Fishing The Fly Scotland Forum

Rob Brownfield

Rivers and flooding
« on: 01/11/2009 at 19:30 »
Came back from Glasgow on the train today. Basically from Perth up the way every river we crossed was over its banks, including the Tay between Perth and Dundee. The Bervie, Cowie and Carron were flooding into any flat area next to them. The Dee was the only one within its banks...but i am sure further upstream it must be over.

What sort of impact is this going to have on stock/habitat? Will we see a decline in returning salmon in a few years and if so, what can be put in place to prevent this? Could it actually improve the fishing as many kelts etc will be getting washed back out to sea and therefore may return in greater numbers next year?

Jim Eddie

Re: Rivers and flooding
« Reply #1 on: 01/11/2009 at 19:33 »
Not sure Rob , it certainly will not do any good to the Resss I would have thought , but it is natural and nature if left alone does seem to be able to heal itself.




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