Fishing The Fly Scotland

Index => Main Discussion Area => Topic started by: Hamish Young on 08/09/2014 at 09:23

Title: The face-lifted Trout & Salmon magazine
Post by: Hamish Young on 08/09/2014 at 09:23
Until we moved to Inverness-shire I had a subscription to T&S (and FF&FT for that matter) but since we moved up here I just haven't bothered to renew.
Now whilst this does not necessarily seem immediately relevant to the topic, what it means is (as I don't like throwing things away) I had more than two decades of fishing magazines stashed in various places around the house where 'she who must be obeyed' either couldn't reach them or wouldn't look.

I manned up recently and took the hard decision that as none of them make particularly good fire lighters the thing to do was to recycle the magazines, we need the space so their fate to be recycled was secured.
Whilst I was fondly casting my eyes over many years of magazines and guiding them towards a recycling bin, the thought struck me that the layout and new look T&S magazine seemed strangely familiar.

I keep a number of emergency fishing and/or car magazines next to the toilet in case I need to have a read and would you know it there was the latest T&S and a number of back copies of FF&FT from 2012. I put them side by side. Funny that.... and you folks who also keep back copies of magazines rather than bin them can tell me if it's just my imagination.... T&S looks just like FF&FT did.... two years ago.
Cover, layout, etc etc.

Perhaps there's only so many things you can do with a fishing magazine. Maybe it's just a question of copying someone else.

Does it really matter :? In truth probably not, but it fair tickled my funny bone for no good reason at all :cool:

H :cool:
Title: Re: The face-lifted Trout & Salmon magazine
Post by: Rob Brownfield on 08/09/2014 at 10:19
I too have a large ....well...several large piles of magazines..and yes...what goes around has indeed come around!

The other thing I notice is that the articles are all pretty much the same year in, year out. Just now its all about using red in your flies, fishing a bit deeper and so on...same as it was October last year, and the year before..and so on.

I have now decided to save my money and not bother buying any mags unless they have something worth reading about and that has not already benn dicussed here or on the web.