finish and reduced weight, same lengths & line weights as the Western 2 series, bit stiffer and faster too, should have some in the next few weeks  :grin  New range of salmon lines and there will be a Helios Spey rod coming at some point this year too although it will not feature in the 2009 catalogue, this will be seriously light, hope to get a play with a prototype in the next few weeks.

Redington have a new range out, CPS has been replaced with CPX, not tried one yet but the reports I have heard have all been very positive.

Hardy Greys also have new toys out for 09, the Angel & Angel TE have been revised, the Angel 2 is a duller silver than the old TE (new TE is bright red).  Cast an Angel 2 9ft 4wt a few months back, nice but a bit stiff for what I use a 9ft 4wt for.  Greys have brought out the xflight to replace the Greyflex (I think), cast a couple of them, nice rods although the 9ft #5 is a bit slow & soft for my taste, these are reviewed in FF&FT this month.

Rio have revised the Windcutter Spey line and have introduced a single handed Skagit line (mine is on order  :grin) and there is a new sink 2/3 AFS shooting head, I have cast this but not fished it as yet, casts really well and seems to be about the sink rate I want for spring stuff, will be ideal on the Don.


Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 22/01/2009 at 08:49
There is a similar thread on another site and the general consensus is that most tackle manufacturers have shot themselves in the foot!

Many seem to have brought out a large number of expensive items, presumably conceived in the summer when everyone seemed to have money to burn, but now with the big "R" word, there is little new in the more affordable price range...well..when it comes to fly gear anyway.

I understand the new Daiwa and Shakespeare catalogues are half the thickness they used to be...but Shimano have decided to open up the marked a bit and ranges of rods that where only available in the US or EU are now available here :)

I like there telescopic European "Trout" rods. 15-20 feet, fitted with a fixed spool reel and 2 pound line. Basically you flick out weighted nymphs and catch traout and grayling all day long ;)
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Magnus Angus on 22/01/2009 at 09:34
Considering the tackle trade was well aware times were getting tougher there's rather a lot of new gear around - at all price points. Rob pointed to a thread where the usual miserable souls are are doing the usual bollox about expensive gear on that other forum - bleating about prices for gear which has been out in some cases, for several years and is aimed at either small niche markets or designed and sold on performance and state-of-the-widget or prestige. The volume sales in those markets mean there is no reason for the manufacturers to rush off and cut their prices. Needless to say the nit-wits who bleat about premium ranges from Sage or Loomis or Hardy or whoever choose to ignore how long those ranges have been around and the long list of gear the same manufacturers offer at lower, more competitive price points.

Most of the larger outfits have simply continued with their programs of renewing tackle, rods, reels and lines to refresh sales as the older gear looks dated and market share has declined in all the price points they cover - that's what marketing driven companies do. They have undoubtedly taken measures to control forward ordering.

I dunno about the Daiwa catalogue - seems to me they have as many new fly rods as they need. As for Shakespeare they have a long list of new game stuff. Their new management have been making changes, don't know where that's heading.

There's a double whammy coming, the exchange rate is so poor against the dollar that we can expect big increases in almost all tackle. Just about everything is priced in dollars whether sourced in the US or the far east. Those (few) things which are made in the UK will be hit the same way if they use imported raw materials. Given the state of the exchange rate there's the possibility of increased sourcing and manufacture in the UK as the cost advantage of imports slips - but I'm not holding my breath.

Ben mentioned the X-flite range - good rods, well priced. I've just taken delivery of an Angel2 TE - oh! - stiff did you say! :z4
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Mike Barrio on 22/01/2009 at 12:53
Magnus ..... Excellent post :z16

All very, very true ..... Spot on! :wink

The exchange rate issue is huge, I am sitting on two new fly rod designs that we have been working on over the last year, cracking products which I was planning to launch this Spring :z6 I was going to order all the components for these from my suppliers in the States this month, but the exchange rate has made me think twice :oops

We have also been working on an excellent new fly line taper ( as an addition to the range ) and this is coming along just grand. But of course my fly lines are manufactured in the UK, which makes things so much easier :cool:

Best wishes
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Jim Doyle on 22/01/2009 at 15:05
Having spoken to one or two dealers one of the biggest commercial mistakes that tackle companies made   was the rod replacement deal.  This has meant that anglers no longer look to replace their rods when damaged, they just get the new section.  There is only so much that can be done with rod blanks, there is , at the moment several blanks around that are the same rod in different cosmetics.   The argument over top end tackle has always been around, I have always bought the best I could afford and make no apoligy for this, its what I do . The credit disaster, I think this "crunch" thing lets the banks off easily, means theres a lack of confidence with people worrying about their jobs etc, but I think committed anglers will still spend money.  The cost of tackle will go up and down, there may be a slow down in the purchase of major items but the fly tying and bits and pieces side of things will stay steadyish. There will need to be serious thought given by tackle companies to their prices, they will only get away with passing so much of the rise in costs on, there is already a downturn in the cost of energy and the price of oil is down (the two factors in carbon fibre production) .  We all look to get paid more so we must expect that our chinese cousins would like a greater wage too.  I have been on some of the chinese sites and they are eye openners . For an interesting insight on rods go to Steve Partons sight, its quite amusing .  jim
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 22/01/2009 at 16:26
Rob pointed to a thread where the usual miserable souls are are doing the usual bollox about expensive gear on that other forum - bleating about prices for gear which has been out in some cases, for several years and is aimed at either small niche markets or designed and sold on performance and state-of-the-widget or prestige.

