Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Brian Brand

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #100 on: 08/11/2008 at 22:10 »
See you all there tomorrow.

Sandy, it's not all about the length it's about the presentation. :wink :z4


Sandy Nelson

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #101 on: 09/11/2008 at 05:59 »
 :z4 :z4 :z4

Jim Eddie

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #102 on: 09/11/2008 at 16:49 »
As Jim Bowen would say "Smashing , Super, Great"

It all went really well , everyone turned up with the right attitude , the crack was good  :z13

Magnus gave lots of things to think about and practical things to practice , Sandy also kept us on track , no pun intended.

I could actually see the improvement in peoples casting as the day prograessed. Lots of different rods and lines to try  :z16 

We all owe mike a debt of gratitude for organising it.



Peter McCallum

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #103 on: 09/11/2008 at 17:02 »
I'm really miffed about not making it, I'll need to watch how many diy jobs I do on Saturdays in future. Ah well ............ theres always next time. :cry :cry :cry

Cameron deBoth

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #104 on: 09/11/2008 at 17:04 »
Yea great day and I saw a big improvement (we all know why......Hamish???)  :z8 :z7 :z4

Thanks to Magnus, Sandy & Mike for their tips/help with your casting

And thanks to Mike again for organising the meet.  :z18

Brian Brand

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #105 on: 09/11/2008 at 17:28 »
Hi guys,

As above many thanks to Mike, Magnus & Sandy.

I had forgotton how uncoordinated I could be until I was shown how to double haul cast, it was starting to come together at the end but more practice will be required in my back garden though.

It was a great day out, and good to put faces to some of the names in the forum.

Thanks again,

Mike Barrio

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #106 on: 09/11/2008 at 19:13 »
Hi "Outcasts" :z16

Well, twas a bit cold and more than a bit windy, but it was great fun! :z12

I really enjoyed my day
Thanks everybody

Sandy Nelson

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #107 on: 09/11/2008 at 19:40 »
I had a great time too :z16
Nice to meet some folk and great to see that people are better than they think. :z13
A big thank you to Magnus, for giving his Time and expertise, much appreciated :z14

I hope everyone learned a little bit and that it inspired you to practice a bit more.
That little bit of practice goes a long way.
Its such a shame some of you were ill, i was looking forward to doing some fly rod gymnastics.
Ah well never mind, definatley next time. :z16.
I think we all have something to practice over the winter and i reckon if we go for another meet up about March, just in time to brush up some river casts for the coming season.

All told, a good afternoon



Iain Goolager

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #108 on: 09/11/2008 at 20:29 »
Hi guys,

I had a great time today and felt that the instruction was extremely beneficial, which was evident when you could see the progress that was made throughout the group in such a short time.
I always try to take at least one major point away from occasions such as this but infact grabbed many & on occasion felt that I was casting like a real bloke.
It was indeed good to see new faces and try out the different rods & lines. That Airflo Ridge line impressed me and I do like the 5wt Sage XP but I don't think I'll be shelling out £75 on a Sharkskin (or should it be rattlesnake) line.
Attempting the Double Haul without a safety net is something I've done a few times while fishing and this usually ended in a retied leaded and a return to the safety of my ham fisted Single Haul - today proved the worth of practicing away from the fish.
It was very interesting to cast against the tape but I got the feeling that a few of us (I did for sure) resorted back to our 'less technique more oomph' style but I know that as we practice and become more confident in our abilities, that 'less is more' lesson we learned today will increase our distances.

Thanks To Magnus, Mike, Sandy and 'the crew'

A big thumbs down to the wind :mad



Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #109 on: 09/11/2008 at 20:50 »
Can I just repeat everything that has been said in the previous posts and add my personal thanks to Mike, Sandy and Magnus for giving up their Sunday to give us all something to think about (and practice) over the coming months.
I also hope that those who fell ill, are feeling better soon, and are able to join us on the next occasion. It was also nice to put a face to the names who appear on the Forum.
Must go now and turn the heating down - the feeling is returning to my nether regions!
All the best

Ben Dixon

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #110 on: 09/11/2008 at 22:40 »
Hi All

Looks like a good day was had. I am very sorry I missed it, please accept my apologies for my no show.  I was in Wales and thought the do I was attending finished on the Friday but found out once I got there that the event ran on until Sunday morning, I shall make sure in future to read my email more thouroughly.



Mike Barrio

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #111 on: 09/11/2008 at 23:43 »
Hi Ben :z16

Yes, sorry you missed the first "Outcasts" gathering ......... but I'm sure there will be more next year and you'll get to play!

Best wishes

Irvine Ross

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #112 on: 10/11/2008 at 08:39 »
Just to add my personal thanks to Mike Sandy and Magnus. It was a good day and I learned a lot more than I thought I would. Also it was presented in a spirit of good fun and everyone enjoyed it. I certainly plan to be at the next gathering if Mike is kind enough to organise one.

Thanks again


Steven Kidd

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #113 on: 10/11/2008 at 11:15 »
A very interesting day indeed, really enjoyed it, Thanks Mike / Magnus and Sandy.

The knowledge shared and demonstrations made the mind boggle!!.......

I definately would be a regular next year, a very good idea this casting on grass......I'm off to do some more, to practice some of the drills learned.

Practice on grass.......and then you should'nt have to think about it when you are fishing at all, it just becomes the norm.

As Bruce Lee said about a fight situation........'And when there is an opportunity, "I" do not hit, "It" hits all by itself'....wacko :wink

Yeah, not quite sober yet.



Paul Rankine

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #114 on: 10/11/2008 at 13:22 »
Hi All,
         Sorry I missed it. Flu bug strikes , or as my wife would say , "a mountain of Man Flu"  :wink

Will there be another next month ? Intrigued by Sandy's fly rod gymnastics !   :z7


Mike Barrio

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #115 on: 10/11/2008 at 16:52 »
Some of the rods were put through their paces ............  :z4



Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #116 on: 10/11/2008 at 19:17 »
Looks like you all had great fun even though it looked Baltic. Looking forward to making the next one.


Dave Mundie

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #117 on: 10/11/2008 at 19:18 »
I should have made a bigger effort to get there also if i had it would have saved me a fortune, i went out and bought a X-Trail instead :! :z12
Prob with a Sunday is its the family day so i have to be extremely good before i can get a free pass.

Oh well next time.  :z16


Sandy Nelson

Re: "The Outcasts"
« Reply #118 on: 10/11/2008 at 20:54 »

My bald head and a bent rod :shock
I dont know what surprises me more.
 :z4 :z4 :z4 :z4



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Barrio Fly Lines

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