Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Main Discussion Area => Topic started by: Loxiafan on 26/07/2012 at 12:27

Title: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Loxiafan on 26/07/2012 at 12:27
The last couple of nights for me on the Don have been very challenging with only encountering what appear to be "smutting" trout. Coinciding with dropping water levels the fish are just not interested in anything else it seems !

The fish are rising, sometimes steadily, from about 8.30/8.45 pm, small kissing rises, sometimes multiple (in quick sucession), often moving upstream, with the odd "gop" and air bubble. Some are "sharkfining", all intially suggesting to me that they were taking emergers or still born duns just below the surface. However, I have tried DHE's (interested but just drown the fly), CDC and Elks, Black Gnat (size 20), Oppo (small klink), even spent spinner patterns and various emergers all to no avail. There are no spent spinners on the water.

I have definitely covered fish, and not lined or spooked them because they keep rising, and the odd fish shows interest but won't take. I understand that because they are close to the surface their 'viewing window' is narrow but I am confident I have been getting my flies right across their noses. I now reckon these fish are "smutting" midges or small diptera, maybe caenis, so what do you guys do in that situation ? ! It is a lower/mid beat of the Don, quite slow and deep (sediment bottom for the large part) with the occasional slightly faster gravely, ranunculus sections where baetis emerge. The "smutters" are in the slower sections.


Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 26/07/2012 at 12:46
Rapala?  :roll

Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Iain Goolager on 26/07/2012 at 12:55

I usually find that come August the exact situation arises each season with it being infuriating seeing these fish feeding heartily on somit that I can't seem to replicate. I even tried tiny tiny stuff on 8X tippet.
I have caught on tiny black Klinks but that is just through pure blind determination to keep on covering fish until one gets annoyed enough to take.

Finding the answer would give someone some cracking sport. Good Luck (and let me know if you find it, chum, pal, mate)

Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Loxiafan on 26/07/2012 at 14:06
Cheers Iain,

Yeah very difficult ! It's not just the size issue it seems difficult fishing your fly in just that inch and a bit depth (consistently). Water is a bit too slow for spiders, plus mine either float on the surface or sink too deep at this beat ! A dropped bum fly was just not good enough but I might tie up a few skinny tiny black klinks. Different beat for me tonight though, a blank last night and a LDR (long distance release) on Monday so glory days are over  and normal service has been resumed !  :z19

Some nice patterns in Nemes books on the Chapter on Smutting Trout but not convinced they would work in these canal-like sections ??

Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Liam Stephen on 26/07/2012 at 17:15
I think the same has been happening the past few night in Kintore. Bloody frustrating, as Iain says if you find the answer please share!  :z16

Good luck
Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Loxiafan on 26/07/2012 at 18:41
Bloody frustrating, as Iain says if you the answer please share!  :z16

A 3wt 10' Streamflex, 9m Camou Leader and a box o' nymphs ?  :wink

I think I have more chance of treading in Rocking Horse doodoo than solving this one ! :z4

Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Noel Kelly on 26/07/2012 at 18:58
Yup same story for me last night. Had a few on tue night but nothing special. I always say I won't fish the river in August but it's so hard stay away when you are seeing the occasional lump showing.
Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Ben Dixon on 26/07/2012 at 20:30
If they're on midge, I've done well with a very sparse black spider tied very short on a #18 hook shortlined and dead drifted on a greased up leader.  Light and location has to be right.


Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Mark Zhang on 26/07/2012 at 22:53
I went out last night in Kemnay beat. no much rising. a few around 9:30pm. a big one jumped out of water about one feet in front of me, cover it and hooked, but it only last for a few second, then lost it. then caught two were about bigger than my finger. that's all. all on black spider and butcher. tried different flies, such as lures, nymphs, but didn't work. might go out tomorrow night, see if I can catch one.  :z15 Cheers.

Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Noel Kelly on 26/07/2012 at 23:39
That sounds like a typical July night on the don Mark! Go back and nail that big one, you now know where it lives :z16
Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Barry Robertson on 27/07/2012 at 10:29
Has anyone ever spooned one of these feeding trout to see exactly what they are smutting on! It might give you the insight on what pattern to exactly replicate  :z8
Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Noel Kelly on 27/07/2012 at 11:41
Has anyone ever spooned one of these feeding trout to see exactly what they are smutting on! It might give you the insight on what pattern to exactly replicate  :z8

What! Cuddled up with em in bed? That's a bit weird baz!
Title: Re: Smutting Trout.....Go Home ?
Post by: Mark Zhang on 30/07/2012 at 11:55
Went back on Friday night, but didn't see him again.  :z19 he left his little brother there, and got it.  :z18 that's the only fish for that night. it's not easy for me to catch them, but will keep going. Cheers.