 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4

From my point of view, not that its worth much...but I still believe in buying from reputable British companies (gear made in the UK, not badged in the UK)..if i can..or waiting for the Orvis 50% sale ;) I won't buy from some companies because of past experience, and others i won't buy from on principle.

Each to there own I guess, and quite frankly, tackle has never been so cheap. 10 years ago a £50 fly rod would have been a disaster, now days you actually get a very castable item. :) also get the opposite, with some companies producing expensive items, identical to others, at a far higher price for the same item with a different sticker on it. But I guess that has always happened, just that it is so much easier with far eastern manufacturers producing items for several different companies at the same time.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Magnus Angus on 22/01/2009 at 19:06
The argument over top end tackle has always been around, I have always bought the best I could afford and make no apoligy for this, its what I do .

Doesn't that sound sane! I think that's much more normal than some of the bleating voices realize, eg I have a budget for a rod reel or line - what's the best I can get for my money?

There is only so much that can be done with rod blanks, there is , at the moment several blanks around that are the same rod in different cosmetics.

There is some truth in the idea that rods built on the same blanks are similar but they are not necessarily the same. Give identical good quality blanks to two rod builders and in theory at least you could get back a good and an indifferent rod - the rings, whippings varnish, grip and reelseat all contribute to the finished rod - even the paint job has an effect - and I'm not just talking about cosmetics, all those pieces can affect the performance of a rod.

Rods sourced from the far east fall into roughly two types - rods designed by and/or for a specific client, commissioned and made vs rods designed in-house, made and bought off the shelf with or without cosmetic tweaks to suit individual clients. Go back ten or more years and the gear sourced from the far east was predominantly bought off the shelf. For sure there are a few rods from different brands which are the same - probably fewer than one might think now. Now much of what we see is commissioned: designed, specified and made exclusively for one brand. The contracts large importers place with their suppliers mean they have a good deal of leverage - no good businessman will mess about with contracts worth millions to sell a handful more.

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Irvine Ross on 22/01/2009 at 19:24
I'm not surprised there is a lot of new equipment coming onto the market this spring. There is a long lead time in research and development programmes for companies who manufacture their own blanks, let alone placing orders  for supplies, preparing catalogues, getting them printed. This time next year may be a different story.

What would not surprise me is heavy discounting on catalogue prices to shift product that is lying in warehouses and dealer's shelves. Companies may be prepared to trim margins just to recover the cash that is currently tied up in stocks. That depends on whether they have borrowed to purchase stock and if they have overestimated on predicted sales volumes. But I doubt that will happen with top of the range products.

Incidentally the pound is UP against the New Zealand dollar so that might make blanks from CTS a good buy this year. Anybody know anything about them?

Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Magnus Angus on 22/01/2009 at 19:37
one of the biggest commercial mistakes that tackle companies made   was the rod replacement deal. 

Interesting looking at it from a retailers point of view isn't it.

From a market (not a marketing) point of view Unconditional Lifetime Warranties are simply bizarre - so a consumer can buy once and never again? Off hand I can't think of anyone now offering a Warranty that's not conditional in some form - where the owner pays for the replacement part or rod, or where the lifetime of the item of tackle is key and that's limited to a number of years. I'm also beginning to see warranties which are extremely expensive to implement and some where shops sell the consumer a replacement section - interesting idea and the shop makes a profit on the replacement sale.

Unconditional Warranties were initially used (ie marketed) by one company as a completely cynical and ruthless means of buying market share. They knew that it would de-value the market but.... Thing is it's very hard to put the genie back into the bottle, their competition had to match their deal, then almost everyone did it - now things are gradually easing back.

What that caused and to some extent has left us with is a high end market where the marketing effort focusses on and is driven by claims of better performance amongst other things - "I need to replace that venerable two year old rod because some genius rod designer has created the newest, latest greatest lightest stiffest fastest most ultimate-est...."
(In that sense its rather like the race to have more and more mega-pixies in a digital camera - bugger shutter accuracy or reliability, or lens quality, or camera build quality, or  image quality - gimme more pixies.)

On the other hand, I know from a magazine survey that the number of fly-rods we now each own has risen dramatically. Where in the past it was typical for a keen angler to have one or two rods, now they might have a dozen or more - somewhere between 6 and 12 seemed typical for those wo replied to the survey.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Noel Kelly on 28/01/2009 at 22:28
Here is an interesting one. This mono is designed to last 5 years unlike conventional mono which can last 600?? years! Sounds like the future to me. They developed the technology working in the medical field with dissolving stitches.
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Mike Barrio on 28/01/2009 at 22:50
Interesting Noel ...... I haven't found that normal nylon creates major problems in my experience at the loch, it seems to rot away quite quickly. Flurocarbon on the other hand :shock I think most of you already know my views on that stuff :z6

Yes, very interesting :z3
Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Sandy Nelson on 18/02/2009 at 21:04
Been sorting through some of our new inserts and these are good cross section of the patterns. I think they are great :z16



Title: Re: New for 2009?
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 19/02/2009 at 08:27
Some sexy inserts there Sandy!! Question is, are you going to "marble" the epoxy to match? ;)

